Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások

Találatok száma: 98971


The Edge of Dawn

Reach for my hand, I'll soar away
Into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay
Here in cherished halls, in peaceful days
I fear the edge of dawn, knowing time betrays
Faint lights pass through colored glass,
In this beloved place, silver shines
The world dines, a smile on each face
As joy surrounds, comfort abounds,
And I can feel I'm breaking free,
for just this moment lost in time,
I am finally me
Yet still I hide, behind this mask that I have become
My blackened heart, scorched by flames, a force I can't run from
I look to you like a red rose
Seeking the sun no matter where it goes
I long to stay
Where the light dwells
To guard against the cold that I know so well
As the rain falls on the path I chase your shadow
I don't feel a single drop, or the ground below
Then you turn to me and I
Stop before I know and the lie upon my lips
I let it go
Cross my heart, making vows I know will be betrayed
A sad girl's pleas, live only for a breath and then they fade
My dearest wish is that you'll know
These tender thoughts that only seem to grow
They are as snow melting away
Yet seeking your warmth
If only for a day
The blue moonlight cuts across our sight
As pure and clear as a ringing bell
Reaching for us in the night
As the wind calms my thoughts,
I hold strong on this terrace
I feel at peace, carried away by the wind's song
Open the door and walk away
Never give in to the call of yesterday
Memories that made those days sublime
These ruined halls entomb stolen time
Reach for my hand, I'll soar away
Into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay
Here in cherished halls in peaceful days
I fear the edge of dawn knowing time betrays



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Egy, két, há', négy.
Egy toledoi bárban, a raktárral szemben,
Egy bárszéken ülő nő levette a gyűrűjét.
Azt gondoltam, leszólítom, ezért odamentem hozzá,
Leültem mellé és megkérdeztem a nevét.
Mikor az ital megoldotta nyelvét, elmesélte, hogy ő nem az az ijedős fajta,
De végül mégis fel kell hagyni álmaival.
Boldogságra vágyva mindig itt van
Egy új élet után vágyakozva.
A tükörben megláttam egy férfit. Közelebbről szemügyre vettem
És elkaptam a tekintetét.
Odajött a mellettem ülő nőhöz
És lassan panaszkodni kezdett.
Nagy kezei kérgesek voltak, olyanok voltak, mint a hegyek.
Egy pillanatra azt hitem itt a végem,
Ám ő remegni kezdett, nagy szíve majd megszakadt,
Ahogy a nőhöz fordult és így szólt:
Te is jókor hagytál el, Lucille,
Ott maradtam négy éhes gyerekkel és a betakarításra váró földdel,
Voltak szomorú időszakaim, átéltem néhány rossz időszakot.
Ám ezúttal végzetesen megbántottál,
Te is jókor hagytál el, Lucille!
Miután a férfi elment, rendeltem még wishkey-t.
A nő arra kért, menjünk táncolni.
A táncterem fényeitől a kivett hotelszobáig
Némán sétáltunk.
Istenem, milyen gyönyörű volt, amikor közeledett hozzám,
Biztos azt hitte, megőrültem,
Mert visszautasítottam. De a férfi szavai
Azóta is visszhangoznak:
Te is jókor hagytál el, Lucille,
Ott maradtam négy éhes gyerekkel és a betakarításra váró földdel!
Voltak szomorú időszakaim, átéltem néhány rossz időszakot.
Ám ezúttal végzetesen megbántottál,
Te is jókor hagytál el, Lucille!


Drága Caroline

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nem is tudom, hol kezdődött, csak azt hogy egyre erősödik.
Először tavasz volt, majd a tavaszból nyár lett: ki hitte volna, hogy eljössz?
Kezek érnek össze, kezek nyúlnak megérinteni engem s téged.
Drága Caroline, még sosem volt ilyen jó,
És azt hiszem soha nem is lesz ehhez fogható!
Nézd, az éjszaka nem tűnik olyan magányosnak, csak töltsd meg kettőnkkel!
És ha fáj is, lepereg rólam. Hogy is fájhatna, hisz átölellek.
Lágy simogatás, lágy érintés, simogatva engem s téged.
Ó, drága Caroline...
Drága Caroline...
Ó, drága Caroline, még sosem volt ilyen jó!


Medley: That's All Right Mama / My Baby Left Me

[That's All Right Mama] Well, that's all right mama that's all right with you
That's all right mama anyway you do
Well, that's all right that's all right
That's all right mama, anyway you do.
Well, my mama she done told me papa done told me too
Son that gal you're foolin' with she ain't no good for you
Well, that's all right, that's all right
That's all right mama, anyway you do.
[My Baby Left Me] Well, my baby left me she never said a word
Was it something that I've done or something that she heard
You know she left me, yeah she left me
Lord, my baby left me, never said a word.
Well Lord, I stand at my window, wring my hands and cry
I hate to lose that woman, hate to say goodbye
You know she left me, yes he left me
My baby, even left me, never said goodbye.


