Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 74


A Step Ahead

I have to be
A step ahead from the front of a line
Run, the swords are swinging
I only steal things that I cannot afford
Everything of it
A step ahead, avoid yourself from being detained
I am not looking for any enemies
They do not understand the situation
You better watch out! Try again, darling
Surround him
From behind
I have to do this because the situation forces me to do so
Who is going to help me?
Have pity on Aladdin, what a poor being
He is always being hunted down
Always be such a nuisance to everyone
I want to eat rice but I have to steal it
See you soon, dear fierce woman
A step ahead before being smacked
My fate is unpredictable
It is better for me to have a fake name
A step ahead to avoid the hunters
Do not let yourself to be trapped
Come, we walk around a whole block
Oh my, please soften the heart
I think I have fallen in love
I want to eat rice but I am forced to steal
How could I be eating charcoal?
A step ahead so that we can avoid it
Jump, no time for an argument!
Tricks to avoid yourself from any disasters
They are at behind us
Come on
What are you waiting for
Quickly, run
Jump or even fly!

Egy Teljesen Új Világ

Versions: #2
Én megmutathatom neked a világot
Ragyogó, csillámló, pompás
Mondd el, hercegnő, mikor
hagytad utoljára, hogy a szíved döntsön?
Én felnyithatom a szemeidet
Csodáról csodára járhatunk
Felettük, mellettük és alattuk
Repülhetünk egy varázsszőnyegen
Egy teljesen új világ
Egy fantasztikus új nézőpont
Senki sem mondhat nemet nekünk
Vagy, hogy hova menjünk
Vagy azt, hogy csak álmodunk
Egy teljesen új világ
Egy káprázatos hely, amit eddig nem ismertem
De innen fentről
kristály tiszta
hogy egy teljesen új világban vagyok veled
Hihetetlen látnivalók
Leírhatatlan érzés
Szárnyalunk, bukfencezünk, szabadon futunk
Egy végtelen gyémánt égen keresztül
Egy teljesen új világ
Ne merd be csukni a szemed
Százezer dolgot kell megnézned
Tartsd vissza a lélegzeted - egyre jobb lesz
Olyan vagyok mint egy hulló csillag
Olyan messzire jutottam
Nem tudok visszamenni oda ahol eddig voltam
Egy teljesen új világ
Új látóhatárral amit követni kell
Követem bárhová
Van időnk, amit megtakaríthatunk
Hadd osszam meg veled ezt a teljesen új világot
Egy teljesen új világ
Egy fantasztikus új nézőpont
Senki sem mondhat nemet nekünk
Vagy, hogy hova menjünk
Vagy azt, hogy csak álmodunk
Egy teljesen új világ
Minden kanyar egy meglepetés
Új látóhatárral amit követni kell
Minden pillanat jobb lesz
Követem bárhová
Van időnk, amit megtakaríthatunk
Van időnk, amit megtakaríthatunk
Hadd osszam meg veled ezt a teljesen új világot
Egy teljesen új világ
Egy teljesen új világ
Ez az, ahol leszünk
Ez az, ahol leszünk
Egy izgalmas üldözés
Egy bámulatos hely
Neked és nekem


