Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 32


Váratlan szögből

Click to see the original lyrics (Russian)
Nem hallgatok rappet
Csak egy van, akit néha meghallgatok, Egor Kreed, érdekes
Ő érdekes számomra
Az összes többi unalmas, öreg…bleh
Ide jutott mind, az a sok kocka(nerd)-autista
Az egyetlen érdekes személyiség az Egor Kreed
Ő csak anti-, ellenség, a gonosz megtestesítője.
A rapperek új beceneveket vesznek fel az ütközethez
Elrejtve ezzel valódi nevüket
Egyetértek, nem mindenki lehet Kreed
Ha én lennék L’om, az IZReaL csapatából
Én is szégyellném magam
Letekerem a fokozatot a mulatság kellős közepén
A harmadik körben megb***tam Romát, ebben meg majd L’ya-t
Dzsarahov és Levan repültek, te vagy az utolsó itt L
De az én árnyékomban maximum XXS
L, te vagy Eldar, akitől elvették a tehetséget
L, te vagy L’One, aki sosem ér el első helyet
Ki akartál b*szni velem, de a szerencse forgandó
L, itt neked nincs hangod, pont mint az L (betűnek) a “солнце” szóban
Te vagy az utolsó a zsidók közül a harcban
De olyan vontatottan olvasol, mintha egész héten szombat lenne
2020-as év, honnan ez az underground
Változtasd meg a beceneved SkoroBudu-ról (jelentése: Hamarosan érkezem) “Mindenhonnan elkések”-re
Hé, nagyfater, gyere ki az udvarra, játsszunk a footbaggel (heki labda)
Megmutatom neked az albumomat, célozd meg a kikötőt
Megetetjük a tamagotchit és David Blainet nézünk
Mindenki tartja a kapcsolatot egymással, elküldöm üzenetben az IQ szint értékét személyhívón (pager)
L Izraelből, oké
Mostmár értem, hogy miért nem vagy képes kecót találni magadnak 40 évesen
Old school energiákat érzek amikor próbálom hallgatni a zenéd
Te nem lelkes és eredeti vagy, hanem olcsó és dohos
Azt hitted ez a visszatérés valós, az merész
De ahhoz, hogy továbblépjek a hatodik szintre, kihagytam egy L’a-t
Visszatértél az alvilágból megküzdeni?
Hullazsákba csomagollak és visszateszlek a föld alá
Meghallgattam a számod, hmm, úgy tűnik nyertem
Nincs benned szikra, semmi ami érdeklődést keltene
Még ebből a nézőpontból is szívás, Tarantino
Mert én vagyok mindaz, amit Kreedtől sohasem vártál volna


Click to see the original lyrics (Russian)
Pussy boy, pussy boy vagyok
Pussy boy, pussy boy
Palagin az ütemen
Ez túl drága hang
Folyik belőle - Poszeidón vagyok (Splash)
Azonnal megadja, hát köszönöm (Köszönöm)
Kapcsolatot akar, Isten ments!
De amikor benne vagyok - pussy boy vagyok (Sktt)
Folyik belőle - Poszeidón vagyok (Drip)
Azonnal megadja, hát köszönöm (Köszönöm)
Kapcsolatot akar, Isten ments!
De amikor benne vagyok - pussy boy vagyok
Rádkattantam, mintha nem egy film, hanem egy sorozat lennél (Netflix)
Hogyan felejtselek el, beléptél a szívembe, illegális behatoló
Egy fehér repülőgép az égen sok emlékünket őrzi (Telegram)
Az agyam olyan, mint a barátnőidnek, mert valaki sokszor megrakta őket (oh, ba**dmeg)
A kő rajtam egy
Hatalmas opál (igen)
A hátam mögött egy nagydarab testőr (brrr)
Nem azért adtam ezt a k**vát, hogy elkényeztesd (ne tedd)
Sok a “csomag”körülöttünk, de ez nem egy bál
Habzsolom a p****t, igen, kannibál vagyok (nyami)
A segge ismét rajtam ugrál mint egy labda (Bounce)
Maszk mögé rejtem az arcom, mint Kabal
Te maszk mögé rejted magadat, karnevál
Végezz vele!
Folyik belőle - Poszeidón vagyok (Splash)
Azonnal megadja, hát köszönöm (Köszönöm)
Kapcsolatot akar, Isten ments!
De amikor benne vagyok - pussy boy vagyok (Sktt)
Folyik belőle - Poszeidón vagyok (Drip)
Azonnal megadja, hát köszönöm (Köszönöm)
Kapcsolatot akar, Isten ments!
De amikor benne vagyok - pussy boy vagyok
Kérlek gyere vissza hozzám, könyörgöm neked
Hát hol vagy? Nem látod, hogy szarul vagyok, nem érdekel
Nem akarok élni, meg akarok halni…
Te ezt drágám most komolyan elhitted?
K**vára leszarom!
Új k**va, csakmint a Pornhub
A tagomat óriásnak hívja (nagy)
Egy démon az ágyban, én meg a szektás (a fenébe)
De holnap kidobom.
Seggfej (fattyú)
A kezeimen van, mint a lakk (mint egy óra)
A késleltetése olyan mint a lag
De biztos vagyok benne, hogy ez a k**va úgy hazudik nekem, mint a drog
Meg fog ölni engem, de nekem még mindig van Gulagom
(*lövést imitáló hang* győzelem)
Folyik belőle - Poszeidón vagyok (Splash)
Azonnal megadja, hát köszönöm (Köszönöm)
Kapcsolatot akar, Isten ments!
De amikor benne vagyok - pussy boy vagyok
Folyik belőle - Poszeidón vagyok (Drip)
Azonnal megadja, hát köszönöm (Köszönöm)
Kapcsolatot akar, Isten ments!
De amikor benne vagyok - pussy boy vagyok


Click to see the original lyrics (Russian)
Szívtipró, szív-
Orosz rulettet játszol velünk
Öt (tár) feltöltve, egy (tár) üres
Hány vőlegény halt már meg általad, ha?!
Szép vagy kedvesem, de tudod, hogy ez nem a szépségről szól
És az összes kapott bókra már régóta immunitásod van
Olyan fontos számodra a bankkártyám egyenlege és felhatalmazása (oh)
Én ezt mind értem, de
Nem vagy velem -
Üdv balszerencse
Ránéz az (kar)órámra, de nem azért, hogy megtudja az időt
A szeme túl ravasz, mégis valamiért hiszek neki
És hagyd, hogy folyjon a bor
Veled vagyok - nem érdekel
Kedvesem, minden előre el van döntve és tudom a végeredményt
Végülis, te vagy az én…
Szívtipróm, szív-
Orosz rulettet játszol velünk
Öt (tár) feltöltve, egy (tár) üres
Hány vőlegény halt meg már általad, ha?!
Szívtipró, szív-
Orosz rulettet játszol velünk
Szívtipró, szív-
Hány vőlegény halt már meg általad, te lány?!
Nem érti, hogy én ezt így nem tudom csinálni
Őszintén, vicc nélkül
Igaz, elnézést, ha így felbosszantalak
Annyira belefáradtam a “kalandjaidba”, hogy
Már napok óta nem aludtam
Vártalak vissza a klubokból
Igen, tudom, hogy hülyeség volt
De néha könnyebb érezni, mint gondolkodni
Készen állok kiáltani -
Adj nekem egy megafont
De te ismét, válaszul meghúzod a kezemet
És hagyd, hogy folyjon a bor
Veled vagyok - nem érdekel
Kedvesem (kedvesem)
Minden előre el van döntve és tudom a végeredményt
Végülis, te vagy az én…
Szívtipróm, szív-
Orosz rulettet játszol velünk
Öt (tár) feltöltve, egy (tár) üres
Hány vőlegény halt meg már általad, ha?!
És ha te hozzászoktál, hogy te vagy a vadász, hidd el
Oda fog jönni hozzád egy gyengéd és kedves szörnyeteg képében (a lány)
Még azt is megengedi, hogy elfogd
Csakhogy itt, nem te vagy a vadász
A vadász az ő…
Szívtipró, szív-
Orosz rulettet játszol velünk
Öt (tár) feltöltve, egy (tár) üres
Hány vőlegény halt már meg általad, ha?!
Szívtipró, szív-
Orosz rulettet játszol velünk
Szívtipró, szív-
Hány vőlegény halt már meg általad, te lány?!