Új búcsúdal

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Kicsim, szaladj le a boltba és vegyél nekem egy gitárhúrt,
De vegyél kabátot, mert lehet, hogy esni fog,
Tudod, az eső árt a gitárhúrnak!
Vedd fel a meleg kabátod, ma este hideg lesz!
Vedd fel azt a hosszú meleget!
Mert még nem hallottad az új búcsúdalomat!
Kicsim, próbálkoztam az orvosaidnál, de nem tudtak meggyógyítani.
Minél inkább akartam, annál inkább nem sikerült.
Azt hiszem, kikészültem, érzem a pokol kénköves szagát.
Vedd fel a meleg kabátod, ma este hideg lesz!
Vedd fel azt a hosszú meleget!
Mert még nem hallottad az új búcsúdalomat!
Kicsim, dobd el a párnám, mielőtt lekapcsolod a lámpát!
Most már csak az éjszaka lesz melletted!
Én valahol rossz helyen leszek, te valahol jó helyen leszel.
Vedd fel a meleg kabátod, ma este hideg lesz!
Vedd fel azt a hosszú meleget!
Mert még nem hallottad az új búcsúdalomat!


Ha azt látod, hogy egyre távolodom

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Willie, állandó társam voltál,
Ismered a fényt és az árnyakat.
Millió dollárt költöttünk arra,
Hogy rájöjjünk, mit is csinálunk.
Lenyűgöztük a csajokat
Mindazzal, amit tettünk, vagy mondtunk.
Mindenütt, tesó,
Úton és útfélen.
Ha azt látod, hogy egyre távolodom,
Akkor elmegyek. De ne bánkódj!
Csak el kell mennem innen.
Ha azt látod, hogy egyre kisebbé válok,
Ne aggódj és ne is kövess,
Jogom van eltűnni.
Isten veled, jó öreg Philadelphia!
A pályaudvar előtt
Vizesen és üresen
Állnak az esőben a szerelvények.
Ki tudja, hogy kik kíváncsiak
Egy őrült, részeg fickóra,
A négytagú bandájára, a bérelt buszra
És a befuccsolt karrieremre?
Ha azt látod, hogy egyre távolodom,
Akkor elmegyek. De ne bánkódj!
Csak el kell mennem innen.
Ha azt látod, hogy egyre kisebbé válok,
Ne aggódj és ne is kövess,
Jogom van eltűnni.


Selyem lepedő

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bárcsak milliomos lehetnék!
Rockzenét játszanék és megnöveszteném a hajam.
És eldicsekednék a vadiúj Rolls Royce-ommal.
Egy csomó gyönyörű nő rajongana értem,
De én mindnek adnék egy selyem
Kényszerzubbonyt, hogy megóvjam őket az utcától!
Hallelúja, hallgassátok, hozzátok szólok:
Dícsérjétek az Urat és rázzátok a csörgődobot!
Hatalmas Jehova, eljössz majd,
Ha meglátsz engem zenélni a tévéképernyőn.
Ringasd el őket,
Vigyázz rájuk, bárhol is járok.
Vigyázz rájuk egész éjszaka!
Hallelúja, hallgassátok, hozzátok szólok:
Dícsérjétek az Urat és rázzátok a csörgődobot!
Hatalmas Jehova, eljössz majd,
Ha meglátsz engem zenélni a tévéképernyőn.


이상한 하루 (A Strange Day)

고요한 우주 속에서
살아있는 건 우리뿐이야
내 밤은 불 꺼진 천장
아래 흐린 빛 별 하나 있네
그 마지막처럼 피어올라
고요한 우주 속에서 우린
불안한 숨을 쉰 것뿐이야
이상한 하루야
전하지 못한 말들을 거둬내고
마음이 머리보다 더
빨리 달려가는 그 시간 속에
있어줘요 기다려줘요
내 이야기를, 긴 고백을
어둠이 걷히고 나면
밝은 빛에 눈 부비고
그대의 어둠이 될 준비됐어요 난
이상한 하루 끝에서
불안한 꿈을 꾼 것뿐이야
있어줘요 기다려줘요
내 이야기를, 긴 고백을


Stardust love song

먼 곳에 지는 저 별은
누군가 품었던 슬픈 꿈
붙잡으려 손을 뻗어 봐도
부서져 사라지는 꿈
하지만 너와 걸을 때
내게 불러준 멜로디
괜찮다고, 이런 내 모습 그대로
Just like stardust, we're scattered pieces in the Universe.
옛 별들의 노래
지친 마음도, 애달픈 꿈도
그 무엇도 너의 탓이 아니야
너의 눈물을 봤을 때
들려주고 싶던 그 노래
늘 그랬듯이 그 어떤 슬픔도
지나갈 거라고
Just like stardust, we're scattered pieces in the Universe.
옛 별들의 노래
아픈 추억도, 떠난 사람도
그 무엇도 너의 탓이 아니야
너는 날 다시 꿈꾸게 하는 걸
나 왠지 두렵기도 하지만
넌 내게 이미 너무도 커다란 위로
Stardust love song
저 먼 훗날 간절한 꿈들은 이뤄지고
나의 별도 언젠가 지고 나면, 다 지고 나면
함께 그 추억을 주으러 가자