Itt jön egy hullám
Szándékozva elmosni engem
Egy árapály ami alá vesz engem
Homokba nyelve
Elhagyva semmivel, mit mondani
A hangom elfolytották a dörgésben
Nem fogok sírni
Nem fogok elkezdeni porladni
Bármikor próbálkoznak
Hogy leállítsanak vagy ledöntsenek
Nem leszek elcsendesítve
Nem tudsz csendben tartani
Nem remegek meg, mikor megpróbálod
Mindaz, amit tudok, hogy nem leszek szótlan
Mert lélegezni fogok
Amikor megpróbálnak megfullasztani
Nem becsülj alá engem
Mert tudom, hogy nem leszek szótlan
Kőbe vésve
Minden szabály, minden szó
Évszázadok régiek és makacsok
Maradj a helyeden
Jobb látva és nem hallva
De most az a történet véget ér
Mert én
Nem tudok elkezdeni porladni
Tehát gyere és próbálj
Próbálj leállítani és ledönteni
Nem leszek elcsendesítve
Nem tudsz csendben tartani
Nem remegek meg, mikor megpróbálod
Mindaz, amit tudok, hogy nem leszek szótlan
Engedd be a vihart
Nem törhetnek le
Nem, nem fogok hallgatólagosan élni
Mert tudom, hogy nem leszek szótlan
Próbálj bezárni ebbe a ketrecbe
Nem fogok csak lefeküdni és meghalni
Felveszem azokat a törött szárnyakat
És nézz engem ahogy keresztül égek az égen
És visszhangzik azt mondva, hogy...
Nem leszek elcsendesítve
Nem, nem fogsz látni engem porladni, amikor megpróbálod
Mindaz, amit tudok, hogy nem leszek szótlan
Mert lélegezni fogok
Amikor megpróbálnak megfullasztani
Nem becsülj alá engem
Mert tudom, hogy nem leszek szótlan
Mindaz amit tudok, hogy nem leszek szótlan
Translation came immediately, corrections are always welcomed.
Hirtelen jött fordítás, javításokat szívesen veszek

There's Not Such a Cool Genie

If on a dark night in the bazaar
Some gang falls on you
My master, in a flash you'll wallop them
You'll have more than enough genie to spare
Use my magic and you'll win by K.O.
I'm dynamite at the point of exploding
And you'll see, What a flash!
You must only rub this lamp
Who's calling?
My master and my lord, want something special?
I recommend our peacock
There's not such a cool genie
I am your maître d′ here
An obliging guy
Repeat to me, order, I hear bad
There's not such a cool genie
Yes, yes, five-star service
You'll eat better than the shah
Any delicacy
Cous cous, what more?
Maybe a little of baklavab
How about a schichekebab
And fruits at the end?
Here's the menu, you write it
There's not such a cool genie
Have you seen something like this?
Now you try
Now you'll learn
Another trick more
Watch out that I burn!
And take it now
When I say, 'Abracadabra,' bon voyage
I make them disappear
You've given yourself a nervous breakdown, you've been left flabbergasted
For your problems I'm the solution
I was the first of my class
I am a genie super enrolled
What you order it'll be done, I serve you
Whisper to and I'll listen to you, let it go
I know that the list is more that a million
You rub well and then tell me it, eh oh
My master and my lord, what can I do for you?
I'm here now, how are you my love?
There's not a genie so, there's not a genie so
There's not a genie so, there's not a genie so
There's not a genie so awesome!

Arabian Nights

He comes from a land of the most peculiar people
and castles of gold and brass
and sands like the sea and a sun that melts stones
and peculiarity is the core of my land
and winds from the east
and sunrise from the sea
a sun that wows all eyes
and traveling is easy
on the magic carpet
in the company of Aladdin
because the day has the beauty of the night here
a genie is going to surround us
snow, thunder, fire
a story through
mysteries, secrets
and meeting bad guys
and Jasmine the fiance
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


At Any Second

Just look at the sky for a moment, look at the falling star,
Say your wish quietly and it will come true.
If you trust in miracles, if you believe in dreams,
Then the fairy tale will come back to reality.
And at any second, (at any second)
Listen to the voice of your heart,
Always love and desire
Those who you want the most off all.
And follow the road,
Look at the road of love,
Search righteousness and brightness
You will definitely be illuminated by your path.
The magic lamp will switch the fairy tale on
And will take you this place, where everyone is happy.
Go on the quiet road, you will see the city of dreams,
Where the cruel could not win to the kind
And at any second, (at any second)
Listen to the voice of your heart,
Love forever and desire,
Whom who you want most off all.
And follow the road, (follow the road)
Look at the road of love,
Search righteousness and brightness
You will definitely be illuminated by your path
And the lamp will switch on, then the fairy tale will start.