On my wrist is the Rolex and there are stripes under it
Your hairs are on my bed
I reheard files recorded with your voice
You know I can't handle this pain on my own
On my wrist is the Rolex and there are stripes under it(No-no)Your hairs are on my bed(Do shine!)
I reheard files recorded with your voice
You know I can't handle this pain on my own
Wow, this gin sweeps the complexes (Ooh-yeah)
As the asphalt erases the Converses 1 The girl from the picture became the girl from the comics(kinda Marvel)2
But then she's disappeared - tricks
Yes, sometimes I'm rude (Yes)
I know that I don't look like a monogamous person
I told you, I don't like your girlfriends (Oh no)
In the end, all your girlfriends are my groupies3 (Facts)
I removed everything sharp things from the house - I don't mean food
After all, these lines on your body do not suit you
I know it hurts to see emptiness instead of a pain
And it's so hard for me to forget all your simplicity
On my wrist is the Rolex and there are stripes under it(No-no)Your hairs are on my bed(Do shine!)
I reheard files recorded with your voice
You know I can't handle this pain on my own
Everything inside me turns to ice (Ice)
Everything always passes, but it won't pass now
But there are so many 'buts', the opposite is true (On the contrary)
Kinda you ain't that one, kinda I ain't that one (Not that one)
Our paths diverge - it's okay
We will be spread on other sides that we won't collide with the foreheads
Everything will be forgotten sooner or later
Love is such a joke - it leaves scars (Facts)
I removed everything sharp things from the house - I don't mean food
After all, these lines on your body do not suit you
I know it hurts to see emptiness instead of a pain
And it's so hard for me to forget all your simplicity
On my wrist is the Rolex and there are stripes under it
Your hairs are on my bed
I reheard files recorded with your voice
You know I can't handle this pain on my own
On my wrist is the Rolex and there are stripes under it(No-no)
Your hairs are on my bed(Do shine!)
I reheard files recorded with your voice
You know I can't handle this pain on my own


Nem értem...
Miért nem tudja kimondani a nevemet?
Kórus. Egor Kreed
Pici Amerikában úgy hívnak, hogy Igor.
Igor menő, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, menő vagyok, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, menő vagyok, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, menő vagyok, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, jövök, maradj!
Kuplé. Egor Kreed
Odintsovoba költöztem
Végül is az exem Vika
A lányát Vikának hívják.
Mindketten szeretjük a zenét és Kreed-et.
Csodált CSSZV-schnick, ez Egor - írják a kommentekben.
Hála istennek ez mind nem én vagyok, hisz az én nevem Igor.
Mi olyan erősnek látszunk, látjátok?
Mindketten dolgoztunk együtt Timati-val.
Mindketten szeretve vagyunk szülők által.
Véletlen egybeesés, igen-
Közvetlen válaszoltam ennak a lánynak.
Kicsit lelassulni.
Végül azt mondta nekem:
- Igor, és ki ez a Egor?
Kórus. Egor Kreed
Pici Európában úgy hívnak, hogy Igor.
Igor menő, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, menő vagyok, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, menő vagyok, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, menő vagyok, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, jövök, maradj!
Igor menő, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, menő vagyok, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, menő vagyok, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, menő vagyok, mint Igor Krutoy.
Menő, jövök, maradj!

Coconut Water

Hey, bae, you wanted to play again (ya)
Sorry, but I gotta go soon (ah-ah-ah)
You stayed here up until morning (ah)
Bankroll again, he was right it turned out
Vetements are your tips (tips)
Baby, ice tea's melting on my hands (ice tea)
She knows my style (tea)
Sorry, baby, I ain't a star
Your moves are fake (eeh)
White coco's a snow
She wants my success
Baby needs only
Coconut water, coconut water
On my neck, sucks on your neck
Coconut water, coconut water
On my neck, two chains on your neck
Coconut water (bitch), coconut water (wow)
On my neck, sucks on your neck (poom)
Coconut water, coconut water (bitch)
On my neck, two chains on your neck
Her glass is full of X.O (wha?)
One bitch's not enough, I want more (bitch)
All your bad boys are nothing (ye)
She won't shut her mouth, I close the account (cash)
Baby wants Coconut Chanel, she's an Instagram model (ya)
Cristal on the bed, luxe hotel (ya)
She no need more, she loves enough of this shit (hm)
And how's she playing with you from sparkling wine (dzing)
So what if she's yours, it's not your fault (ye-ah)
Bitch's having a crush on you, only when she's drunk (oh, ya)
Yeah, The Limba's with me, baby, it ain't a game (ye)
A night on Tarantino — money, cards, two pistols (ha)
Coconut water, coconut water
On my neck, sucks on your neck
Coconut water, coconut water
On my neck, two chains on your neck
Coconut water (bitch), coconut water (wow)
On my neck, sucks on your neck (poom)
Coconut water, coconut water (bitch)
On my neck, two chains on your neck
This bitch loves coconut (ha)
Her life's in slow mo (ha-ha-ha, bitch)


