Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 6


Quo Vadis

Where are you going, love?1
Where are you going, love?
I will miss you
Where are you going, my heart?
Tell me where you are going
You said you wouldn’t
ever leave me
Where are you going, love?
I will miss you
It's late at night and I think of you
I can find no dream, a “why” remains
My heart is full of tears
Little by little I feel alone
I will miss your love
I feel lost in the eternity
If you really leave me
I'll be alone, more than ever
But please tell me where you are going...
Where are you going, love?
Where are you going, love?
I will miss you
Where are you going, my heart?
Tell me where you are going
You said you wouldn’t
ever leave me
Where are you going, love?
I will miss you
If you are confused, tell me why
Don't you remember the days with me?
My heart is full of tears
Little by little I feel alone
You can't tell me the truth
You're not the same as you were a summer ago
There’s no hope, I know you will leave
I'll be alone, more than ever
But please tell me where you are going...
Where are you going, love?
Where are you going, love?
I will miss you
Where are you going, my heart?
Tell me where you are going
You said you wouldn’t
ever leave me
Where are you going, love?
I will miss you
Where are you going, love?
Where are you going, love?
I will miss you
Where are you going, my heart?
Tell me where you are going
You said you wouldn’t
ever leave me
Where are you going, love?
I will miss you
  • 1. “Quo vadis” is Latin: 'Where do you go?'

You with Me

I am with you,
just me and you,
it's serenity.
A long time ago
I met you,
I thought that
I resist you a bit, but then ...
I noticed that
I need you
for eternity,
it is the truth.
If I fight
with you, I know,
I resist you a bit, but then...
there is a fire inside us...
You with me, always together, you with me,
hold me a little tighter,
this love is for eternity.
You with me, always together, you with me,
and while you kiss me I feel that
this love is for eternity.
I feel you give me
more than you have.
I just love you so,
now we are here.
For a moment
I feel a thrill.
I resist you a little, but then...
We're the only ones,
I feel you want me...
I don't want more,
in your blue eyes
I see you and me,
play a little with me.
I resist you a bit, but then...
there is a fire inside us...
You with me, always together, you with me,
hold me a little tighter,
this love is for eternity.
You with me, always together, you with me,
and while you kiss me I feel that
this love is for eternity.
You with me...
You with me...
This love is for eternity.
You with me, always together, you with me,
and while you kiss me I feel that
this love is for eternity.
You with me...

Gyönyörű Stella

Gyönyörű Stella, szerelmes vagyok az éjszakába,
a varázsával... bennem.
[Hallasz engem?]
Rád gondolok.
[Igen, Double D a zsíros track-ben
Az ABE vendéggel, úgy mint a Fat Mack]
Rád gondolok.
[Double D az oldalamon, jah,
Gyönyörű Stellat képviselve]
Elfeledlek, Vertigo... Nem is tudom,
Nem térek vissza hozzád
Elfeledlek, Vertigo... Nem is tudom,
Te bennem maradsz...
Rád gondolok.
[Robbantással a viharos időben
Ez az utolsó, amikor a maszk rémületet hoz neked, kihívlak téged
Gyorsan lépj fel őrült érzelmeiddel, simán távozok,
Egy trükkel, arcszeszbe fulladva
Megvan bennem a megfelelő érzelem, a megfelelő mámor, a megfelelő érzés
Nincs könnyebb, mint a szexuális gyógyulás
Semmit sem tehetek, szeretlek
És fiú
Tudod, hogy a szerelmem több mint igaz]
[Oh Uram, könyörülj a lelkemen, elveszítem az irányítást
Ahogy felnőttem, visszaemlékszem arra, mit mondtak nekem, hogy eladtam
A magatartásom másik oldalát
Én megcsináltam és fizetek, aztán letettem, úgyhogy mentsd el
A leckét egy másik rohadt hülye tesónak a szomszédságból
Minden rendben van, és a magunkfajtákat fedeznem kell
A fájdalmam őrült az agy számára
Úgy fekszem, mint a túlterhelt vonat
De a játék ugyanaz]
Gyönyörű Stella, szerelmes vagyok az éjszakába,
a varázsával... bennem.
[Hallasz engem?]
Rád gondolok.
Elfeledlek, Vertigo... Nem is tudom,
Nem térek vissza hozzád
Elfeledlek, Vertigo... Nem is tudom,
Te bennem maradsz...
...rád gondolok.
Lady Scar lép a ringbe]
[Azt mondod, hogy csak barátok vagyunk, de nem bírod elviselni
Ha másik férfival látsz
Nem értem, miért nem tudsz megbirkózni a valósággal
Nem gondolod, hogy ez egy szar próbálkozás csinosnak tűnni csak neked
Szóval mit tegyek, leírjam egy papírra vagy betűzzem neked
Barátom, ez a szerelem, aha
Semmivel sem több vagy kevesebb]
Gyönyörű Stella, szerelmes vagyok az éjszakába,
a varázsával... bennem.
[Hallasz engem?]
Rád gondolok.
Elfeledlek, Vertigo... Nem is tudom,
Nem térek vissza hozzád
Elfeledlek, Vertigo... Nem is tudom,
Te bennem maradsz...
...rád gondolok.
Elfeledlek, Vertigo... Nem is tudom,
Nem térek vissza hozzád
Elfeledlek, Vertigo... Nem is tudom,
Te bennem maradsz...
...rád gondolok.


I'll call you and I'll be in the world's soul
Eternal I'll be in the future's world
Eternal I'll be in my soul
I'll find you and I'll be in the world's soul
Eternal I'll be in the future's world
Eternal I'll be with my soul
[American rap part]
Time is an illusion
You will find it because it's inside you, in your soul
I'll find you and I'll be in the world's soul
Eternal I'll be in the future's world
Eternal I'll be in my soul
I live forever because
Time here stops forever because
I know that's just an illusion because I believe in soul
[American rap part]
Time is an illusion
You will find it because it's inside you, in your soul
I'll find you and I'll be in the world's soul
Eternal I'll be in the future's world
Eternal I'll be in my soul
I live forever because
Time here stops forever because
I know that's just an illusion because I believe in soul

Veni vidi vici

Veni vidi vici[0], you know you're beautiful, impossible
veni vidi vici, you know you're beautiful, confident
you surprise me like this
how you fascinate me
I fall in love
I adore you
because you are like that
I think you know[1]
that I like you
When will it be
that you will kiss me?
You are so confident
play with me a little more
I feel that you
can't resist me
when will it be
that you will conquer me?
Beautiful, impossible
so confident
Veni vidi vici, you know you're beautiful, impossible
veni vidi vici, you know you're beautiful, confident
you surprise me like this
how you fascinate me
I fall in love
I adore you
because you are like that
You are like this,
and like this I want you
I feel that
I fall in love with you[2]
I resist you briefly, but then
I light the fire inside of us
I don't think that
it's an illusion[3]
I see you and
I feel the passion
Our hearts rise inside of us
while you tell me that you want me
Veni vidi vici, you know you're beautiful, impossible
veni vidi vici, you know you're beautiful, confident
you surprise me like this
how you fascinate me
I fall in love
I adore you
because you are like that
Veni vidi vici!