Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 44


Where are you going

Where are you going
That if I stay here you won't leave
It will always end up hurting more
And I can't even change that anymore
I don't know how much it takes
To forget the loneliness
That you left at my door
When you took my heart
You hide what you want to say
Just for the fear of seeing me suffer
But it can't
Nothing unites us
Just keeps us
And everything changes
We change too
Maybe love is like this
But all I wanted for me
No longer exists
Where are you going
That if I stay here you won't leave
It will always end up hurting more
And I can't even change that anymore
Tell me if you're going or not
I don't know whether to call or let it go
I hope it's time that heals
I can't even change that anymore
The time that passed through me
Made my shut up my voice
It was with you that I learned
What is to love someone alone
Dreams I've wasted
The songs I didn't sing because I stayed
Nothing unites us
Just keeps us
And everything changes
We change too
Maybe love is like this
But all I wanted for me
No longer exists
Where are you going
That if I stay here you won't leave
It will always end up hurting more
And I can't even change that anymore
Tell me if you're going or not
I don't know whether to call or let it go
I hope it's time that heals
I can't even change that anymore
Wake me up when it's over
But if this song was made for you
Maybe it will change what I haven't lived yet
So tell me if you're going or not
I don't know whether to call or let it go
I hope it's time that heals
I can't even change that anymore
Wake me up when it's over


How do I forbid it to fall in love
To cry and be dragged for love
And how do I complain to it about it being hurt
If it knows that I was the one who betrayed it
How do I beg him to not miss
To break up with jealousy and forgiveness
And how do I convince it that it's no good1
It's stubborn but it's my heart
How easy today would be to kill you
To turn around so as not to see you suffer
You feel and I think differently
But in the end we have to continue
You and me have the same fate
You don't beat if I also die
You can't get out of my chest
Because in the end you're my heart
How do I scold it for being naive
If it is an accomplice with me in pain
Asking it to forget it2would be a dream
Because someone has gotten between the two
How easy today would be to kill you
To turn around so as not to see you suffer
You feel and I think differently
But in the end we have to continue
  • 1. the situation
  • 2. here could be 'him' if she's talking a bout her lover, but it's not clear


In this life
we commute
between dream and reality
Lone travelers
with a suitcase of dreams in hand
and the infinite in the eyes
wander in search of our Eden
Often we stop long before
leaving that baggage
in some remote station
We are content to not be alone anymore
perhaps without thinking that the fate
sometimes gives us a bit of heaven
on which to roll out our dreams
Canceling the distance
between them and the reality.
© Barbara Brussa

You Are My Love

You are my only love,
A burning rose, a hot storm at night.
You are my love!
I love your eyes so much,
Though I know they will betray me.
Though I know you won’t come to me anymore,
You’ll send the last sad letter...
But I know you won’t forget my love
through all the nights, through all the days.
And though you won’t come back, won’t come back to me,
You are my love, just you and nobody else!
Though I know you won’t come to me anymore,
You’ll send the last sad letter...
But I know you won’t forget my love
through all the nights, through all the days.
And though you won’t come back, won’t come back to me,
You are my love, just you and nobody else!


You make me nights and days
And days and nights of love
You, I know that you could even
Bathe me in sunlight in the very rain
Before you, others came
That I never recognized
For you, I am not the same
You, it’s different, I love you
I love you
You make me nights and days
And days and nights of love
You make me the sea and the dunes
And the beaches in the moonlight
With your Jesus-like face
You came, oh welcome
You scratched me, gently
There, right at the tip of heart
At the tip of heart
You make me night and day
And day and night of love
And in your arms,I am shipwrecked
Without even leaving the shore
Even if I know my stuff
From boy scout to legionary
In front of you, I was definitely naked
The moment you undressed me
You made me, in the first morning,
Timid and virgin,virgin and harlot
For you, I am no longer the same
You, it’s different,I love you...