Versions: #1
I can’t be with you and without you.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear...
This is Egor Kreed!
I feel your scent on my sweater.
I’ll put my arm over my eyes and I’ll feel you standing in front of me again.
We’ve said “goodbye” to each other at the wrong moment.
And again at down I’m going home on autopilot.
Oh man, I’m changing hotels, I’m sick of these models in my bed.
I’m confused again. I write a message and then I delete it.
I still have feelings for you. Ignore it.
And don’t think about me each time you’re with him.
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
Moments have yelled at my soul to sense the emotions.
I won’t write about my thoughts because my doubts have blocked them.
I will drink all the love till I become drunk.
Maybe it’s stupid but I don’t give a sh*t what other people think.
Stop it! Again I’m attracted to the thing that isn’t attractive anymore.
It’s the story of two psychos. And who will tell them what to do?
I still have feelings for you. Ignore it.
And don’t think about me each time you’re with him.
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
I’ve made you up for me.
Or I’ve made me up for you.
I’ve made up the world in which
All disputes aren’t resolved by shouts but kisses.
But I just want to win.
It’s your turn. Place the “X” in the middle.
This game always ends in a draw.
Why can’t we just be together?
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.
I can’t be with you and without you.
You’re my best friend and my worst enemy.
I can’t be with you and without you.
And a broken tear will fall again.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Versions: #1
[Egor Kreed]
You’re going to work, I’m on tour again
My friends will tell me Im an idiot for falling in love with a fool
I want to talk about the pain inside, but i’m censoring it
I’m laughing, because Im a chess player, since your figure is in my head
You can’t buy feeling with cash
Just know, men don’t care about the coolness of your manicure
It matters what’s inside, even if being cool is in your nature
Love - is insanity, from fights to sex, in just a smoke break
[Chorus: Egor Kreed & Nyusha]
Were just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith
But this isn’t love, so no offense
I’m going home, please don’t call
If I call - don’t pick up your phone
Were just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith
But this isn’t love, so no offense
I’m going home, please don’t call
If I call - don’t pick up your phone
You know, we always lived on different planets,
You always saw winter, and I saw summer.
We fell asleep at dawn,
But I didn’t know that that I was in a cage
So strong,
so wild
But you never cared to find out what’s inside
You never asked, but I forgave you.
(I forgave you)
[Chorus: Egor Kreed & Nyusha]
Were just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith
But this isn’t love, so no offense
I’m going home, please don’t call
If I call - don’t pick up your phone
Were just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith
But this isn’t love, so no offense
I’m going home, please don’t call
If I call - don’t pick up your phone
[Egor Kreed & Nuysha]
I really want to forget you
But music reminds me of you
The world where it was just you and me
The world where it was just you and me
Why is it so hard, when you’re near me
We’re not the same, but with the same look in our eyes
The heart is being stabbed, it’s the truth
(How can I forget you?)
[Chorus: Egor Kreed & Nyusha]
Were just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith
But this isn’t love, so no offense
I’m going home, please don’t call
If I call - don’t pick up your phone
Were just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith
But this isn’t love, so no offense
I’m going home, please don’t call
If I call - don’t pick up your phone
Were just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith
But this isn’t love, so no offense
I’m going home, please don’t call
If I call - don’t pick up your phone
Were just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith
But this isn’t love, so no offense
I’m going home, please don’t call
If I call - don’t pick up your phone


5-8, Penza
My number
My number is 5-8, 5-8, 5-8, 5-8
My number is 5-8, 5-8, 5-8, 5-8
[Verse 1:]
All that was before, (bro), I don't care (bro)
I want to go to the movies (but) and there's some popcorn.
Two bitches under the wine (club), here rolls the muse (fiu)
They're coming with me to the house, how lucky
But I don't love them.
And tomorrow will also be - every day, as dejavu
I miss on tour, but I don't want to go to Moscow (oh my gosh)
I want to go with you on Fifth Avenue (u-I)
[Verse 2:]
I want to go to Penza, forget about work
I want to be small again to be carefree.
I want at least a day not to count the banknotes
And stick to Contra or at least Dota
Yesterday I was walking on Moscow, today I was eating in a wheelbarrow (fiu-fiu)
It's all about work, it's not about luck (oh, yes)
I throw packs on your bitch's body (fiu)
Look how the provincial boy was corroding.
My number is 5-8, 5-8, 5-8, 5-8
My number is 5-8, 5-8, 5-8, 5-8
My number is 5-8, 5-8, 5-8, 5-8
My number is 5-8, 5-8, 5-8, 5-8

New Year tastes better

That we're going to be deceived again,
They won't give our anything.
Today I'm your Grandfather Frost,
So it's going to be hot in winter.
The girls were lined up.
Close your eyes
Open the gifts!
Bengal fire in the air.
Today it's easy to be happy.
No wounds and no 'late.'
We walk till morning.
Toast to toast.
Snow Maiden is nearby, friends are nearby.
On WhatsApp, congratulations on the snowfall.
Turned the calendar for 2020
There's no time to be sad.
It's time to smile.
You know,
New Year tastes better with Lays
Minions carry my tutus.
Hello to all the cities.
I'm here at your house.
And in your car.
At Disco Accident
New Year's Eve is racing for us.
It's going to happen soon.
It's going to happen that you're dreaming.
That we're going to be deceived again,
They won't give me anything.
It won't be long.
Soon there will be a Christmas tree.
Just a little sense,
If Santa Claus song
Children won't sing.
You know,
New Year tastes better with Lays

Nekem tetszik

Első szakasz:
Minden negatívom a te negatívjaidon.
Bárhogy forgatod, az +-t eredményez.
Minden gyengeségem a te lelkeden szárad.
Bárhogy forgatod, szívem szerint fogok szeretni.
És minden nap veled, mintha az első alkalom lenne.
Csak csókolj, még ezerszer is.
Olyan nehezen, de könnyen elkaptalak.
Elkaptalak és kérlek ne engedj el.
Refrén: [x2]
Nekem tetszik... Nekem tetszik...
Amikor a szépségem mosolyog.
Nekem tetszik... Nekem tetszik...
Amikor a szereteted az enyémmel játszik.
Mádosik szakasz:
Pimasz gondolatok, amiket nem rejtünk el.
Ki nem kockáztat, tudod, velünk inni.
Kislány, légy velem, annyira akarlak téged.
Közelebb és közelebb, tudtam, hogy szerencsés leszek.
És minden nap veled, mintha az első alkalom lenne.
CSak csókolj, még ezerszer is.
Olyan nehezen, de könnyen elkaptalak.
Elkaptalak és kérlek ne engedj el.
Refrén: [x3]
Nekem tetszik... Nekem tetszik...
Amikor a szépségem mosolyog.
Nekem tetszik... Nekem tetszik...
Amikor a szereteted az enyémmel játszik.

Happy song

[Chorus: Egor Kreed & MORGENSHTERN]
If I'm suddenly gone, baby (baby)
That's how, maybe, it'll be even easier (beh)
Now you can spend my money
Tell the kids how cool was I (shish)
What if I'm suddenly gone, baby (hey)
That's how, maybe, it'll be even easier (yeah)
Now you can spend my money (yeah)
Tell the kids how cool was I
[Verse 1: Egor Kreed]
If I'm suddenly gone, baby (woah)
No matter, I'll be still trendy (fact)
Just in case, I made a couple of songs
If you want to sell it, then sell it like Banksy
And take all the cheques (woah)
At nineteen I dreamed to become a young father (father)
Find true love and give her a ring (ding)
I'm twenty five, I'm the main bachelor in the country (yes)
So many bitches around me, how I should write about them? (haha)
Right (right), left (left), angel, demon
But I again (no) don't believe them (beh)
I'm wasting time (time), wasting nerves (yes)
How much (cash) money I have?
[Bridge: Egor Kreed]
I release smoke again, release hits
Mom, I'm a legend, but I won't die young (not)
Days fly by (days!), I'm getting lost in them (them!)
So what I can say to you, if there's only one call?
[Chorus: Egor Kreed & MORGENSHTERN]
If I'm suddenly gone, baby (baby)
That's how, maybe, it'll be even easier (beh)
Now you can spend my money
Tell the kids how cool was I (shish)
What if I'm suddenly gone, baby (hey)
That's how, maybe, it'll be even easier (yeah)
Now you can spend my money (yeah)
Tell the kids how cool was I
Hey, if I'm suddenly gone, bro (bro)
Then half of them will be happy (hm)
The other half will dr-drop tears
Nobody will be fucked — what does that mean (sure)
The last day and it wildly tempts
The hell with the money (money), the hell with the gems (ice)
What am I going to write to my mom?
The last message on Telegram:
'Yes, I'm happy, Mom (I'm)
Apenado, but I won't be happy
I'd been the first for you, but not a parade (I'd)
And anyway, I'll make you happy there, but it's time for us'
Ah, still we're at da block (block)
Smoking — that blow
Hotta as glo
I'm a poet, I'm Blok
And, bottie is on me now mommy
Savage as Panin
Mom, it's too early for me
I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die
[Chorus: Egor Kreed & MORGENSHTERN]
If I'm suddenly gone, baby (baby)
That's how, maybe, it'll be even easier (beh)
Now you can spend my money
Tell the kids how cool was I (shish)
What if I'm suddenly gone, baby (hey)
That's how, maybe, it'll be even easier (yeah)
Now you can spend my money (yeah)
Tell the kids how cool was I
[Outro: Egor Kreed]
If I'm suddenly gone, baby