여긴 어디쯤 일까
상처 입은 채 난 길을 잃어가
힘겨운 걸음 다 지워버린 채
새로운 꿈을 꿔
잃어버린 나를 찾아
다시 한번 더 take a trip
어둠이 걷히는 순간
가득 채운 햇빛 따스한 바람 속
움츠렸던 그 날개
날 위해 펼칠 거야
더 높이 Get up higher
날아올라 Fly in the sky
빛을 따라 손을 뻗어
나를 데려가 줄래
부서지는 빛 따라
I fly I fly
꿈을 꾸듯 날아
감은 눈을 떠 I fly 더 멀리
앞이 보이질 않던
긴 터널 속을 나 혼자 걸어가
아무것도 손에 잡히지 않아
마음의 불을 켜
잃어버린 나를 찾아
다시 한번 더 take a trip
어둠이 걷히는 순간
가득 채운 햇빛 따스한 바람 속
움츠렸던 그 날개
날 위해 펼칠 거야
더 높이 Get up higher
날아올라 Fly in the sky
빛을 따라 손을 뻗어
나를 데려가 줄래
부서지는 빛 따라
I fly I fly
꿈을 꾸듯 날아
감은 눈을 떠 I fly 더 멀리
긴 어둠이 사라져가 그 빛으로 물들어가
힘겨웠던 날 위로 해준 너야
저 하늘에 빛을 따라가볼래
저 높이 새로워진 날 찾아서 I fly
날아올라 Fly in the sky
빛을 따라 손을 뻗어
나를 데려가 줄래
부서지는 빛 따라
눈부신 빛을 따라 아득히 빛나줘
I'm flying up in the sky
감춰둔 날개를 펴
끝없이 날아가
I fly


Wishing On You

매일 아침 눈을 뜨면 너로 하룰 시작하고
짙은 밤 눈을 감아도 여전히 네가 또 떠올라
끝이 없이 우릴 상상하다 보니 이미
어느새 너는 지울 수 없이 스며들어 깊이
I want you to, to be my every distraction baby
And if I get another wish from my genie
I might as well just tell the truth
I wanna be wishing on you you you
I wanna be I wanna be wishing on you
네게 난 어떤 의미일까? 가끔 날 떠올리긴 할까?
생각할수록 어지러워 너를 알게 된 순간부터
태양에 부딪힌 듯 뜨거워진 맘
처음 보는 낯선 나 모든 게 전부 너로 보여
I want you to, to be my every distraction baby
And if I get another wish from my genie
I might as well just tell the truth
I wanna be wishing on you you you
I wanna be I wanna be wishing on you you you
I wanna be I wanna be wishing on you
눈을 뜨고 꾸는 꿈속
입술 끝에 맺혀있는 Love me
And if this was an equation
You plus me means everything
I want you to, to be my every distraction baby
And if I get another wish from my genie
I might as well just tell the truth
I wanna be wishing on you you you
I wanna be I wanna be wishing on you you you
I wanna be I wanna be wishing on you


Beszélnek róla

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Szemtől szemben, a privát szférámban
Tiszta lappal akarok kezdeni
Lehet, hogy elvesztem az eszem
Míg meg nem jelensz
Hogy végre lekapcsolhassuk ezeket a lámpákat
És mindenki mindenki mindenki
Próbál mindent megtudni az életünkről
Mert tudják, hé, tudják
Hogy mi különlegesek vagyunk, ilyen nem történik kétszer
Beszélnek róla
Mindig mi leszünk az, amiről beszélnek
Túl hangos
Hadd beszéljék ki
Mindig mi leszünk az, amiről beszélnek
Nem hiszem, hogy tudják
Oh oh oh oh oh
Beszélnek róla
Oh oh oh oh oh
Beszélnek beszélnek róla
Mm mm mmmm
Mm mm mmmm
Oh oh oh oh oh
Még mindig én irányítok
Ez a dolog túl varázslatos
Nem nagyon tudom meghúzni magam
Egy színpadon állunk
Teátrálisak vagyunk
És mikor kihunynak a fények
Akkor kezdődik az igazi műsor
Beszélnek róla
Mindig mi leszünk az, amiről beszélnek
Túl hangos
Hadd beszéljék ki
Mindig mi leszünk az, amiről beszélnek
Nem hiszem, hogy tudják
Oh oh oh oh oh
Beszélnek róla
Oh oh oh oh oh
Beszélnek beszélnek róla
Mm mm mmmm
Mm mm mmmm
Oh oh oh oh oh
Még mindig én irányítok
Azt mondtam, már nincs miről beszélni
Mert te itt vagy, szóval kit érdekel
Miről beszélnek
Igazságtalan, hogy együtt nem lehetünk önmagunk
Meneküljünk, hagyjuk hátra a nyomást
Te vagy az, akire örökké szükségem lesz
Az új énem túl gyorsan halad
2023 nagy változások zajlanak az életemben (nagy változások)
Titkos farmer és a jó Raf
És ha beszélnek, hát adj nekik
Valamit, amit nézhetnek, bumm
Szöulban kocsikázunk, ahol lakok
Sehol sem maradhatunk észrevétlenek
Cheongdam-dongban költjük a pénzünket
És itt van velem Jihyo, úgyhogy ne beszélj vissza
Hurrá hurrá hurrá
Oh oh oh oh oh
Beszélnek róla
Oh oh oh oh oh
Beszélnek beszélnek róla
Mm mm mmmm
Mm mm mmmm
Oh oh oh oh oh
Még mindig én irányítok