A Faithful Friend

Neither Scheherazade nor Ali Baba
Never could imagine.
The luck that my master will show
With the grand magic that will make him triumph.
That your fists offer grand power
Possess a tremendous arsenal
And that you will have surprises
You only have to rub the lamp, I'll say to you.
My master Aladdin, what is it that you will ask for?
I will take your order because you sir
Have a faithful friend in me
Life is a buffet and I will serve you
In secret, what do you ask of me?
You have a faithful friend in me
Yes, giving good service is our pride
You're the boss, the king, the Shah!
You have to ask, it's always from the best
And little bit more of baklava
Something from list A, and all of list B
Today I feel like helping you
You have a faithful friend in me
I can do this, he can do that
This appears from that hat
And I can fuu, Look there!
And who can Abracadabra, break it like this
And the girls disappear
You must not be surprised
I am always ready to respond
You can certify my good faith
A genie is at your service
You can count on my strong magic
And your wishes I'm going to realize
Give me that extremely long list
Rub the lamp and you'll see who I am, oh-oh
My master Aladdin, ask for one, two or three
I am willing because you sir
Have a faithful friend, have a faithful friend
A faithful friend, a faithful friend
A f...aithful...friend...in...me
You have a faithful friend in me

A Jump Ahead

Slacker, thief
That's a lie
If they looked more closely
Would they see a poor boy only? No, sir
They would find that there is more in me

© Pires Philippe

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.


A Jump Ahead

Dirty rat
All of this is a lie
If they looked more closely
With the eyes of their hearts
They would find a good man in me

© Pires Philippe

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.


Two friends [Friends like me]

I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming
Master, I think you have no idea what you've got
So while you're thinking, I'll shine a light on the possibilities
It was easy for Alibaba, know
Scheherazade had a night
But boss, you have a lot bigger power up your sleeve
So prepare the heavy artillery
Fill the cannons for a hard war
'Cause now you've entirely, totally, gotten up the speed
Rub the lamp, I'm here right away, let me take your order...
My dear Aladdin, everything is orderly
Just say what you want, I grant it
See, we're two friends
Life is sweet, just know, and I'm the appetizer
Let my ear hear everything
That we're two friends
Yes, I'm always at your service
And master you're a king, a czar
You have a wish, I grant it
At least the quantity is not a problem
Something from the A side and something from the B side
Try everything, make your dreams come true
That's why we're two friends
(Wow-wow-wow) oh come on, (wow-wow-wow) no, no
(Wow-wow-wow) come on, come on
Watch this trick, watch this stunt
Now pull a rabbit out of your hat
I'm like a dragon, hoo, hey look at that
Come on now, abracadabra, one, two, three
Now make it all disappear
Don't stare, come to your senses
From now on it will always be as you say
'Cause I'm verified, I have guarantee
To be your almighty servant
Come on say it now, I want to help
What are your wishes, I want to know everything
'Cause your list has no end
Come on rub the lamp, ohoo
Mister Aladdin say a wish, two or three
'Cause from now on you're my VIP
That's why two friends, two friends
That's why two friends, two friends
That's why we're two fri-ends
We're two friends

Prince Ali

Prince Ali
There he comes, the Prince Ali
Hail Prince Ali
Open the way in your bazaar
You're going to see the great Ali passing by
And who wants to see him
Come here, come closer
The bells are ringing*,
The drums are rolling*,
To welcome the boy
Prince Ali is this one, Ali Ababwa
Kneeling, bowing down, will be cool
I hope he loves you,
As he listens to your 'salam'**
Greeting his sensational entourage
Prince Ali reigns here, Ali Ababwa
He's strong and tough, the great Ali
Thieves he's fought
And has beaten more than one hundred
Who frightened them away
Was Prince Ali
He's got seventy golden camels
Aren't they wonderful?
And peacocks, he's got lots of
Fabulous, I love the feathers!
He's also got some rare mammals
He looks like the Sultan
Don't you think?
It's fantastic, the collection
Prince Ali, the most handsome here, Ali Ababwa
He's got a body I'd like to have for me
There's no doubt he's attractive
And looks very inteligent
And above all, he's amazing
All the girls there, get yourselves ready
Drop your veils down and look
Take a good look at him and go crazy for Prince Ali
He's very elegant
A prince to fall in love with
And looks like he's going to be a great lover
He's got more than one hundred little monkeys
One hundred little monkeys! We want to see them!
Who wants to see them can do it here
And without having to pay for it. He's so good!
He's got slaves and servants
Ready to serve
And to do what he wants
All serve him, Ali, with frenzy
Prince Ali
Prince Ali lives smiling, Ali Ababwa
He's heard that a beautiful princess lives here
For that he adorned himself
And quickly came here
With his elephants, hairy llamas
Bears, lions, trumpets too
Fakirs and cooks and birds
Who sing in 'si' and 'mi'***
To Prince Ali
Have a nice day! God bless!