Millions of people on one wave with us
Millions of ideas, we put them together
Come on, dancing together, hands up
Ru-TV is a family, let's sing the chorus together
I'm on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
Me - Ru-TV, Ru-TV
I'm on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
Dance with us
We're on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
Us - Ru-TV, Ru-TV
We're on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
We're on the best channel
Millions of eyes
From Moscow to Kamchatka they catch the broadcast
You see the roof in antennas
Our hits are heard from different apartments
You decided to figure out
Who in business show is important and who is whose idol
Don't be so shy
Immerse with us in the world of music
Show out on screen at work
Or if you miss a few
Make a clip of you on the phone
Upload it on the network, all of them recognised you
Your last step to all who didn't believe
Shut up at last
Made a cool Russian product
And you're on the best music channel
Positive mood is provided there always
If the day was difficult and tired in the evening
Didn't hang on Instagram, Twitter or YouTube
Switch to our channel quickly, they're waiting there for you
This is Ru-TV, we're giving spirits to all
This is Ru-TV working all day
This is Ru-TV with just the greatest clips
And we're singing the chorus of the best songs together
I'm on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
Me - Ru-TV, Ru-TV
I'm on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
Dance with us
We're on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
Us - Ru-TV, Ru-TV
We're on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
We're on the best channel
I'm on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
Me - Ru-TV, Ru-TV
I'm on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
Dance with us
We're on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
Us - Ru-TV, Ru-TV
We're on Ru-TV, Ru-TV
We're on the best channel


Heartbreaker, heart-heartbreaker
You are playing with us Russian roulette
Five charged up, one - idle
How many husbands/suitors already killed by you, huh?!
You are beautiful dear, but you know, the deal ain't about beauty
And on all compliments you already long had an immunity
For you my card score and authority is so important
I understand this all, but to me you're dumb - hello misfortune
She looks at my watch, but not to find out the time
Her eyes too clever, but for some reason I believe them
And let the wine pour, I am with you - I don't care
Dear, everything has been in advance decided and I know the result
After all you're my.....
Heartbreaker, heart-heartbreaker
You are playing with us Russian roulette
Five charged up, one - idle
How many husbands/suitors already killed by you, huh?!
Heartbreaker, heart-heartbreaker
You are playing with us Russian roulette
Heartbreaker, heart-breaker
How many husbands/suitors already killed by you, girl?!
She doesn't understand, that I can't like this
Honestly, no joke
True, excuse me, if I am so mad at you
I am tired from your torture
Already I haven't slept around for days
Waited for you in the back of clubs
Yes, I know, this was stupid
But sometimes it is easier to feel, than think
I'm ready to shout - give me a megaphone
But you again in response pull my arm
And let the wine pour
I am with you - I don't care
Dear (dear)
Everything has been in advance decided
And I know the result
After all you're my.....
Heartbreaker, heart-heartbreaker
You are playing with us Russian roulette
Five charged up, one - idle
How many husbands/suitors already killed by you
And if you're used to being a hunter, trust
She will come to you as a tender and gentle beast
And even allow you to catch herself
Only here you aren't the hunter
The hunter is her -
Heartbreaker, heart-heartbreaker
You are playing with us Russian roulette
Five charged up, one - idle
How many husbands/suitors already killed by you, huh?!
Heartbreaker, heart-heartbreaker
You are playing with us Russian roulette
Heartbreaker, heart - breaker
How many husbands/suitors already killed by you, girl?!
You may not re-print my translations unless you link back to this original page. Thank you and please respect that.


I do not understand...
Why can't she speak my name?
Chorus. Yegor Creed
Small America calls me Igor.
Igor is cool, like Igor Krutoy.
Cool, I'm cool, like Igor Cool.
Cool, I'm cool, like Igor Cool.
Cool, I'm cool, like Igor Cool.
Steep, I'm coming, stay!
Couplet Yegor Creed
Moved to Odintsovo (Why?)
After all, my ex Vika.
His daughter's name is Vika.
We both love music and love Creed.
Admired ChSV-Schnick, this Egor - they write in the comments.
Thank God all this is not for me, because my name is Igor.
We look so much you see?
We both worked with Timati.
Both of us are loved by parents.
Coincidence, yes - amazing.
I responded directly to this girl.
Slightly slowing down.
She finally told me:
- Igor, and who is this Egor?
Chorus. Yegor Creed
Small Europe calls me Igor.
Igor is cool, like Igor Krutoy.
Cool, I'm cool, like Igor Cool.
Cool, I'm cool, like Igor Cool.
Cool, I'm cool, like Igor Cool.
Steep, I'm coming, stay!
Igor is cool, like Igor Krutoy.
Cool, I'm cool, like Igor Cool.
Cool, I'm cool, like Igor Cool.
Cool, I'm cool, like Igor Cool.
Steep, I'm coming, stay!

The time hasn't come

Baby I'm in love
I don't answer ur call
You know, I'm with the other girl
Forget me, that's it
Our time has not come,
Our time has not come.
Baby I'm in love
I don't answer ur call
You know, I'm with the other girl
Forget me, that's it
Our time has not come,
Our time has not come.
So easy to say when you're not around,
It's so simple to be silent when everything is clear from the look.
Don't just forgive when you break an oath,
We want to trust, but it’s so hard to know where the lies are and where the truth is.
What are the punchlines? In a relationship, everything is not easy,
We are always on the way to where we are scared and where it is very acute.
Our little island is our bed,
But again, another bed and again not you, again a stupid hotel
Forgive me, let go and be happy with him
But only my quiet home remembered love and your smell of perfume.
Baby I'm in love
I don't answer ur call
You know, I'm with the other girl
Forget me, that's it
Our time has not come,
Our time has not come.
Baby I'm in love
I don't answer ur call
You know, I'm with the other girl
Forget me, that's it
Our time has not come,
Our time has not come.
Come on, subdue and surrender - yes,
Furious, offended - yes,
Let go to cling - yes
Allow to err, allow jealous
But do not compete.
If you gather all the words of love in the world,
That story about you will be brief.
We are like Kanye and Kim, no, more like Jolie and Pitt,
You see me with the other girl, I see you with the other man.
Lie and tell me what is inside you.
We are not Barbie and Ken,
Although, it would be better if everyone decided for us, as in Sims.
Want to come back that day, feel everything?
Just go to sleep - we will be there.
Forgive me, let go and be happy with him
But only my quiet home remembered love and your smell of perfume.
Just answer me - what does love mean to you?
What does love mean to you?
After all, someone said that it does not exist -
Well, we don't believe them!