Deda1, Deda, listen to me
The things we don't dare to say to each other
The roses you don't dare to offer to each other
Lest they prick our fingers
Here they are
Deda, Deda
I owe it to you
You who sometimes talked about the time
Where you fled from the horror of the grenades
I imitated the Belgrade accent
And mocked me like a child
Like the child
Deda, Deda
Of your child
Come on, give me your hand Deda
Don't say anything if you don't know what Deda
Not a word, few gestures and then
Was I too young or you too old
So that I didn't see love in your eyes
Who was there quietly?
And I grew up
Deda, Deda
I made my life
Until one of my birthdays
Where they came out like a confession
The words that stayed too quiet
You told me you were proud,
Without seeming to be,
To be my grandfather
Come on, give me your hand Deda
Don't say anything if you don't know what Deda
Come on, give me your hand Deda
Don't say anything if you don't know what Deda
You had celebrated twenty-two summers
Before leaving your country
I blew out twenty-two candles
Before I went to sing my life
That makes at least one thing in common
Between you and me
Come on, give me your hand Deda
Don't say anything if you don't know what Deda
Come on, give me your hand Deda
Don't say anything, it suits you so well Deda
  • 1. Grandpa, Grampa, Pop in Serbian, her paternal grandfather came from Serbia


Hallgassatok végig, engem, az önjelölt énekest
Meséljetek rólam a szeretteiteknek, a barátaitoknak
Meséljetek nekik erről a fekete szemű lányról és az őrült álmáról
Nem akarok mást, csupán olyan történeteket írni, amik eljutnak az emberekhez
Ez minden
Tessék, tessék, tessék, ez vagyok én
Itt vagyok, még akkor is, ha félek így leplezetlenül, igen
Itt vagyok, mind a zajban, mind a csendben
Nézzetek rám, legalábbis arra, ami maradt belőlem
Nézzetek rám, mielőtt megutálnám magam
Mi az, amit senki mástól nem hallhattok, csak tőlem?
Nem nagy dolog, de mindent, amit adhattam, odaadtam
Tessék, tessék, tessék, ez vagyok én
Itt vagyok leplezetlenül, itt a vége
Az én szám, az én kiáltásom, tessék, nem számít
Tessék, tessék, tessék, itt van minden
Én, az álmom, a vágyaim, ahogy haldoklom, ahogy nevetek
Itt vagyok, mind a zajban, mind a csendben
Ne menjetek, könyörgöm, maradjatok, még sokáig
Lehet, hogy rajtam ez sem segít, nem
De nem tudom, mit tehetnék nélkületek
Szeressetek úgy, mint egy barátot, aki nem tér többé vissza
Annyit akarok csupán, hogy szeressenek, mert nem tudom, hogyan szeressem a körvonalaimat
Tessék, tessék, tessék, ez vagyok én
Itt vagyok leplezetlenül, itt a vége
Itt vagyok, mind a zajban, mind a haragban
Nézzetek rám végre, a szemembe, a kezeimre
Ez mindenem, az én szám, az én kiáltásom
Itt vagyok, itt vagyok, itt vagyok
Tessék, tessék

The black eagle

Versions: #1
One fine day, or maybe one fine night,
Near a lake, I had fallen asleep,
Suddenly, as if piercing the Sky,
And coming from nowhere, appeared a black eagle.
Slowly, slowly, with its wings spread wide,
Slowly, slowly, I saw it
Next to me, in a rustle of wings,
As if out of the Sky, the big bird alighted.
His eyes were the colour of rubies
His feathers were the colour of night,
On its brow, glittering and dazzling,
The great kingly crowned bird wore a blue diamond.
With its beak, it touched and stroked my cheek,
Into my hand, it slipped its soft neck.
At that moment, I recognized him,
Looming out of the past, he had come back to me.
Tell me, bird, oh do take me afar
Let's return to the Land of old days
Like before, in all my childhood dreams,
To pick up, shivering, to cull up stars and stars...
Like before, in all my childhood dreams
Like before, on a lovely white cloud,
Like before,.to set the Sun ablaze
To be a rain-maker, do all kinds of wonders !
Then, the black eagle , rustling its wings,
Flew up to go back to the Big Sky.
Four feathers, being colour of.night,
A single tear, perhaps a ruby.
I was cold, nothing left I might hold,
The bird had left.me there,
alone, with my sorrow...
One fine day, or maybe one fine night,
Near a lake, I had fallen asleep,
Suddenly, as if piercing the Sky,
And coming from nowhere, appeared a black eagle.