A Whole New World

I give you the world as a gift
all shiny and bright
When was the last time you let
the voice of your heart carry you?
Come with me to take a flight
adventure with no end
My magic carpet is ready
let's go into the night
Into new world
into new reality, trust me
'Cause no one's mad at you
for choosing a path
through hope and through dreams
Into new world
full of enthusiasm, full of love
Where the eternal flame burns
becuse now I know
into new world
you brought me
you and me found the new world
Inexplicable night
indescribable thoughts
I'll discover many secrets
the stars from the sky are mine!
That new world
-Now leaves you breathless
It keeps a million miracles
-Eyes wide open
Shines like a meteor
I know the answer
I can't go back, here, here's my home
-Into new world
Every magical moment
-Far away from all evil people
a new surprise
I go to land far away
now give me your hand
Follow me into
new world, you too
We're on our way
to a new world
That new world
-Like a magnificent flower
are you and me
Copyright © treeoftoday244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

One Step Ahead (Reprise)

They say I'm garbage?
They say I'm a thief?
That's really a shame... but
This lifestyle I have
I'll show you that some day
I will change it
My translations are free to use, just don't claim them as your own, please!! Si necesitas una traducción Inglés - Español, puedes pedirlo sin miedo.

A Friend Like Me

That Ali Baba guy had the thieves
Sheherazade had a thousand tales
But master, you're in luck
Now you yourself can
Be both a wizard and a magical guy
Now you've got strength in your glove, dynamite,
You've got a time bomb
You've got punch now - strike -
Hooray - a hit!
Just take the lamp in your hand and rub it
And I'll say...
Master Aladdin, tell me, what can I do for you?
Let me take your order, write it down...
You've never had a friend like me
Ha ha ha
Life's a restaurant and
I exist for you
You may whisper whatever you want
You've never had a friend like me
We'll say, we have the best service
You're the boss, mogul, and czar
Put forth your wishes
And they'll come true
How about an extra handful of baklava?
You can freely choose from column A
In the meantime, B is on its way
Take whatever you want, 'cause that's what I'm here for
You've never had a friend like me
Wawawa, my mo
Wawawa, oh no
Wawawa, hahaha
Skiddely diddely wow
Can you use your head?
Just get a grip
Can you find anything
Inside your hat?
A single blow
And look at that! (Ha ha)
Can you say abracadabra
Like this?
And disappear in a golden flash!
Don't sit there with a long face
I'll ensure that your Friday prayer is heard
I'll open the gates - and the doors
My job will with guarantee be accomplished well
I'm just waiting for the start signal from you
Tell me your wishes and I'll get started
Your wish list is long, I'm sure
Rub the lamp for the first, and then...
Master Aladdin, speak,
Tell me what you want
I'll get you up on the top of life
You've never had a friend
Never had a friend
You've never had a friend
Never had a friend
You've never
Had a
Friend like me
Ha ha ha
Ha ha ha
You've never had a friend like me!
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

A World of Dreams

Let me take you there
A world full of stars.
Tell me princess, did you listen to your heart?
Let me show you this lovely world, these beautiful
Wings, we'll take. Shall we keep flying all night?
A world of dreams,
Everything's new, a new scent,
No one can stop us, and we'll do what our hearts desire,
A world of dreams.
Never seen a world like this,
Says this heart, It feels like
World of dreams is found, and you
I can't believe my eyes,
My heart can't believe it either.
We fly among the showers of the stars.
A world of dreams.
Aladdin: Eyelids are not shut,
See to your heart's content.
Jasmine: Looking in a million directions,
I'm the wave that doesn't return to shore.
Aladdin: A world of dreams (every destination is here)
New destinations are found (every moment seems precious)
A desire in the heart, a moment that's special,
Let us take on
A world of dreams
A world of dreams x2
We'll be there x2
It'll become our story
We'll stay together
You and I...