Love Online

Write Vkontakte the seventh word 'Love' and you can assume that this track is about you.
I'm ready to argue that you will not understand the essence of the whole problem in this song.
Yes, you went, as you are called 'Love' there, you are not alone, because anyone can fall in love.
Come on, it's a crappy feeling together, you do not need me anymore, go away, on the heart it's empty.
Think yourself or yourself, why all this: tears, sadness, insults, and minute moments.
When you fuck her thinking about someone else and then again, and still, and the account is already lost.
All these love letters inside the network, when you sit and update the page of another,
Absorbing alcohol, everything softens nicotine, you are not alone, because somewhere there is the second half.
Who did not see you in the face, will write what loves you as no other.
Explain to me that this is a joke, if such a bastard is now called Love.
All these statuses, sp and other poebota, an album called 'Love' is called care.
You remember when the last time gave flowers, not gifts to Vkontakte, stupid, blacks, zadrota.
The word 'love' has lost its meaning, do you want to prove it? Enter it in the search for messages.
The concepts change very quickly, when they say 'Love' a hundred times, there are doubts.
The word 'love' has lost its meaning, do you want to prove it? Enter it in the search for messages.
The concepts change very quickly, when they say 'Love' a hundred times, there are doubts.
You have a boyfriend: he's 20 to you 16, and your services in bed have earned the ovations of his friends.
He needs only one, and when the door opens, everything becomes clear.
You have tears, you are fucking - he does not care, you gave what he wanted, and now 'So far' is a girlfriend.
Do not think that such a hurry happens only in the cinema, opening the veins of the house in the bathroom love bitch.
How many people lose themselves because of someone, how many people go to another world for somebody.
How many people suffer for a lifetime because of someone, I have brought a verdict for myself - love poebota.
There are two kinds of love: what was the one that is. Maybe you will not understand me, but you will hear about yourself here.
People have not learned to take care of what they have, enjoy the love of the net, sitting under different roofs.
The word 'love' has lost its meaning, do you want to prove it? Enter it in the search for messages.
The concepts change very quickly, when they say 'Love' a hundred times, there are doubts.
The word 'love' has lost its meaning, do you want to prove it? Enter it in the search for messages.
The concepts change very quickly, when they say 'Love' a hundred times, there are doubts.

Beyond Time

Your love is not measurable
Maybe you are from heaven
Or in general, from another world, you know.
You are for me something like an idol
And I am ready to follow you while there is still strength.
Kilometers per kilometer
Miles after mile
I promise to be close to you so you are happy
Family is most important, I want you to know
Our love is timeless
And you just be yourself
Always stay that way
Just be with me
Let them say they are not compatible with you.
But you get closer
Just be closer
Just be closer
Just be closer
They say around us that we are not on our way at all.
Let them talk
That we are not a compatible item
What time is not
What if the ashes of cigarettes fall down
But I'm obsessed with you, I'm stuck on you
I know how many words will be said
How many stories will be
We are two particles without which this puzzle does not collect
Family is most important, I want you to know
Our love is timeless
And you just be yourself
Always stay that way
Just be with me
Let them say they are not compatible with you.
But you get closer
Just be closer
Just be closer
Just be closer
Love is something
What is difficult to simply describe in words
Love is like a drug
Worth a try
And do not stop
Without it, we are just something
Love and be loved
Just be yourself
Always stay that way
Just be with me
Let them say that we are not compatible with you.
But you get closer
You just be closer
get closer closer
Be closer
Always stay that way
Just be with me
Let them say they are not compatible with you.
But you get closer
Just be closer
Just be closer
Just be closer
And you just be yourself
Always stay that way
Just be with me
Let them say they are not compatible with you.
But you get closer
Just be closer
Just be closer
Just be closer

Come Back, Forgive Me

Again, sleepless night, I drink liters of pain, finishing my last breath, the subtlety of soul and your love through time ...
I miss the cells of your body,
Her eyes are the color of the morning sea ...
You see, I want to be the first, that's enough!
I will not love from yourself your ideal ...
I like it in my thoughts, I’ve got it all, breaking the silence into thousands of small pieces ..
Soaked in tears sharp splinters ..
We have not seen a tram, indifferently taking away farther and farther from each other ..
In a misunderstanding, hardening the heart and dulling the feelings ..
Gray whisper looks constrained.
Here is the silence of a lifeless alley, where only the wind blows, cold and North ..
We waited at different stations, spitting on pride and leaving home in half-empty cars ...
With a shudder, she returned to my knitted world ...
I carelessly threw the keys on the table and, nervously biting my lips at the door, I was waiting for you, finally, you are home...
With a shudder, she returned to my knitted world ...
I carelessly threw the keys on the table and, nervously biting my lips at the door, I was waiting for you, finally, you are home...
Come on, let's remember everything that happened, if your heart is not cold in your chest ..
Everything was nice, no, everything was as you loved, and I endured it, sending pride, gathering all my strength into a fist ...
Closing my eyes, because it's easier for me with you...
He himself is not his or confused with someone's fate...
Just a hike, I got into your network, but a fair wind led me to them...
Square is our favorite place, our love path from the park to the entrance...
And how many survived together, I don’t even know, but without you, I’m freezing, Zaya, the world seemed to stop...
Our life test - it remains to pass it, but this is not a movie, and everything is predetermined by the creator ...
But love lives inside. Forget the bad, I'm waiting for you, come back, forgive me...
With a shudder, she returned to my knitted world ...
I carelessly threw the keys on the table and, nervously biting my lips at the door, I was waiting for you, finally, you are home...
With a shudder, she returned to my knitted world ...
I carelessly threw the keys on the table and, nervously biting my lips at the door, I was waiting for you, finally, you are home...
With a shudder, she returned to my knitted world ...
I carelessly threw the keys on the table and, nervously biting my lips at the door, I was waiting for you, finally, you are home...
With a shudder, she returned to my knitted world ...
I carelessly threw the keys on the table and, nervously biting my lips at the door, I was waiting for you, finally, you are home...