Azért, mert szeretlek

Azért, mert vállad a vállamhoz ér,
A szád a hajamhoz
És a kezed a nyakamhoz.
Azért, mert az ágyékomban érzem,
Mikor a lélegzeted megsuhint.
Azért, mert a kezeid,
Azért, mert orcád az orcámhoz ér.
Azért, mert a reggel elérkeztével,
Azért, mert az éj elérkeztével.
Mikor azt mondod 'gyere', én jövök.
Mikor mosolyogsz, én mosolygok.
Azért, mert itt vagy ott,
Legyen az bármelyik országban,
Addig amíg te ott vagy,
addig mindig otthon fogom érezni magam.
Azért,mert szeretlek,
jobbnak látom, ha most elmegyek.
Mert tudni kell elhagyni,
mielõtt a szerelem kialszik.
Azért, mert félek, hogy gyászba borulnak
az elmúlt percek, órák, másodpercek.
Azért, mert tudom, hogy nagyon kevés kell ahhoz,
hogy az éj eliszkoljon és ott találjuk magunkat a reggel küszöbén.
Nem hagyom, hogy az ágyunk fölé hajoljon
a bánkódás vagy az unalom árnyéka.
Nem hagyom, hogy nap nap után haljon meg minden,
ami minket jelképezett, minden, mi a szerelmünket jelentette.
Az idõ sosem fogja elvenni ezt tõlünk,
Inkább magammal viszem. Életben tartom.
Oh, hagyj elmenni, igen szeretlek,
de jobbnak látom, ha most elmegyek.
Mert tudni kell elhagyni,
mielõtt a szerelem kialszik.
Láttam azokat, akik pont úgy csinálták,mint mi

A magány

Ott találtam õt az ajtóm elõtt,
Egy este hazaérkezvén.
Mindenhová elkísér.
Visszatért hát, íme itt van õ.
A halott szerelmek szimatolója.
Lépten-nyomon követett.
A szajha, hogy az ördög vinné el!
Visszatért hát, íme itt van õ.
A böjti pofájával,
A nagy karikás szemeivel,
Szívünket meggyötri,
Szívünket megsiratja.
Reggeleinket sápadtá teszi,
Hosszú éjjeleinket pedig kietlenné.
A szajha! Képes lenne
még a meleg nyarat is téllé varázsolni.
A szomorú moaréselyem ruhádban,
A rosszul fésült hajaddal,
Te vagy a megtestesült reménytelenség,
Rád nézni is rossz.
Gyerünk, vidd máshová
A szomorú unalommal mázolt képedet.
Én nem vagyok egy szomorkodós fajta.
Menj, nézd meg ott vagyok-e !
Én még ringatni akarom csípõmet,
Akarom, hogy a tavasz megrészegítsen,
Meg akarom még fizetni az álmatlan éjszakákat,
Dobogó szívvel, törtetõ szívvel.
Mielõtt elérkezik a sápadt óra,
Az utolsó lehelletemig.
Még ki akarom mondani 'szeretlek'
És belehalni a szerelembe.
Azt mondta: nyisd ki az ajtód.
Lépten-nyomon követtelek.
Tudom, hogy szerelmeid mind meghaltak.
Visszatértem hát, íme itt vagyok.
Elszavalták neked verseiket,
A szép férfiak, a szép gyermekek,
A hamis Rimbaud-id, a hamis Verlaine-eid.
Hát kérlekszépen, mind ennek most vége.
Azóta éjszakáim álmatlanok.
A nyakamon csüng,
A csípõmre tekeredett,
A térdemre telepszik.
Mindenhová elkísér.
És lépten-nyomon követ.
Az ajtóm elõtt várakozik.
Visszatért hát, íme itt van õ,
A magány, a magány...