Prince Ali

- What is this? Oh! There is music! Jafar, go, look!
Wow! Wow! This is Prince Ali!
Vivat! This is Prince Ali!
Hey, step aside
and give him the road!
Hey, you let me through!
Meet the Star!
Well, it's more joyous
Thanks be to heaven!
Don'y stand there like a ram
But beat the drum!
Well it's him, finally
Prince Ali -
The sun of the earth
Ali A-ba-boo!
Near you
Slow down
Reveal good fortune!
Honor the Prince Ali!
Allah pray dearly
to meet with him
nearing a glorious moment
Prince Ali -
The pride of the earth
Ali A-ba-boo!
He is stronger
hundreds of times
of all the strongmen!
He defeats the troops!
And his saber in heavy! Gin introduces a child, a fuzzy pronunciation [/ fn]
Famous through the ages
our Prince Ali!
Leads hundreds of costly camels
And the peacocks float in a dream!
His zoo is a rare miracle
And there he has countless animals
And birds too in the thousands!
Prince Ali -
Joy of the earth
Ali A-ba-boo!
He is a standard
Looks like a model!
Girls, go out to the yard!
An idol has come to us!
Scandalously known as
the thief of hearts!
He had monkeys in white livery,
He shows them for nothing
He has servants, slaves and footmen
Every moment they're happy to serve,
Glad are they, overflowing with love
To Ali! To Ali!
Prince Ali -
The radiance of the earth
Ali A-ba-boo!
We heard
Your daughter's
Beautiful as a dream
Therefore, he had made the time
To come visit you
He brought his Elephants
And (...) camels, monkeys,
Bears, lions, and trumpeters
His astrologers, dieticians,
And the birds sing songs!
This is - Prince Ali!

Prince Ali (Reprise) [Prince Ali (Reprise)]

So, Prince Ali, it's over now.
The truth is this, believe me.
Your lies, by now,
put you in trouble.
Say goodbye to Prince Ali!
So, this pretence ends here.
Here goes, Aladdin knows what is gonna happen to him:
his star is leaving
and will never come back.
I say, 'Goodbye' to you with all my licking.
Eventually, your foglio di via1 has arrived.
Charged and sentenced to get away from here!
Goodbye, Ali!
  • 1. A 'foglio di via', in Italy, is a warrant that forces you to leave a pleace for a while.

One Step (Reprise)

Scoundrel, street rat
I have a big heart
If only they could look better
I look poor outside
But I...
Have way greater things within me

© Pires Philippe

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.


My Real Story (Reprise)

That's not right, that's not real,
I'm not a street rat,
just a poor boy. But there's
more to us, we have much more.

My Real Story [One Jump Ahead]

Let's get away from here!
Run away!
A piece of bread.
that they are already here.
I steal
just whay I'll need,
that is everything.
The guards are here.
how they grumble.
Of course,
I'm an actual thief.
{Guards}: Thief! Dog! Let go the bread!
Just a snack.
{Guards}: We'll cut you up, throw down the loot!
That's wicked. There's no charity.
You are my only friend, Abu.
{Girls}: Aladdin has already hit the bottom.
{Girls}: He lives in illegality, by now.
{Woman}: The people that brought him into the world are the ones to blame, of course.
But if you wanna eat, you have to pilfer,
it's an old story that no one can change.
Come on!
Let's run again.
Dear me!
My life is so hard...
Let's get the hell out of here!
But with boast.
I escape,
but without fear.
I run away
in order not to have a fight.
Of course,
I don't want to get captured.
{Guards and people}: Rascal! Vandal! Beggar! Scandal!
Can we talk about this?
{Woman}: Well, if you want, you can stay.
Maybe later, I already have so much trouble,
I'm leaving, ta-ta, goodbye!
Uh, uh,
they are really tiresome.
{Chorus}: Thief!
Running like this
is so stressing...
{Chorus}: Dog!
I know a lot of
tricks, too!
{Chorus}: Let go
Let's run away from here,
{Chorus}: the bread!
I'm trying to slink off and cut it out.
Wish me luck, bye!