Végem van tőled

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Valami, amit nem tagadhatok
Bébi, egyetlen csók után tudtam
A testem mondani akar nekem valamit
Valamit, amit nem tudok szavakba önteni
A szokásommá válsz
Behunyom a szemem, hogy megtörténjen a varázslat
A levegőben vagyok, talán lebegek?
Ezekkel a vad érzésekkel eltelve
Még mindig ragaszkodok minden szívdobbanásomhoz (ezt teszed)
Teljesen elvesztem az eszem
Elképesztő, mit teszel velem
És tudod, hogy csak annyit tudok mondani
Végem van, végem van tőled
Olyasmit érzek, amit eddig nem is hittem, hogy érezhetek
Alig kapok levegőt mert olyan nagy hatással vagy rám
Többet gondolok rád, mint kéne
Meghalok, mikor úgy nézel rám
Végem van, végem van tőled
Miattad valami újat érzek
Miattad új érzem, mintha új ember lennék
Tudom, hogy tudod, hogy túl jól ismersz engem
Oh folyton eléred, hogy azt mondjam, oh egek, oh egek
Ne hagyd abba, nem félek kimondani, nem hazudok
Pont olyan érzés, mint legelőször
Repíts el
Oh igen, most a te kezedben vagyok
Senki sem jobb nálad, ehhez kétség sem fér
Bébi, minden a tiéd, csak el kell venned (ezt fogom tenni)
Elérem, hogy elveszítsd az eszed
És mindazok után, amit tenni fogok veled
Tudni fogom, hogy csak annyit tudsz majd mondani, hogy
Végem van, végem van tőled
Olyasmit érzek, amit eddig nem is hittem, hogy érezhetek
Alig kapok levegőt mert olyan nagy hatással vagy rám
Többet gondolok rád, mint kéne
Meghalok, mikor úgy nézel rám
Végem van, végem van tőled
Miattad valami újat érzek
Miattad új érzem, mintha új ember lennék
Oh, oh
Mindent meg fogok mutatni neked
Teljesen őszinte leszek
Annyira édes, hogy az már veszélyes
Oh, oh
Mostantól mindig többet fogok akarni
Csak miattad jöttem
Nem tudok mit tenni, csak azt mondani, hogy
Végem van, végem van tőled
Olyasmit érzek, amit eddig nem is hittem, hogy érezhetek
Alig kapok levegőt mert olyan nagy hatással vagy rám
Többet gondolok rád, mint kéne
Meghalok, mikor úgy nézel rám
Végem van, végem van tőled
Miattad valami újat érzek
Miattad új érzem, mintha új ember lennék
Miattad valami újat érzek
Miattad új érzem, mintha új ember lennék
Végem van, végem van tőled


Killin' Me Good

Something that I can't deny
처음 입을 댄 그 순간
온몸이 느끼는 뭔가
Something that I can't explain
하지만 너무 특별해
눈을 감고서 집중해
몸이 떠오르는 시간
내 안에 들리는 소리만
듣고 그대로 따라갈래 (That's what you do)
I'm losin' all my senses
You're takin' me to places
And you know all that I can say is
You're killin' me, killin' me good, good, good (So good, so good)
Feelin' things I never knew that I could
네가 만들어주는 이 기분 (So good, so good)
십 초마다 생각이 나 내 모습에 내가 놀라
You're killin' me, killin' me good
You're makin' me feel something new, hey
You're makin' me feel so brand new
나보다 날 더 잘 아는 거야
Oh, you keep on making me say 'Oh, my, oh, my'
Don't stop, 두 단어만 끝없이
네 귀에 속삭이지
Take me so high
나에게 널 맡길 시간
이제 널 위해 준비한
날 보여줄게 너에게만 (That's what I'll do)
I'll let you lose your senses
And make you and go to places
Then I know all that you can say is
You're killin' me, killin' me good, good, good (So good, so good)
Feelin' things I never knew that I could
네가 만들어주는 이 기분 (So good, so good)
십 초마다 생각이 나 내 모습에 내가 놀라
You're killin' me, killin' me good
You're makin' me feel something new, hey
You're makin' me feel so brand new
Oh-oh 날 솔직하게 해
모두 표현하게 돼
그래서 또 내 입에서 나오는
Oh-oh 넌 위험하게 달콤해
그래서 난 계속 원해
I just can't help but to say
You're killin' me, killin' me good, good, good (So good, so good)
Feelin' things I never knew that I could
네가 만들어주는 이 기분 (So good, so good)
십 초마다 생각이 나 내 모습에 내가 놀라
You're killin' me, killin' me good
You're makin' me feel something new, hey
You're makin' me feel so brand new
You're makin' me feel something new, hey
You're makin' me feel so brand new
You're killin' me, killin' me good



