Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 14



Versions: #1
Ez az a pillanat, amikor
Belenézek a szemedbe?
Bocsásd meg a
megszegett ígéretem, hogy sosem fogsz sírni látni
És minden
Biztosan meg fog változni
Még akkor is ha azt mondom neked, hogy nem megyek el ma
Azt fogod gondolni, hogy teljesen egyedül vagy
Mikor nincs ott senki, hogy fogja a kezed?
És minden, amit ismersz olyan távolinak tűnik
És minden átmeneti
Tedd le a fejed
Én állandó vagyok
Tudom, hogy a pokolban érzi magát
Minden egyes nap
És ezért azt kérdem, oh Istenem
Van valamilyen módja, hogy átvegyem a helyét?
És mikor azt mondják minden olyan bizonytalan
Azt kívánom, bárcsak mindent eltüntethetnék
De te még mindig azt mondod
Azt fogod gondolni, hogy teljesen egyedül vagy
Mikor nincs ott senki, hogy fogja a kezed?
Mikor minden, amit ismersz olyan távolinak tűnik
És minden átmeneti
Tedd le a fejed
Én állandó vagyok
Én állandó vagyok
Ez az a pillanat, amikor belenézek a szemedbe?
Bocsásd meg az ígéretem, hogy sosem fogsz sírni látni...

Stay with me.

Stay with me
this afternoon
my love.
Later you can
Where the waves
of life
push you

Autumn Moon

Rest on mother earth by the old linden tree
Under the autumn moon, heal your soul
Heal your scars with light
Heal your heart with life
All that dies falls down in the darkness
To seed new seeds within you
Feel your inner sun for life to sprout
Taking roots in the peaceful earth

In the Shine of the Alola Moon

(Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini)
We have studied
And trained
Learned everything from A to Z
Enjoyed ourselves
You and I, we're like flint
And soon, it'll happen
That our destinies [?]
In the shine of the Alola moon
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Permanent center of gravity

Versions: #3
A british old lady
with a hat and an umbrella made of rice paper and bamboo cane.
Brave captains
smart macedonian smuggler.
Euclidean Jesuits
dressed as bonzes to enter courts of emperors
of the Mings dinasty.
I seek a permanent center of gravity
that will never make me change my mind about things, about people
I might need...
I seek a permanent etc.
In Pechino streets in some day in May
we were joking around picking nettles.
I can't stand Russian choruses
I can't stand Russian choruses
music, fake rock, the Italian new wave, the English punk free jazz.
Not even the african black.
I seek a permanent etc.
I might need...
I seek a permanent etc.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Under The Moon

I've always walked to the side of
The path that most folks walk
I've lain on my back right under the moon
And though about things I don't understand
And I've had some moments all to myself
Where the world stood completely still
And I moved around, no one has seen me
Imagine if we could have been two
And are you out there
Under the same cold white moon now?
Do you lie wondering, just like I do,
Not because you want to, but because you must?
I've always been on my way home
And I've searched under each and every stone
I've been so uncertain where I should go
It would've been easier if the path was straight
But imagine if it was you
That stood behind the next turn
Signalling me in
Asking if I want to be yours
No, I would never let it pass me by
Only you know who I should be
And are you out there
Under the same cold white moon now?
Do you lie wondering, just like I do,
Not because you want to, but because you must?
Just like I do,
Not because you want to, but because you must?


Te csak
Egyszerűvé tetted
Mintha nem érezted volna
Nem úgy, mint én
Követtem a darabokat
Próbáltam megszerezni
Amikor még jó volt
Oh nézd, Nem akarok úgy érezni, mint más
Ahogy még senki sem érezte a tested
Mert átöleltük a világot
Egy pillanatra ott
Az állandó volt
Mentem az utcákon
Amikor elmondtad a titkaidat
De egyikünk sem értette
És mi átöleltük a világot
Egy pillanatra ott
Az állandó volt
Fogadok, hogy Szöulban vagy
Slow-mo-t táncolva (ez egy lassú mozdulatokból álló utcai tánc)
Valaki újjal
Én imádtam
Remélem, soha nem felejted el
Az éjszakák csak túl fáradtak
Mint az összes tetkód
Oh nézd, nem akarok úgy érezni, mint más
Ahogy még senki sem érezte a tested
Mert átöleltük a világot
Egy pillanatra ott
Az állandó volt
Mentem az utcákon
Amikor elmondtad a titkaidat
De egyikünk sem értette
És mi átöleltük a világot
Egy pillanatra ott
Az állandó volt
Egy pillanatra ott
Az állandó volt

I'll surely make a man out of you

Now and here, it is getting quite serious
Defeating enemies
Did they send weaklings
When I needed strong?
You all are the worst bunch I've ever seen
But you can be sure that before we are through
Boy, I'll surely make a man
Out of you
Calm like a forest
But like fire within
When you all find your centre
You will surely win
You all are a spineless, pale pathetic bunch
And you all have no clue
Somehow I will make sure to make men
Out of you
I will never catch my breath
Say goodbye to those who know me
Oh, I was a fool in school for missing gym
The guy scares them to death
I hope he doesn't see right through me
Now I wish I could swim
Be a man
We must be as fast as a flowing river
Be a man
With all the power of a big typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of an angry fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
The time now runs towards us
Until the enemies arrive
Listen carefully to my every order
And you might survive
You all are unsuited for war
So pack up, go home, get out
How can I make sure I make a man
Out of you
Be a man
We must be as fast as a flowing river
Be a man
With all the power of a big typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of an angry fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
Be a man
We must be as fast as a flowing river
Be a man
With all the power of a big typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of an angry fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Ten to 4:30

The party lasted and went on and on
We had enough and we went out the door
Slipped out quietly on tiptoes
You said, 'no one in the world must see us now'
You and I saw a new day being born
Ten to 4:30
Ten to 4:30
And you and I climbed all the way to the top
Ten to 4:30
It was ten to 4:30
Climbed up on a mountain we liked
We sat down on a big stone
The sky reddened and the sea foamed
The city slept, it was early in May
And you and I saw a new day being born
Ten to 4:30
Ten to 4:30
And you and I climbed all the way to the top
Ten to 4:30
It was ten to 4:30
And what a sight it was
When you and I came
And what a sight it was
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
You and I saw a new day being born
Ten to 4:30
Ten to 4:30
And you and I climbed all the way to the top
Ten to 4:30
It was ten to 4:30