Oriental Nights (original version) [Arabian Nights]

My land of fairytales and magic, believe me,
has camels that go up and down.
And you find yourself in jail even without a reason.
How barbaric! But it's my tribe.
The Sun shines from the south, the wind blows from the north.
There's an intense complicity.
By the carpet he is going right now, he knows where to go,
he'll go into the Oriental nights.
Oriental nights,
among spieces and bazars.
They are hot, you know? Hotter than ever.
They can enchant you!
Oriental nights,
with the Moon in the blue.
Don't let them dazzle you, you could burn
with passion, too.

Prince Ali (Disney's Aladin)

(Make way for Prince Ali!)
(Say hey! It's Prince Ali!)
Hey! Clear the way in the old bazaar
Hey you! Let us through!
It's a bright new star!
Oh come, be the first on your block to meet his eye!
Make way! Here he comes!
Ring bells! Bang the drums!
Oh! You're gonna love this guy!
Prince Ali! Fabulous he!
Ali Ababwa
Genuflect, show some respect, down on one knee!
Now, try your best to stay calm
Brush up your Sunday salaam
Then come and meet his spectacular coterie
Prince Ali!
Mighty is he!
Ali Ababwa
Strong as ten regular men, definitely!
(He faced the galloping hordes)
(A hundred bad guys with swords)
Who sent those goons to their lords?
Why, Prince Ali
(He's got seventy-five golden camels)
Don't they look lovely, June?
(Purple peacocks, he's got fifty-three)
Fabulous Harry, I love the feathers!
When it comes to exotic-type mammals
(Has he got a zoo?)
(I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie)
Prince Ali! Handsome is he, Ali Ababwa
That physique! How can I speak, weak at the knee
Well, get on out in that square
Adjust your veil and prepare
To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali!
(He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys
He's got the monkeys, let's see the monkeys
And to view them he charges no fee
He's generous, so generous
He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies
Proud to work for him
They bow to his whim love serving him
They're just lousy with loyalty to Ali! Prince Ali!)
Prince Ali!
Amorous he! Ali Ababwa
Heard your princess was a sight lovely to see
And that, good people, is why he got dolled up and dropped by
(With sixty elephants, llamas galore
With his bears and lions
A brass band and more
With his forty fakirs, his cooks, his bakers
His birds that warble on key
Make way for Prince Ali!)

A new life

So, towards stars,
Magical and fantastic
World is calling us to itself,
Opens it´s colours to us.
Unbelievable beauty,
And miracle after miracle,
Are gonna flash before us.
We´re one on one in the sky.
A new life,
New, unknown feelings.
There´re no barriers,
And this is not a dream,
My dream has came true.
A new life,
A hurricane of bright impressions,
And heart is so trembling,
In this strange moment,
For we´ve just opened a new world together.
For we´ve just opened a new world together.
As a free bird,
I direct my wings.
We´re flying as fast as we can go,
With the tears of happiness in eyes.
New life! (Don´t be afraid of adventures!)
With a discovery every minute! (Happiness in heart!)
Finally, I am alive,
My soul is singing,
I have no chance to go back.
New life! (With a surprise every moment!)
And unique feelings (Where nobody is sad)
This is a wonderful world,
Perfect world,
And we want to live there only with each other.
Perfect world,
Perfect world,
Where we are together...
Where we are together...
Magical land...
Sweet paradise...
Where we are together...

A magical world

Here's a shining world
Endlessly beautiful
Oh princess, you haven't dared to dream since a long time
To fly in the sky like a bird
But is whirling us to the clouds
The fastest and the best this enchanted carpet
A magical world - there're a lot of miracles you'll see
Here we fly wherever we want
And this is our right
A magical world
I believe that the dreams will come true
Marvellous, beautiful land
It's like a paradise, my eyes go blind of this beauty
Here you will see a lot of miracles
What waits for us ahead
On a flying carpet?
We are in a magical flight
The heart is ripping form my chest
A magical world / Come on, open your eyes
Oh, this enchanted night / Discoveries wait for us ahead
In the sky I fly and melt
I already cannot go back
A magical world
So many new miracles / It's such a happiness to fly like this
Every moment gives me joy!
In the silence of the night
You're flying with me
I'm flying into the magical world with you
A magical world
The night's flight
The sorrow left
And the distance attracts me
And you're with me