I just can't leave you alone
Can we get even closer babe
Get closer
I know you only just met me
우릴 서로 당긴 Gravity
아무 말조차 없어도 이미, It’s telepathy
착각하게 만드는 건지
운명 아닌 거라면 설명해 봐 내게
떨려오는 숨결이 말해
I could be wrong
But 내게 보내온 너의 신호
Baby me too
I could be wrong
But 너도 준비가 된 것 같고
Baby me too, me too
I just can't leave you alone
Can we get even closer babe
Get closer babe
Oh I just can't leave you alone
Can we get even closer babe
Get closer
I don't know what you mean to me
네게 난 어떤 의미인지
상관없어 Make it easy
Tell me where this is heading
속도가 붙은 발걸음을 너에게로
불꽃이 붙은 Now, lights on
I could be wrong
But 내게 보내온 너의 신호
Baby me too
I could be wrong
But 너도 준비가 된 것 같고
Baby me too, me too
I just can't leave you alone
Can we get even closer babe
Get closer babe
Oh I just can't leave you alone
Can we get even closer babe
Get closer
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
Get get closer


Amíg újra átveszem az irányítást

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Akár a nap a hegy tetején,
Tudod jól hogy újra eljövök.
Tudod, hogy szeretem úgy tölteni a reggeleket,
Hogy látom a napfényt táncolni a bőrödön.
És sosem merészkedtem oly messzire, hogy hazudjak neked.
Akit látsz, az én vagyok.
Nincs semmi, mit rejtegetnem kéne,
Úgyis jobban ismersz, mint én magamat.
Előttem, az úton
Van még pár kanyar, ahol megfordulok majd,
És csak remélni tudom, hogy kitartasz,,
Míg újra átveszem az irányítást.
Ahogy a magányos világító torony
Jelzi a tengerésznek útja végét.
Nem számít, milyen tengereket szeltem át,
Újra csak így érkezem majd.
Előttem, az úton
Van még pár kanyar, ahol megfordulok majd,
És csak remélni tudom, hogy kitartasz,,
Míg újra átveszem az irányítást.


Ez az egész kezd vicces lenni (de senki sem nevet)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Összetört szívvel kezdem meg a nyarat.
Fiacskám, ha elveszted azt, akit szeretsz, az egy hidegzuhany.
Csak felhívtalak, hogy elmondjam, nem is tudom, hogy mit mondjak.
Bárcsak tudnád, hogy mit éreztem.
Ez az egész kezd vicces lenni, de senki sem nevet, Édesem, gyere vissza!
Mondd csak, hogy érzed magad? Én már nem bírom tovább!
Nem látod, hogy szenvedek? Azt hittem, én voltam a szerelmed!
Igen, szárnyalni tudtam volna, vagy meghalni,
Egyre megy!
Mondhatnám, hogy sajnálom, kicsim, de ami sok, az sok!
Menten kiakadok és megőrülök,
Ez az egész kezd vicces lenni, de senki sem nevet. Édesem, gyere vissza!
Mondd csak, hogy érzed magad? Én már nem bírom tovább!
Meg akartam mutatni, milyen jó vagyok, de te csak bántani akartál.
Mindjárt megőrülök, tényleg, nem viccelek!
Annyira magányos vagyok itt, L.A.-ben, a nyaram lassan őszbe fordul.
Nem tudom, hallod-e, ahol most vagy, hogy a szívem megszakad.
Csak körbe körbe járok, azt sem tudom, hol vagyok!
Legalább hívj fel!
Ez az egész kezd vicces lenni, de senki sem nevet. Édesem, gyere vissza!
Mondd csak, hogy érzed magad? Én már nem bírom tovább!
Hogy érzed magad?
Én már ne bírom tovább!


