Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 2
Találatok száma: 102851
Angyalokhoz szól
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Soha nem említi a függőség szót
Egy bizonyos körben.
Igen, azt mondja majd, hogy árva
Miután találkoztál a családjával.
Most éjfeketére festi a szemét,
Fölébe sötét szemüveget tesz
Igen, mosolyog, amikor jön a fájdalom.
A fájdalomtól minden rendben lesz.
Azt mondja, angyalokkal beszél.
A nevén szólítják.
Ó, igen, angyalokkal beszél.
Azt mondja, a nevén szólítják.
Zsebében tart egy hajtincset.
Nyakában keresztet visel
Igen, a tincs egy kisfiútól van,
A kereszt meg olyasvalakitől, akivel nem találkozott, ,még nem
Azt mondja, angyalokkal beszél.
Azt mondja, mind név szerint ismerik
Ó, igen, angyalokkal beszél.
Azt mondja, a nevén nevezik.
Nincs szeretője,
Egy sem, akit ismerhetnék.
Igen, neki ez nem jelent semmit
De számomra ez mindent jelent.
Most éjfeketére festi a szemét,
Szemére húzza a sötét szemüvegét.
Igen, mosolyog, amikor jön a fájdalom.
A fájdalomtól minden rendben lesz.
Azt mondja, angyalokkal beszél.
Azt mondja, a nevén szólítják.
Ó, igen, angyalok
Nevén szólítják
Ó angyal,
A nevén szólítják
Ó, angyalokkal beszél,
Kihívják, igen
Hívják őt,
Nem tudod, hogy a nevén szólítják?
Szállj a földre Jézus
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Jézus hagyd ott az eget
Néz itt körül, fogsz majd látni
Megannyi betonrengeteget
A zöld után vágyni
Gyere le Jézus
Szállj le közénk, esedezem
Nem fogod elhinni
Ami történik manapság, ezen a helyen
Gyere le Jézus
És nézd a mindennapok emberét
Ő, ennek a földnek, egy halálos betegség
Gyere le Jézus
Szállj le közénk, esedezem
Nem fogod elhinni
Ami történik manapság, ezen a helyen
Gyere le Jézus
Ó, gyere le Uram
Nem segítenél megtisztítani a földet
A tűzfészkektől és a fegyverektől?
Gyere le Jézus
Ó, gyere és nézz körül
Fényreklámok és hatalmas épületek
És kisgyerekek akik még nem ettek:
Gyere le Jézus
És mondd meg, szerinted ez így helyes?
Jőjj uram
Gyere le Jézus
És nézd a modern embert
Az általad teremtettet gazembert
Gyere le Jézus
Gyere le, könyörgöm
Amit ma látni fogsz a földgömbön
Valamikor a közeljövőben
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Valamikor a közeljövőben
Hiányozni fogok, kicsim
Valamikor a közeljövőben
Olyan magányosnak fogod érezni magad
Hiányzik majd az ölelésem
Hiányoznak majd a csókjaim
Kicsim, hiányozni fogok neked
Amikor elmegyek
Olyan magányosnak fogod érezni magad
Csakis miattam
Magadért semmiképp, édesem
Neked mindig a saját utad jártad
És amikor elhagysz
Ó, tudod, hogy emésztem magam
Hiányozni fog az édes, aranyoskám
Valamikor a közeljövőben
(az elejétől ismétlődik)
Some Of These Days
Some of these days
You're going to miss me, honey.
Some of these days
You're going to feel so lonely
You'll miss my hugging, oh yes,
Oh, yes, you'll miss my kissing
You'll miss me, honey
When I am gone away, like May
Come up to see me sometimes
I got a penthouse on cloud nine
Come up and see me some of these days
Some of these days
You're going to miss me, honey.
Some of these days
You're gonna feel so lonely
You'll miss my hugging,
You'll miss my kissing
You'll miss me, honey
When I am away
I feel so lonely
Just for you only
For you know, honey
You've had your way
And when you leave me
I know you'll grieve me
You'll miss your Momma
Some of these days
Some of these days
You're going to miss me, honey.