Out of Thin Air

-Aladdin, are you ok? What happened?
-I always wanted to know at least something about my father, but now I'm not sure. What kind of a person leaves his son? Aaah... Maybe it's not even worth knowing him.
-No, it's worth it.
-Why are you so sure?
-I always knew him. For I know you. Before you, I spent my days alone, but you showed me how wonderful life can be. Just smile, and I'll remember again our first flight. You weren't born to be sad.
-Oh, Jasmine... You can't know everything about me. Just think, how hard it is for children to grow up without parents. Your father made sure that you were able to find your own path. I, on the other hand, from childhood couldn't understand myself and where my world was. Maybe the time has come to find out.
-Be brave and find out!
-We'll have to say goodbye again.
-I'm always waiting for you, know that. And I will be yours...
-My beloved...
-Don't discard your dreams.
-That's the most important thing.
-Maybe, your father will come to our wedding day.
-That's my hope...
-Then it's time...
-To find him.
-He'll be happy to see a joyful young couple. Your father is also asking...
-My son, where are you, where are you?
-He who was once alone, will find a kindred spirit.
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!

Prince Ali (Reprise)

Prince Ali,
Yes it's him, but is it really him?
He needs to accept reality
Needs to face his past
It was too beautiful to last
Say farewell to your fake Prince Ali
This Ali was no more and no less than Aladdin
This kid is no more than a crook, yes believe me
It's forgery
We've got to send him back
To the place he never should have left
His ambitions to rule are over
His assets will be seized
He'll rot alone on the outskirts of the earth
Ex-Prince Ali!
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Just a small friendship service

The Ali Baba had bandits and
Scheherazade had enough of Tales
But, Master, sleeve high, now it's about!
With my magic can you do every trick
You are now heavyweight in the wine of your dreams
You have a veritable arsenal
You have fire, flame, momentum - get in!
Just rub the lamp, and I'll come back again!
Then I say:
My Master Aladdin
What do you wish?
The order yes
Right now immediately!
It's just a small friendship service from me
Who will be hungry?
I always come here!
Just whisper something in my ear!
It's just a small friendship service from me
Yes, the customers are sacred!
You are king, emperor, shah!
The boss are you!
I'll listen!
In the meantime, more baklava!
Take something from the A Menu
But I suggest you B
Hey, dude just tell me!
It's just a small friendship service from me
Wish you this,
Wish you that,
Wish you magic
And in excess!
Wish you fire!
Well, look!
Wish you Abracadabra:
Scraps fly,
And suddenly they are not there anymore!
Hey, Boy don't look like that what's up with you?
Your prayers were answered!
Man, you pull the big ticket with me:
You have a genie, as it should be!
I'm so keen to help you,
So I listen to every little word.
And if the list is long, you will see:
If you rub the lamp, then I'm there immediately
At place!
My Master Aladdin three wishes I grant you
Soon you will become rich, now do not get soft!
It's just a little friendship service
Little Friendship service
Just a little friendship service
Little Friendship service
It's just a small friendship service from me yea haha! ya haha!
It's just a small friendship service from me! Yeah!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

Look at this world

Take a look at this world,
Magical, kind, and beautiful.
Open your heart and
Accept another life experience.
Open up your eyes,
Beauty unfolds before them.
Travel with me on the horizon, and
Pay a visit to the bright moon and stars.
Look at this world,
Embrace this new feeling,
Leaping through the clouds, between the moon and stars
Between our friendly feelings
Look at this world
My heart was once dominated by loneliness and melancholy
With you at my side, flying in the sky
My tears have transformed into clouds
Flying in this brand new world
Take a look at this world
Magical, kind, and beautiful
Another frame of mind fills life with freshness everywhere.
Look at this world
Open up your eyes
Embrace this new feeling
Beauty unfolds before your eyes
Leaping through the clouds, between the moon and stars
Between you and me, sweetie
Looking down at the world
A worldwide tour
In this brand new world
A million feelings disperse
Aladdin & Jasmine:
With you at my side, flying in the sky
My tears have transformed into clouds
Look at this world (Look at this world)
I'm by your side (I'm by your side)
A new feeling (A new feeling)
By your side