Running barefoot on the asphalt,
stumbling over thoughts -
I do not want to remember these disputes,
let's leave behind the walls of the quarrel.
When it rains outside the windows,
when I wait and know that you will not come.
When my heart flies into the fire.
When I have the old album in my hands,
I remember, Where I was with you running across the roofs,
Later watched at midnight. And now, we are not now,
Understand that I could unravel your world.
The sun no longer shines brightly for us.
So deep that it does not reach their anchor.
It hurts so much, and I don’t understand
How to wipe the spots from your soul.
Again, crazy. Say what a bullshit it is!
Why is our love than without a plot?
The door is closed, only the eyes are open.
I'm drunk in the Blackboard, writing you posts on Twitter.
Understand that we broke everything ourselves
that we once suddenly became others.
Now I do not collect this puzzle.
Now I do not forget these phrases.
Understand that we broke everything ourselves
that we once suddenly became others.
Now I do not collect this puzzle.
Now I do not forget these phrases.
Accelerate and jump.
Fly, despite the loss.
I do not want to remember what was,
I do not want to make our lives come true.
And we do not see the whole truth,
Love is only a dream, but it can be real.
We are not with you - I just dreamed it
Our feelings are at one's mercy.
The sun no longer shines brightly for us.
So deep that it does not reach their anchor.
It hurts so much, and I don’t understand
How to wipe the spots from your soul.
Again, crazy. Say what a bullshit it is!
Why is our love than without a plot?
The door is closed, only the eyes are open.
I'm drunk in the Blackboard, writing you posts on Twitter.
Understand that we broke everything ourselves
that we once suddenly became others.
Now I do not collect this puzzle.
Now I do not forget these phrases.
Understand that we broke everything ourselves
that we once suddenly became others.
Now I do not collect this puzzle.
Now I do not forget these phrases.

I'm At Your Feet

I'm at your feet, don't say 'Thank you' -
God helped you with this - thank him.
I'm at your feet, don't say 'Thank you' -
God helped you with this - thank him.
This is Egor Creed.
She's crazy in her white dress,
As if in a straitjacket, and we're in the ward.
We are barking, yes, we are barking.
My feelings are a treasure, burying them deeper.
What is her spirit, you do not know.
Hides sadness under a smile, and the secret is not in comfort.
Degree above-below, better not interfere.
12 yards between us, as if I beat a penalty.
Her legs beckon me, I have not seen better
Tsok-tsok heels, though not henpecked.
She knows who is the best here, and wants to be together.
I will sing the chorus of her favorite song.
I'm at your feet, don't say 'Thank you' -
God helped you with this - thank him.
I'm at your feet, don't say 'Thank you' -
God helped you with this - thank him.
Your imperfect love
It makes me perfect.
The fallen angel flies out again
I want you simple and ordinary.
Again the empty bowl of scales
But emptiness will raise me higher -
Above the clouds, this plane will carry us there,
Where it's quieter.
Her legs beckon me, I have not seen better
Tsok-tsok heels, though not henpecked.
She knows who is the best here, and wants to be together.
I will sing the chorus of her favorite song.
I'm at your feet, don't say 'Thank you' -
God helped you with this - thank him.
I'm at your feet, don't say 'Thank you' -
God helped you with this - thank him.

The tiny clock

[Egor Kreed:]
Yes, I have a lot to tell.
After all, they often write that my life is one big show.
They blow each little issue up into a scandal
if I just give them a damned opportunity
What I gave the country was a real deal.
But by now I accept the truth as a lie.
I poured my soul into the 'Bachelor' project.
So you better keep your hands off my soul, bitch!
Red roses, yes, those damned red roses.
These are my mistakes, my decisions, my actions...
...and her tears.
I'm pretty much vegan, but I'm shitfaced again )*
I'm running thru a red light, I went off the track
Although the inner voice often whispers to me
that I've lost my way again
So many people think I'd better give it all up,
get up and leave.
Your love keeps me warm when the (weather) forecast
says less than -6 (degrees Celsius) inside
And my clock is laughing at us as well
because time flies so fast.
Keep calling me your girl,
then hug me, and then lie to me.
And the tiny clock is laughing tick-tock,
simply love me, don't hold anything back.)**
Keep calling me your girl,
then hug me, and then lie to me.
And the tiny clock is laughing tick-tock,
simply love me, don't hold anything back.
[Egor Kreed:]
I have no regrets.
I stumbled, who gives a damn, I'll get up.
I seek the truth even in the most deceitful girl,
No, I don't pretend in love...
No, I don't need to
I simply want for you to be with me after the tour
After all, behind every [real] man you will find an even stronger lady.
What a shame how social networks have ruined what family stood for
I'm not a saint, nor am I the best choice.
I'll lie to you, but only when saying that I'll break up with you.
Although the inner voice often whispers to me
that I've lost my way again
So many people think I'd better give it all up,
get up and leave.
Your love keeps me warm when the (weather) forecast
says less than -6 (degrees Celsius) inside
And my clock is laughing at us as well
because time flies so fast.
Keep calling me your girl,
then hug me, and then lie to me.
And the tiny clock is laughing tick-tock,
simply love me, don't hold anything back.
Keep calling me your girl,
then hug me, and then lie to me.
And the tiny clock is laughing tick-tock,
simply love me, don't hold anything back.

Don't play the game of love with those older than you

You left the relationship, but there's still a collar on the neck
Trampling my love, you chose money
You could call yourself a slut and shoot porn.
You fool, don't tell me that in love age is just a number
while I loved you as if it were the first time
We were together 2 years, yet it went by like an hour
The choice you gave me was in a form of a verdict:
'My friends or you'. No, that went too far.
You know what? I well know that you freeze up
when you close your eyes with him, you're imagining me
You hate yourself, but you need a family
You need money, fame, and you need me
You are 18 and he's around 30
Well, tell me where are your life principles now?
But I don't care anymore.
When you walk by - I won't even look in your direction
It's your choice, to be driven by good life
Mixing up destiny with drugs, washing it down with whiskey
You were so sweet... when I fell in love with your looks
Such a pity, but one can't turn back time
Don't play the game of love with those older than you
You open your heart up to them
It will be painful .. very painful, breaking up...
I was in love with you. A naive boy
I was very jealous. As a matter of fact, way too much!
And remained calm, most likely playing along
And you realized that you have beat me in this game
My expectations were, that you missed me when not together
and have always waited for me
But you were waiting for someone else, who could
make all your materialistic wishes a reality
He who would simply be richer and older
And who gives a fuck, that after work he is always tired
or after school, or after meeting friends
Regardless, he has thousands of reasons and ideas
not to be with you, and he also plays
the same game that you used to play with me
except now you are a pawn, and he is the king
Would you still choose the successful one? Or this time love?