A halál

Ki ez a nõ, aki az utcákat járja?
Hova tart?
A ködös éjben, a zord hidegben
mit csinál?
Egy selyem kendõ mögé rejtõzve,
alig lehet kivenni arcának formáját.
A város egy nagy fehér sivatag,
melyet árnyékként szel át.
Ki ez a nõ, aki az utcákat járja?
Mégis ki õ?
Miféle rejtelmes randevúra
Épp most oson be egy kapualj alá,
és lassan a lépcsõ felé veszi az irányt,
Hova megy?
Egy ajtó kinyílt,
s õ kopogás nélkül berontott,
és ott állt elõtte.
Egy férfi fekszik egy nagy ágyban,
Azt mondja neki: várni foglak.
Drága könyörtelen,
A mozdulatlan szobában
Elhúzta a függönyöket,
s egy piros selyem párnára
Helyezte kabátját.
Olyan gyönyörū, mint egy menyasszony,
a hosszú fehér ruhájában,
a csipke ruhájában.
Fölé hajol és a férfi elámul.
Vajon mit mondhat?
Ismét a lépcsõ felé veszi az irányt, s az utcákat járja,
hova tart ez a csipkébe öltözött nõ?
Ki ez a nõ?
Kétségtelenül szép,
Õ az utolsó menyasszony,
Az aki akkor is jön, ha nem hívják.
A hūséges,
Ō az utolsó óra menyasszonya.
Az aki akkor jön, mikor mindenki sír,
Drága könyörtelen.
Õ maga a halál, a halál aki az utcákat járja.
Jól csukd be ablakaid,
Hogy soha be ne tegye hozzád a lábát.
Ez a nõ, õ a halál,
A halál, a halál, a halál...


8:27 a.m.
The blue sky almost makes the hospital pretty
You're 17, almost 17 and a half
You have your heart in your boots
You cross the courtyard
You hope to run into no one
And that it doesn't last long
A pill and it's over
Shame will pass
You're like the pierced child that the future will fill, but it's too early for that.
'Barbara, are you sure?'
They explain life to you
All around it's getting restless
And then, there's this sentence that they throw in your face:
'But you're just a whore!
That's what happens, well yeah!
You're not protected and you might be sterile, you should have thought about it'.
Of course you thought about it...
8:50 a.m., you come out of that room collapsed and full of guilt.
You're 20
Isn't being 20 years beautiful?
But you don't really know
No confidence at all
You drink too much to feel a little bit less
You blaze up, you act as if nothing had happened.
But deep down, you see yourself as they look at you.
Without value,
Without future
Without softness,
Without pleasure
And you believe that sex is linked to violence
You think the most important thing is to save face
If you play well, it's all right
When you play well, everything passes
You flee forward so as not to listen to yourself,
Not understanding you, not even respecting you
You cut your hair short
You tattoo yourself of bullshit
Small defeats
Parties that degenerate
And tears in the dawn
What can you do about it?
You're 26
The blue sky almost makes the boulevard pretty
You're 26, almost 26 and a half.
Now you feel ready
You can hear yourself resonate
And then abandon you
Now you listen to yourself
You know you have the right to let yourself go.
And to say to you: 'I love you.'
'I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.'
To give your skin lots of other memories
Love, respect, kisses, desire,
To give your skin lots of other memories
Love, respect, kisses, desire.
Without knowing it, I was moving forward
I was moving towards my beloved flesh.
Without knowing it, you will move forward
You'll move towards your flesh, my darling.
Now that we know, we move forward
Let's move towards our beloved flesh
Let's move towards our healed flesh
Let's move towards our flesh.
Without knowing it, I was moving forward
I was moving towards my beloved flesh.
Without knowing it, you will move forward
You'll move towards this flesh, my darling.
Now that we know, we move forward
Let's move towards our beloved flesh
Let's move towards our healed flesh
Let's move towards our flesh.