Stink of Donald Trump

Dear Americans of 2024
This is a letter from 2224
For you it's the future
But for us it is now
And we just want to tell you
His stink is still around
The Stink of Donald Trump, the stench of sulfur
Of terrible evil, enemy of the people
His stink will never fade no matter how often we try
To rewrite history, blur faces, or tell big fat lies
The Stink of Donald Trump
America will never forget
Americans will never forgive
We can never wash off the stink of him
That miserable cartoon of a man
Quoting Hitler and spewing hate
He failed at everything he ever planned
He failed to become a good man
Every tyrant needs his cowards
We teach our kids to be brave
And warn them about Republicans
How they ruined the USA
We teach our kids about his stink
They can smell in the morning
Brushin' their teeth over the sink
We hold our noses, and proceed
We live our lives with his stink
His stink so disgusting,
The Stink of Donald Trump
Dear Americans of 2024
This is a letter from 2224
For you it's the future
But for us it is now
And we just want to tell you
His stink is still around -
The Stink of Donald Trump...


I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)

The smoke cloud billows out his mouth
Like a freight train through a small town
The jokes that he told across the bar
Were revolting and far too loud
They shake their heads saying, 'God help her'
When I tell 'em 'He's my man'
But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger
I can fix him, no, really, I can
And only I can
The dopamine races through his brain
On a six-lane Texas highway
His hand, so calloused from his pistol
Softly traces hearts on my face
And I could see it from a mile away
A perfect case for my certain skill set
He had a halo of the highest grade
He just hadn't met me yet
They shake their heads saying, 'God help her'
When I tell 'em 'He's my man'
But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger
I can fix him, no, really, I can
And only I can
Good boy, that's right
Come close
I'll show you heaven if you'll be an angel, all mine
Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man
No, really, I can
They shook their heads saying, 'God help her'
When I tell 'em 'He's my man' (I tell 'em 'He's my man')
But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger
I can fix him, no, really, I can (No, really, I can)
Woah, maybe I can't


Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?

The who's who of who's that is poised for the attack
But my bare hands paved their paths
You don't get to tell me about sad
If you wanted me dead you should've just said
Nothing makes me feel more alive
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream
'Who’s afraid of little old me?'
You should be
The scandal was contained
The bullet had just grazed
At all costs, keep your good name
You don't get to tell me you feel bad
Is it a wonder I broke?
Let's hear one more joke
Then we could all just laugh until I cry
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream
'Who's afraid of little old me?'
I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean
Don't you worry folks, we took out all her teeth
Who's afraid of little old me?
Well, you should be (You should be)
You should be
You should be (You should be)
You should be (You should be)
You should be
So tell me everything is not about me, but what if it is?
Then say they didn't do it to hurt me, but what if they did?
I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me
You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
So all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs
I'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said?
That I'll sue you if you step on my lawn
That I'm fearsome, and I'm wretched and I'm wrong
Put narcotics into all of my songs
And that's why you're still singing along
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream
'Who’s afraid of little old me?'
I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean
Don't you worry folks we took out all her teeth
Who's afraid of little old me?
Well you should be (You should be)
You should be
You should be (You should be)
You should be (You should be)
You should be
'Cause you lured me and you hurt me and you taught me
You caged me and then you called me crazy (Crazy)
I am what I am 'cause you trained me (Trained me)
So who's afraid of me? (So who's afraid of me)
Who's afraid of little old me? (Who's afraid of little old me)
Who's afraid of little old me?



I was supposed to be sent away
But they forgot to come and get me
I was a functioning alcoholic
'Til nobody noticed my new aesthetic
All of this to say, I hope you're okay
But you're the reason
And no one here's to blame
But what about your quiet treason?
And for a fortnight there we were forever running
'Til you sometimes ask about the weather
Now you're in my backyard turned into good neighbors
Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her
All my mornings are Mondays stuck in an endless February
I took the miracle move on drug, the effects were temporary
And I love you, it's ruining my life
I love you, it's ruining my life
I touched you for only a fortnight
I touched you, but I touched you
And for a fortnight there we were forever running
'Til you sometimes ask about the weather
Now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbors
Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her
And for a fortnight there we were together running
'Til you sometimes come and tug my sweater
Now you're at the mailbox turned into good neighbors
My husband is cheating, I wanna kill him
I love you, it's ruining my life
I love you, it's ruining my life
I touched you for only a fortnight
I touched you, I touched you
I love you, it's ruining my life
I love you, it's ruining my life
I touched you for only a fortnight
I touched you, I touched you
Thought of calling ya, but you won't pick up
'Nother fortnight lost in America
Move to Florida, buy the car you want (Car you want)
But it won't start up 'til you touch, touch, touch me
Thought of calling ya, but you won't pick up
'Nother fortnight lost in America
Move to Florida, buy the car you want
But it won't start up 'til I touch, touch, touch you