Millions of scarlet roses

I write about love so often that love
Stuttering will write a story about me
We made a deal
I tattooed your name on my left hand
And in reality weeks flew by
Everyone kept telling you 'He doesn't have any money'
What the hell is love
Your dad's opinion is stronger
You lie a thousand times, throw a thousand phrases
Then a thousand tears, but where are you now?
Strong with words but crash when it comes to actions
You were the best - now you're my fear
Your truth makes me laugh
You're so sure in it
Only because you lied so much
That you ended up believing it
Love and hate you, hate that I love you
The temperature in my heart is dropping closer to zero
Love and hate you, hate that I love you
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the window, from the window, from the window you see
Who is in love, who is in love, who is in love seriously
Turned their life into flowers for you
You have nine lives so give me mine back, there'll be eight left
To everyone you're a house cat but again and again you b*itch ask to come over
Don't bother dreaming up anything else, And i doubt everything will be like before
Yea I'm playing with fire but better this than hiding from the fake
(O sh*t)
Show me your card, there's a heart but also a spade
You only need me when I have money, when I'm at the top
Millions of moments, I gave you everything. Forget it, no problem.
But I remembered and remember each cut and gifted rose 1
Love and hate you, hate that I love you
The temperature in my heart is dropping closer to zero
Love and hate you, hate that I love you
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the window, from the window, from the window you see
Who is in love, who is in love, who is in love seriously
Turned their life into flowers for you (2x)
In life it happens
But I turned it into flowers

Family Said

No I don't need more money. I dream of relaxing on a monday
He strongly believes in me - in this reflection is that lazy guy
Need more fans, more stages, more tracks
Top Shazam, top iTunes, so the family can say
No I don't need more money. I dream of relaxing on a monday
He strongly believes in me - in this reflection is that lazy guy
Need more fans, more stages, more tracks
Top Shazam, top iTunes, so the family can say
No I don't need more money
Concerts, concerts, hundred thousands. Behind Crocus Expo
Ледовый is on the line, I'll come in crocs
It's gonna be so hot (oh sh*t), water on the dance floor
Legs are ready and muscles are charged
I'm always young and always new
Your baby knows who her favorite rapper is
And if she's mad - you know where to find tickets
the V.I.P.'s are packed, like the hands that are full
At all my parties (all my parties)
Moscow today, Dubai tomorrow
Everyone knows Russian there (Evgeniy Kuzin)
We're young businessmen, f*ck the problems
Gucci emblems, they dream to be where we are
I'm in LA and the angel will present itself as a demon
EK team, EK family forever
No I don't need more money. I dream of relaxing on a monday
He strongly believes in me - in this reflection is that lazy guy
Need more fans, more stages, more tracks
Top Shazam, top iTunes, so the family can say
No I don't need more money. I dream of relaxing on a monday
He strongly believes in me - in this reflection is that lazy guy
Need more fans, more stages, more tracks
Top Shazam, top iTunes, so the family can say
No I don't need more money
Yea I was always a tough teen
Visits to the police station, Penza remembers everything, the walls keep my signature
Bottles of Montana clang in my backpack, rollerblades on my feet and onto the ramp
17, I'm going to Moscow. My dream is clear, I rub the magic lamp with the genie
23, I'm driving in a lambo. Ghost town like Adam Lambert
Walk out in Hollywood in white Nikes. Bella Thorne throws me likes
I can't stop myself, throw myself off, what do I do with this?
24/7 perfectionist. They say - whats with this white guy
First of all, breathe - flying to tour China tomorrow
Tour around Japan, the concert director calls me, says 'Egor choose'
The stage is my heaven, fans are my riders - we get so lit
I love you life, Hands in the air - lets fly
No I don't need more money. I dream of relaxing on a monday
He strongly believes in me - in this reflection is that lazy guy
Need more fans, more stages, more tracks
Top Shazam, top iTunes, so the family can say
No I don't need more money. I dream of relaxing on a monday
He strongly believes in me - in this reflection is that lazy guy
Need more fans, more stages, more tracks
Top Shazam, top iTunes, so the family can say
No I don't need more money


This is mine

This is mine... Hmmm... This is all mine ... This is Egor Kreed!
This is all mine! Absolutely everything! This is all mine!
Young, but bold and stylish.
I pick whatever suits me.
[Verse 1]:
I'm on the beat like a sharks in the water - this is mine!
Mentality: only forward - this is mine!
A black G-wagen is taking me home from a party, because it's mine.
Posted in stories a hottie in crop- top with hashtag #THIS IS MINE!
They yelled at me 'Rap's not for you' but I released an album they know!
And all they knew was BS, the media writes - 'I'm a rapper'
But you want to hear a joke? My life is rock-and-roll!
300 concerts, 600 flights last year.
Forbes, stop counting my earnings, let [Yuri] Dud ask the questions! )*
I remember at the university, when I fell asleep at my desk.
In a dream, I was a pirate, but with a youth Sberbank ATM card
Took what's mine, as McGregor took glory in boxing.
You don't get to judge me, battle Oxxxy and Slava. )**
Is that all just because I'm white?
This is all mine! Absolutely everything! This is all mine!
Young, but bold and stylish
I choose…
This is all mine! Absolutely everything! This is all mine!
Young, but bold and stylish.
I pick whatever suits me.
[Verse 2:]
A new day, a new hour. And not a minute sooner.
Here and now I take the chance. I tried on success - it fit me like a glove.
Young, but bold - that's about us!
Skateboards, long-boards, we're all about sports.
When you see my name, you see the views.
Diary of Kreed, 140 [characters] on Twitter.
We are ahead, as if we turned on the NOS.
We are the new wave, as in DJ SMASH's track.
I have a lot of fire in me, like on TRASHERS t-shirt.
You know my lifestyle - I'm fresh on stage.
With a smile on the face like Crash Bandicoot.
This is all mine! Absolutely everything! This is all mine!
Young, but bold and stylish
I choose…
This is all mine! Absolutely everything! This is all mine!
Young, but bold and stylish.
I pick whatever suits me.

Menj a picsába

Hallgass ide, már nem szeretlek
Elfáradtam tőled, nem akarlak látni, ribanc
Még emlékezni se akarok, hogy mi volt
Azt akarom, hogy felejts el.
Nem kell több ilyen SMS azzal, hogy szeretlek,
Még egy ilyen és megöllek,
Nem kell bérgyilkos, megoldom magam,
Már megtettem ezt álmomban, kedvesem.
Nagyon gyakran visszaemlékszem a kedves horkolásodra,
Ahogy meg akartalak fojtani éjjelente.
Élek tovább azzal a szóval, hgy végre,
Végre te már nem mászol a ,,végemre' [farkamra].
Már a tököm kivolt az ideges anyáddal, aki hívogatott,
Könnyek között kérte, hogy menjek vissza a kis nyuszijához.
De bocsáss meg, én már másra mászom ré,
Azt mondom neked: menj a picsába, drágám!
Menj a picsába, te kurva, szerelemnek kiadva
Véresre verném a pofádat
Menj a picsába, menj a picsába.
Rajongóim lettek,
Akik előttem szétteszik a virgácsaikat,
Szóval, ne hívogass többé,
Nem szeretlek, cigizni és inni szeretek.
Összefonódtam veled, mint a cipőfűzők a csukán
Ne hívj többet magadnál, nem megyek,
Ne fuss utánam, összerakok egy rakétát,
És elrepülök innen a gecibe, egy másik bolygóra.
Melegnek könnyebb lenni, mint olyannal együtt, mint te,
Ha te lennél az egyetlen a Földön, téged nem választanálak,
Nem szeretlek, se jobban, se rosszabbul, barátosném,
Szexet ajánlsz? Inkább megkúrom a saját kezem.
És ha anyukád megkérdezi tőled, miért sírsz,
Nem kell mondogatni, hogy egy fiú dobott téged,
Én csak egyszerűen felmutatom nektek a középső ujjam
És mondom neked: menj a picsába, drágám!