It's not Witchcraft

Versions: #1
I'm now beginning to see the light
Because they wanted to extinguish it
What? Haven't they suffered enough pain
Or what they wanted is for you to die by love
No, they didn't want to see more tears from me
What they don't see is how much they hurt me
Love whomever
No, they want me
And now that I find your company
It's gossip!
That, if loving you is wrong, it witchcraft
That you stole my soul and it's not mine
That you are here to return the reason...
Who would think that you are away
Who do you want someone else?
No, they are your fault
They aren't my fault
Only, I took care of your heart
It's not witchcraft!
No, they didn't want to see more tears from me
What they don't see is how much they hurt me
Love whomever
No, they want me
And now that I find your company
It's gossip!
That, if loving you is wrong, it witchcraft
That you stole my soul and it's not mine
That you are here to return the reason.
Who would think that you are away
Who do you want someone else?
No, they are your fault
They aren't my fault
Only, I took care of your heart
And it's for love

Don't leave

I know that you don't like where you are
and that you expect more from life,
that sometimes you've wanted to escape.
I know that you're looking for an explanation,
you want to convince your heart
that one day you're happy and the next you're not,
but I love you and I want you
to give me another change.
Don't leave my love because this isn't necessary,
with this heart you'll be a millionaire,
if you want, I'll change my strategy, but no,
don't leave and much less at this moment.
With this love I'll make my love into a monument,
I swear these aren't tales, but not,
don't leave please, no, no, don't leave, no.
My love, I love you and I want you
to give me another change,
because as a child, no one love you more...
Don't leave my love because this isn't necessary,
with this heart you'll be a millionaire,
if you want, I'll change my strategy, but no,
don't leave and much less at this moment.
With this love I'll make my love into a monument,
I swear these aren't tales, but not,
don't leave please, no, no, don't leave, no.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


How ironic

It was all nonsense what he said to me,
he mocked me and the love that I had for him,
it was all a fantasy what I lived through,
what angers me is that I didn't even notice it.
See how ironic it is,
he played me this entire time that he had loved me
and I who deceived myself by making myself believe him,
fell into his trap, fell into my trap.
Who would have thought
that as time passed I'd fall in love,
and I, believing him, gave him my body,
that he'd won over my love and I'd lose his,
see how ironic it is...
It was all a fantasy what I lived through,
what angers me is that I didn't even notice it.
See how ironic it is,
he played me this entire time that he had loved me
and I who deceived myself by making myself believe him,
I fell into his trap, I fell into my trap.
Who would have thought
that as time passed I'd fall in love,
and I, believing him, I'd give him my body,
that he'd win over my love and I'd lose his,
see how ironic it is...
See how ironic it is,
he played me this entire time that he had loved me
and I who deceived myself by making myself believe him,
I fell into his trap, I fell into my trap.
Who would have thought
that as time passed I'd fall in love,
and I, believing him, I'd give him my body,
that he'd win over my love and I'd lose his,
see how ironic it is...
See how ironic it is...
and it was my fault....
who would have thought...
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


I tip my hat to you

Is it the hand of God
Is it the hand of the Devil
That wove the sky
Of that beautiful morning,
Planting in its heart
A snippet of sunlight
Which shatters upon the water
In a thousand ruby radiances?
Is it the hand of God
Is it the hand of the Devil
That placed upon the sea
That strange yacht
Which, like the snake,
Seems to unfurl itself,
Black and white, upon the blue water
That the wind makes dance?
Is it God, is the Devil
Or the two at the same time
Who, one day, joining together,
Crafted that morning?
Is it one or the other?
Truly, I do not know
But, for so much beauty,
Thanks be to them, I tip my hat to them.
Is it the hand of God,
Is it the hand of the Devil
That placed that rose
In this garden here?
For that fiery love,
For that noble lady
The rose of velvet
In this garden here?
And these burst open plums,
And all those white lily flowers,
And these red currants,
And this laughter of children,
And Christine so beautiful
Under her white petticoats,
With, in the middle,
The brilliance of her twenty years of life?
Is it God, is it the Devil
Or the two at the same time
Who, one day, joining together,
Crafted that springtime?
Is it one or the other?
Truly, I do not know,
But, for so much beauty,
Thanks be to them, I tip my hat to them!
The yacht which skittered away,
The rose here
And those flowers and those fruits
And our tears of joy...
Who could offer us
All of those beautiful things?
We pluck them up together without saying anything.
Proceed, it is for you and for me!
Is it the hand of God
And that hand of the Malignant
Who, one day, joining together,
Have crossed our paths?
Is it one or the other?
Truly, I do not know,
But for that love
Thanks be to them, I tip my hat to them!...
But for you and for me
Thanks be to them, I tip my hat to them