The letter

All the streams have gone to the sea
All the pathways have met somewhere
All the leaves have been picked in autumn
Only the words haven't come out to be written
The sea wind blows day and night
Day and night it blows, day and night it blows
And my daughter didn't write a letter, didn't write a letter
She didn't write a letter
All the lights were lit above
All the fruits were wet with dew
All forms came back into the heart
Only for the lines no writer was found
The sea wind blows day and night...
All the escapees have come to a shelter
All the flowers were opened quietly
All the guests have already sat down to dine
Only me is waiting for the signal
The sea wind blows day and night...
All the markets are bustling with people
All the beaten ones seek revenge
All the laws are spoken in vain
If my child does not write a letter
The sea wind blows day and night, day and night it blows
Day and night it blows,
Neither of them has returned to his home, not returned to his home
Not returned to his home


Take a wife

I'm riding,they won't catch me alive
Yes, I remember her with me, riding with me
I'm leaving, maybe my eyes have become blurry
But she is standing there laughing at me.
Take a wife and settle down
Get it, get it,
Take a wife and settle down
Get it, get it.
I'm riding, the sun is on my back.
Yes, I'm feeling you with me, now
Time follows and has already touched me
And there is no way to continue riding.
Take a wife...
Maybe I'll be back at noon today,
Yes, I'm older and you remember me
It's not sad when a dream ends
It's not sad since you stay with me.
Take a wife...


Burn yourself out until you become pure white ash

Hey Brother, have you noticed? that white ash that dropped from your bed
until your heart becomes empty, this will be proof that everything was burned up
in a town with a non-stop alarm sound, the easy-going, naive travelers
as if knowing neither glory nor failure, drink down the liquor in front of them
momentarily leaving it to drunkenness, everything started looking gorgeous
when they wake up, the dreariness makes them vomit until their heart burns away
the black birds spread their wings
beckoning for us to choose a path
Hey Brother, the simulation of failure and success going around in your head
which direction should we fall down? My heart is reduced to black and white
I don't even think I can understand the world three seconds in the future, I'm not a prophet
if so, I'll face the present before my eyes, and move forward challenging my flesh and blood
everyone is openly praising the logic that someone sang
Even if I think it's ridiculous, I'll clap just the same
if I don't rely on someone else, it'll be hard to live, that's just ordinary
but even so, I'm wanting to survey the surroundings and search for a place to live
if I could find the wings of an angel who hides their face
I wonder if it would be okay to step towards them?
Hey Sister, the light and dark are always meeting and combining
nobody will tell you that you're standing in the middle of it
the sun is whispering that even if it's in a miserable song
so you don't get lost, so you don't get tainted, it's okay to let yourself shine
those travelers who hold the key to the unopening door
are cutting open the world, repainting it, like in your heart, so we can live on
Hey Sister, the thing leading this mandate of heaven that has fallen
is a voice I hear from myself saying you must rely on an unmarked path
Brother, Sister, have you noticed? that white ash that dropped from your bed
until your heart becomes empty, this will be proof that everything was burned up
let's pass through today and go to tomorrow


Free Style

What use is this time
That never passes
So often you said you won't return
Anger and nostalgia would be easy
Tears and craziness would be useless
My thoughts lethargically chase each other
Around and around and find you
I'm on the ground but there's no danger
I do free style crosswords
But it's safe to say you won't see me
Crying and drowning in my troubles
Nothing is like when I had you
But it's you who has more to lose
I'm on the ground but there's no danger
I do free format crosswords
I'm on the ground but there's no danger
I do free style crosswords


What a Mistake You Make

Attached as you are
to what you'd like,
you no longer follow
the world as it is.
It slips away from you as you see
the ground beneath your feet
while futilely you search for
what you don't know.
Oh, see, see, see
what a mistake you make
but see, see, see
what a mistake you make.
Don't you notice that at this point, you don't know
time runs swiftly ahead of you.
Oh, see, see, see
what a mistake you make.
You make the same mistake
as far as it concerns us
and as for me
I'd be tethered to you, oh yes.
Instead as you see
the things that you believe
belong to a past
that you no longer have.
Oh, see, see, see
what a mistake you make
but see, see, see
what a mistake you make.
Don't you notice that at this point, you don't know
time runs swiftly ahead of you.
Oh, see, see, see
what a mistake you make.
Oh, see, see, see
what a mistake you make
but see, see, see
what a mistake you make.
Don't you notice that at this point, you don't know
time, time runs ahead of you.
Oh, see, see, see
what a mistake you make...


The Girls of Today

They're named Dolly, Suzie, and Annie,
the girls of today.
They make themselves up and are confident,
the girls of today.
If you see them pass by,
their heads then turn.
They're brunettes or blonds,
cute are the girls of today.
Don't trust, don't listen to them,
the girls of today.
You must be strong to handle
the girls of today.
You can tell it all,
they are not fooled.
They lose their heads less than us,
the girls of today.
When you want to kiss them,
they feign indifference,
they don't want to reveal
who might love you.
But what if they might fall in love,
the girls of today?
It's certain that you'd see them change,
the girls of today.
They weren't thinking yet
about running into love
and like the others they'll get married,
the girls of today.
(The girls of today)
(The girls of today)
They weren't thinking yet
about running into love
and like the others they'll get married,
the girls of today,
and like the others they'll get married,
the girls of today,
and like the others they'll get married,
the girls of today
and like the others they'll get married,
the girls...