Prince Ali

Outta the way for Prince Ali!
Say 'Hi' to Prince Ali!
Fast will be boasted on the City Bazaar
Make room, thick block, Because the wonderful
Star from the desert is now within reach!
Dodges! What a day! Applause! Bang!
A hero like everyone likes!
Prince Ali Goody like never! Ali Abawa!
Be submissive! Come on, idiot! Go on your knees!
He will cast you under his spell!
Pull on the sunday kaftan!
Because his team breaks the wildest fantasy!
Prince Ali Muscles like never! Ali Abawa!
A Colossus from where does he take the Energy?
His bravery is everywhere know!
His sword is sharp and rapid
But the sharpest in the Land is Prince Ali!
He brings 200 golden camels,
50 peacocks with color guarantee!
His collection is highly recommended!
He has a zoo! Man nowhere can you see such a menagerie!
Prince Ali sexy like never! Ali Abawa!
This strength how it makes me done! Get soft knees!
The Guys isn't bad!
That's why draw rightly your veils!
And jump right into the fight for Prince Ali!
He is bringing snow white Apes from China!
Alis gallantry borders on mania!
He is having slaves, Lackeys and servants!
Thay are living for him, pray for him
How they kneel with discipline in front of Ali!
Prince Ali, brave like never! Ali Ababawa!
With respect probably the most perfect match!
He heard that Jasmine was free and that's why he looks over!
He has the elephants and lamps
and bears and lions, trumpets and more!
The 40 fakirs, the cooks, the bakers, the singing hummingbirds!
Cheers to Prince Ali!

For a bite of bread

I keep myself a step above poverty
A head above swords
I always steal according to my means
Brace yourself!
One jump in front of all these soldiers
That's all, and without joking
These guys do not appreciate that I'm broke
[The guards]
Scoundrel, barefoot, scoundrel, take that!
It's just for a bite of bread
[The guards]
We will cut you like a rabbit!
It's so obvious
It is necessary that I confess
You're my only friend, Abu!
[The girls]
Who? Oh, it's sadder than a depressed pawn
He became the rising star of crime
[The woman]
I would blame the parents that he never knew
Must eat to live
Steal to eat
You will know everything
When I write my memoires
One jump over these lambs
One jump over fate
Later, I will use another name
One jump, we play at jumping sheep
One jump over the flock
Three little towers and I disappear for good
[The guards]
Stop, vandal, thief, outrage!
Should not get angry
[The woman]
Besides, you could spoil him
Must eat to live, steal to eat
We could make a better arrangement
[The guards]
- No!
- He has a sword!
- You idiots, we all have swords!
One jump over these idiots
[The guards]
One jump over these morons
[The guards]
A rather fearless flight
[The guards]
Too late, I am faster
Go like you ran
For you perceive
That a thief knows how to steal well!

Prince Ali

This Ali, our prince
He isn't at all
Just read it from my lips
It is true
He hurts with his lies
Is always giving himself airs and graces
But look who the prince is Ali!
Or should we say, Aladdin?
Jasmine, I tried to tell. I'm just...
Ali is the most pitiful, poor Aladdin
Broke, unbelieveable, poor is he
I think that it's a secret anymore
That he has a new personality
Money doesn't weigh in his pockets
When he gets the most flying launch
When his money disappears and the revenge is sweet
And like this
He goes to the end of the world
Bye! See you!
Prince Ali!
>> hi! thank you for reading this and if the translation doesn't have a source, i've made it all by myself and you can use it for whatever you want to. also, if you notice any errors, tell me and i'll fix it! <<

Arabian Nights

I come from a faraway place
Where the camels roam the desert,
(Old version:) [They'd cut off your hand for the simplest of crimes
It's barbaric, but... it's my home!]
Immense spaces are spread out flat,
And the water there is little.
A vortex of sand
And the wind's of the east
And the sun's in the west,
Let's get on the magic carpet
And fly to one of those Arabian nights.
Those hot nights
Are like the days,
And most of the time
They're even hotter
In many ways.
Even in the bright light
Of a silver moon,
Many dangers
Awaits for the traveler,
To which he's exposed.