A szívem fekete

Egy kés mélyebbre vág, mint ahogy a kalapács leesik
De a fájdalom ugyanaz, mikor
Mindent elvesztesz
Nézd az elhalványuló csillagot az égen
A nyolcas golyó* azt mondja, itt az idő meghalni
A szerencsés ember sír
Nekem vér szárad a kezem
Sosem volt egy harcos
De az lennék, ha úgy adódna
Én egy szar játékos vagyok és lejárt az idő
Annak a gyönyörű srácnak, akiről ez a dal szól
Az élet egy szajha és én is az vagyok, látod
A szerelmemet az elektromos gitáromnak** ajánlom
A hang egyre közelebb jön
Érzem az ereimben ma este
Szégyelljem magam, a szívem fekete
A hang átvesz
Eggyé válunk, nem tudok lélegezni
Szégyelljem magam, a szívem fekete
Senki sem tud soha rávenni, hogy maradjak
És senki sem tud megállítani, hogy ne így viselkedjek
Biztosan egyedül vagyok, de büszkén állok
Mikor ti, többiek elveszítetek mindent
Sosem volt egy harcos
De az lennék, ha úgy adódna
Nekem vér szárad a kezem
A szívem fekete

The orchard in Lorraine

All the blood shed
by the men in the plain
and all the departed
of uncertain causes
have allowed this orchard
to grow hundreds
of roses and apple trees
and marjoram too.
All those who cried
they were dying in vain,
all those who wept,
their foreheads in the grass,
all those who breathed
their last sigh there
have turned this orchard
on the Lorraine border
into a sweet loving cove
for lovers as spring comes.
All those thrown to the ground
before they could ever
say in wonder:
'Your eyes are the ones I love',
all these brides
who waited in vain,
these men torn away
from their coming weddings,
they all smile seeing
those who are brought by love
to the grass of this orchard
as their mouths unite.
All those who left behind
their ordinary love,
their limbs smashed,
their blood outside their veins,
all those we mourned
during bygone wars,
all those we forgot,
the nameless, the bohemian,
all rise up and sing
when carefree lovers
come by to share
the serene caress
they themselves were denied
for the sake of an old tune.
All the blood shed
by the men in the plain
and all the departed
of uncertain causes
have allowed this orchard
to grow hundreds
of roses and apple trees
and marjoram too,
have turned this orchard
on the Lorraine border
into a sweet loving cove
for lovers as spring comes.

Sparkle up (X-faktor Winner's Song)

I'd travel on the wind's back, on the edge of the sun,
I'd drink from clouds, from the bark of sky-high trees,
I wouldn't hit the brake, nothing's far,
Still, noone could catch up with me
Every heart calls a cab when the fun's out,
Finally, the whole world is only mine,
Everyone carries cliffs from the Moon,
I'll fly further for the stars.
There's that feeling, that everything's good,
But you need more, you need more,
1001 steps, that's what it takes,
Let's go, start the journey!
Sprinkle everywhere the Moon's light
when you're breathing, If you think
you're about to disappear, just sparkle up!
Experience it freely, music is your ladder.
Life's good just like this,
lasts til it lasts,
After all, every word turns into
space-junk once,
In my way (of playing)
there's no replay,
The game is hard with half-throttle
Every heart calls a cab when the fun's out,
Finally, the whole world is only mine,
Everyone carries cliffs from the Moon,
I'll fly further for the stars.
There's that feeling, that everything's good,
But you need more, you need more,
1001 steps, that's what it takes,
Let's go, start the journey!
Sprinkle everywhere the Moon's light
when you're breathing, If you think
you're about to disappear, just sparkle up!
Experience it freely, music is your ladder.