Péntektől hétfőig veled vagyok,
Naplopó, pénz nélkül, viszont a tied vagyok.
Ígérem neked, ez csak ideiglenes,
Szeretném, hogy legyél biztos bennem.
A szüleid nem szeretnek engem,
Hülyeségeket beszélnek, azt mondják, én el foglak pusztítani.
Mindenki azt mondja, rossz vagyok, de ez ideiglenes.
Szeretném, hogy tőlem várj gyereket.
Az én menyasszonyom, te vagy az én menyasszonyom,
És, hogy őszinte legyek, nekem olyan szerencsém volt veled.
Az én menyasszonyom, te vagy az én menyasszonyom.
Kíváncsi lennék, ez álom-e vagy valóság.
Péntektől hétfőig veled vagyok,
Nem kell játéknak nevezni az érzéseimet.
Te ezzel ne viccelődj, hiszen én komolyan gondolom.
Menj, mondd meg a rokonoknak, hadd töröljék le a könnyeket.
És a fehér ruhában felvetted a fátyolt,
A szemedben megláttam, mennyire ezt akartad.
És most elvesztettem a fejem,
Szeretném, hogy tőlem...
Az én menyasszonyom, te vagy az én menyasszonyom,
És, hogy őszinte legyek, nekem olyan szerencsém volt veled.
Az én menyasszonyom, te vagy az én menyasszonyom.
Kíváncsi lennék, ez álom-e vagy valóság.


Más szerepeket játszunk
Annál is inkább, te játszol az én szerelmemmel.
A határán vagyok, a mezőn, a harcmezőn.
Akárhogy is, neked nem én hiányzom, akárhogy is.
Lapozgatom a fotókat az albumban, ahol veled vagyok,
nagyon király, törölni a fájlokat az iPhone-ból.
A háttérképet, amelyen mikrofonnal vagy,
Másnak énekelsz a fájdalomig ismert szerelemről.
Kikapcsoltam a wi-fit, nincs internet,
És ha te hirtelen nem lennél, lehet - te vagy a projektem.
Moszkva a fényben úszik, éjjel hármat mutat az óra.
De, nem ég a szememben [a láng], elaludt, elhalkult, eltűnt.
Az ízed az ajkaimon, a hajad illata,
Évekig emlékezni fogok rá, habár nem volt komoly.
De, mi a kérdés: kik vagyunk mi egymásnak?
És szeretlek téged, de kell-e...?
Kell-e ez minden nekem, kell-e .. ?
Hiszen mi egymástól távol vagyunk, távol vagyunk.
Mintha Dalí, Dalí képén lennénk,
Te csak töröld el töröld ki, töröld ki.
Kell-e ez minden nekem, kell-e .. ?
Hiszen mi egymástól távol vagyunk, távol vagyunk.
Mintha Dalí, Dalí képén lennénk,
Te csak töröld el töröld ki, töröld ki.
Egy korty víz eloltja a szomjat,
A fejedben, te, töröld ki kétszer.
Bátor tett - nem aludni öt napot egymás után,
Rád gondolni, számolni a másodperceket, perceket.
Kereszteződtek az útjaink, megyek a marsrutkával,
A metróig, aztán stoppal haza.
Nekünk nincs közös utunk, de te, napolj el.
Keresztülmentem ezeken a pókhálókon, menj te is.
A sétáink a Tverjszkajan az Arbat felé,
Hisz mi legalább szerettünk járkálni valahová.
Az első találkozás időpontja, örökre megjegyzem,
Győzelem Park, én és te, egy őrült este.
De kitörlöm az emlékeimet, elfelejtem és elalszom,
De mindig emlékeztetni fog rólad a tetoválás.
Ugrás a semmibe, kik vagyunk mi egymásnak?
Szeretlek téged, de kell-e ...?
Kell-e ez minden nekem, kell-e .. ?
Hiszen mi egymástól távol vagyunk, távol vagyunk.
Mintha Dalí, Dalí képén lennénk,
Te csak töröld el töröld ki, töröld ki.
Kell-e ez minden nekem, kell-e .. ?
Hiszen mi egymástól távol vagyunk, távol vagyunk.
Mintha Dalí, Dalí képén lennénk,
Te csak töröld el töröld ki, töröld ki.


Első versszak:
Megőrül az ébresztőórám, amikor alszom.
Hiszen ő nem érti, hogy nem szeretem.
Nekem nehezemre esik reggel korán ébredni.
Az első percek - egyszerűen borzasztó.
Úgy nem akarok felkelni, adj még öt percet.
Erősen megölellek, a többi dolog megvár.
Nem fog minket kínozni a telefon, csendes üzemmódban.
Nem vagyok még elérhető.
Nyisd ki a szemed, alvó szépség.
Csókolj meg, hiszen ez tetszik nekünk.
Megmarad ez az éjszaka az emlékeimben.
Nagyon kár, hogy ez csak egy álom volt.
Refrén [x2]:
Ébressz, ébressz, ébressz, amíg tekered a hajcsavarót.
Kilenckor munka, minek húztalak fel?
Ébressz, ébressz, ébressz, amíg tekered a hajcsavarót.
Kilenckor iskola és menned kell.
Második versszak:
Megőrül az ébresztőórám, elkapom.
Mivel ma nem késhetek el.
Hogy ne aludjak el, újra és újra felhúzom.
Várjon csak a világ, mi otthon maradunk.
Nyisd ki a szemed, alvó szépség.
Csókolj meg, hiszen ez tetszik nekünk.
Megmarad ez az éjszaka az emlékeimben.
Nagyon kár, hogy ez csak egy álom volt.
Refrén [x4]:
Ébressz, ébressz, ébressz, amíg tekered a hajcsavarót.
Kilenckor munka, minek húztalak fel?
Ébressz, ébressz, ébressz, amíg tekered a hajcsavarót.
Kilenckor iskola és menned kell.

Ha te engem nem szeretsz

Ha te engem nem szeretsz, akkor én se.
Ha engem elfelejtesz, akkor én is.
[Első versszak]
Veled nem találom az irányítást
Most hazaküldöm a szerelmem józanodni,
Nem éri meg, ezek csak pletykák, nem vagyok olyan, ne hidd el,
De időnként ezek a kurvák dörömbölnek az ajtómon nekem.
De hogy voltál képes? De hogy voltál képes
Meztelenre vetlőztetni minden egyes érzésünket?
Mondd másnak ezeket a szavakat
De én tudom, hogy te nélkülem
Nem akarsz, nem akarsz, nem akarsz
De velem veled nem lehet
És neked szól ez a dal.
Ha te engem nem szeretsz, akkor én se.
Ha engem elfelejtesz, akkor én is. [x2]
[Második versszak]
Hosszan, hosszan csókollak
El lehet mindent felejteni a továbbikban.
Tűvel szurkáltál.
Ne legyen igazad.
Egy szál most,
mint az ég, az ég, az ég, az ég.
Nézek a szemedbe, éjjel nem én szerettem őket,
Hanem valaki más helyettem.
Ha én más karjaiban leszek,
Emlékezz, mit mondtál akkor.
Inkább ne is búcsúzz el, lüktet a homlokom.
De én tudom, hogy te nélkülem
Nem akarsz, nem akarsz, nem akarsz,
De velem veled nem lehet
És neked szól ez a dal.
Ha te engem nem szeretsz, akkor én se.
Ha engem elfelejtesz, akkor én is.