I Who Don't Live

We are here alone
like every evening
but you are sadder
and I know why.
I know you want to tell me
that you are not happy,
that I am changing
and you want to leave me.
I who don't live
more than an hour without you,
how can I remain
a lifetime without you?
You're mine, you're mine,
but nothing, you know,
could separate us
one day.
Come here, listen to me,
I love you.
I beg you to stop
again together with me.
I who don't live
more than an hour without you,
how can I remain
a lifetime without you?
You're mine, you're mine.
I who don't live
more than an hour without you,
how can I remain
a lifetime without you?
You're mine, you're mine,
you're mine!


How are you, old friend?

How are you, dear friend? Haven't heard many years ...
How's your life being treating you, please tell me
Say it honestly, bro. I'm not one your peers.
Knowing one another from forever
What if luck just turned its back
If everything is black
If year after year chances disappear
Please don't pretend so hard
Hiding pain in your heart
Get it - we're not apart
You should always know
If you get a blow - I will feel this blow
Remember that I'm here, that I'm close
Remember, that I'm close
It's the dawn outside, the first tram in a park.
Pour the tea, a kettle top is blasting...
Doesn't matter how long we've been living apart
But our friendship's always strong and lasting
What if luck just turned its back
If everything is black
If year after year chances disappear
Please don't pretend so hard
Hiding pain in your heart
Get it - we're not apart
You should always know
If you get a blow - I will feel this blow
Remember that I'm here, that I'm close
Remember, that I'm close


This is Lisbon

Old roof tiles atop,
And clothes hanging to dry,
The ascending stairways,
Windows blooming with flowers,
And the Tagus singing
The fisherwoman passes by,
Calling for fresh fish
Along with the sun that adores
And the fado that cries,
This is Lisbon!
A joke is told in Guia,
Running though Alfama and Mouraria,
Quickly arriving in Madragoa
There it goes like crazy
Spreading from mouth to mouth
Through the neighbourhoods of Lisbon
They say this city is big, up there
But if it's big, it doesn't seem like so.
On the street constantly,
From Benfica to São Vicente,
Everybody knows each other.
The window opens,
There on the fourth floor
Someone looking cheerful
Comes down from the third floor
Ready to have a look.
The gossip starts,
And everything goes from there
And so in this manner,
From the entire building
No one can escape!


ninja (kill) streak.

[Verse 1] Sneaking around, shadows, I don't know where I'm going
Us, being swayed by the moving wind
I feel like nothing matters anymore
I live these days, the palm of my hands, they moved and swayed
Please wake up, ninja
I counted the scars that won't heal
It's all because of some sad words
The remnants of my destruction are clear
Please wake up, ninja, ninja
Kill you like a ninja

Please wake up

[Verse 2] Ninja on ninja on me
Like that day I remember
These emotions that I don't need
I want to become kind
The intensity of deflection, shuriken
I felt like someone would change,
I feel like nothing matters anymore
I live these days, the palm of my hands, they moved and swayed
Please wake up

[Verse 3] Ninja on ninja on me
Like that day I remember
I don't know, I don't know anymore
There's no meaning, there's no meaning


​everything (everywhere) all at once.

[Intro] The past, and right now
Tomorrow is yesterday and today
Hello, ramko-san
I-I-I woke up
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
[Verse 1] I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
Whatever, I don't care
I don't give a fuck
Yeah, uh
[Refrain] I don't give a fuck
Whatever, I don't care
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
Whatever, I don't care
I don't give a fuck
[Verse 2] I don't give a fuck! Don't kill my vibe
This, and that, shut up
No more, there's no end to it
It doesn't seem like I'll ever understand anyways
Uh, bitch, acting after your first move
Destroy your feelings, god of death
I make my spit fly, in the video game
[Verse 3] Don't get on the last train
Even with the clues you can't salvage
We should be able to meet next weekend
No notice given, I sent it out to you
Nothing happened, probably
I drew, and drew
A tomorrow where something might happen
Something that nobody will understand
[Chorus] Something that really didn't mean a thing, what was it again?
Saying blehh!!! To my shameful self
I just want to keep loving,
But I'm going insane, going insane
Something that really didn't mean a thing, what was it again?
Saying blehh!!! To my shameful self
I just want to keep loving,
But I'm going insane, going insane
[Refrain] I don't give a fuck
Whatever, I don't care
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
Whatever, I don't care
I don't give a fuck
[Outro] Don't get on the last train
Even with the clues you can't salvage
We should be able to meet next weekend
No notice given, I sent it out to you
Nothing happened, probably
I drew, and drew
A tomorrow where something might happen
Something that nobody will understand