Some of these days
You're going to feel so lonely
A Girl and a Colorful Autumn
It's the story of a girl and her colorful autumn
The girl is having a colorful autumn
Like the protagonist in the novel,
...I'm going to immerse myself in dreaming
Maybe I'll meet a wonderful boyfriend
It's my September's fantasy
I feel a strange feeling inside me
...a feeling of being attractive that courses through me
I'm sure I'll find a fancy love
Let's enjoy the journey step by step
Suddenly I feel like I become more beautiful
As the season's changing, I'll be born anew
It's the story of a girl and her colorful autumn
The girl is having a colorful autumn
The smell of the autumn breeze from the window...
...makes me a little sentimental
In the end, a beach romance is just a one-summer...
...blip in our memories
The me who could only stare from afar's time to say goodbye to that shy girl
Let's mature up and become more honest with my feelings
I want to have my adventure and enjoy every process of it
The city is covered by dead leaves, everything's changing
I start to compose my secret poem in my heart
It's the story of a girl and her colorful autumn
The girl is having a colorful autumn
Suddenly I feel like I become more beautiful
As the season's changing, I'll be born anew
It's the story of a girl and her colorful autumn
The girl is having a colorful autumn
I loved you
I’m still awake.
We’re already getting closer to the morning.
Not even deep dreams
can get me off near you.
Maybe I’m afraid of.
If I’ll close my eyes
you’ll just disappear away.
This feeling goes along with me.
I already loved you
before we met.
And we fled into each other from the cold world.
I miss you.
Though you sleep next to me I miss you.
I already loved you
before we met.
How did we came up
at the same time and galaxy?
I miss you.
Though you sleep next to me I miss you.
Sometimes I feel like
you’re breathing for me.
And I’m not afraid of anything else than
you dying before me.
And me being left here alone (all alone).
I will find you again in every life.
It will be you always.
I promise that.
Because nothing
in this world weighs on my shoulder
when you touch.
I already loved you
before we met.
And we fled into each other from the cold world.
I miss you.
Though you sleep next to me I miss you.
I already loved you
before we met.
How did we came up
at the same time and galaxy?
I miss you.
Though you sleep next to me I miss you.
You can have my heart
while you promise to me
that if I fall asleep
you will still be there at morning.
Your touch is love, you’re a dream of beauty
You were always my desire, I prayed for you, and here you are.
It was hard to imagine, my hands tangled in your hair
Yet here you calm my soul, forever in my heart
With you, everything makes sense by your side, I learned love
This feeling I adore, for you I’d give my life
Forever feels too short when I’m with you
You’re my compass without you, all goes wrong
Our love’s a spell, obvious to all eyes
Every second they stare
Oh, Our separation leaves us parched
But for now, let’s cling to our name
Yet we’re like unfinished work
We are complete, and we won’t leave things half-done
We’re always together, always together, yeah!
In every crowd we step into, we reign
I’ll always believe I have you forever
Like the sun of the day and the moon of the night, both inseparable
No rival matches our taste, we’re one of a kind
Yeah, we don’t even notice where the minutes fly
I’ll always believe I have you forever
Like the sun of the day and the moon of the night, always together
Every second with you, I fall deeper in love
Your love fuels my fire, blazing wilder each day
If you are my uplifting wing, then I will accompany you to infinity
Closer than my own soul now we’re eternal, as one
With you, everything makes sense by your side, I learned love
This feeling I adore, for you I’d give my life
Forever feels too short when I’m with you
You’re my compass without you, all goes wrong
(All goes wrong, all goes wrong)
Without you, all goes wrong
(Without you, all goes wrong)
White Noise
The peaceful order,
A basic cloud,
White noise.
She looks,
He lies down
And yawns.
Do you see the moon?
Time for prunes.
It's coming, by the by.
To believe in the air
That combs our hair
And disintegrates.
And we let ourselves fall in the middle of a jump
And we empty ourselves of all that's important,
So we'll be so light that whatever we do is irrelevant.
And we avoid the orders issued by our minds,
We choose oblivion as an ideal plan
We remember so little, that what we are could be irrelevant. The peaceful order,
A basic cloud,
White noise.
She inspires,
He looks at her
And they hold each other's hands.
Round letters,
Nothing disturbs us,
We don't need anything.
Deserted blossoms
Are expert
And we let ourselves fall in the middle of a jump
And we empty ourselves of all that's important,
So we'll be so light that whatever we do is irrelevant.
And we avoid the orders issued by our minds,
We choose oblivion as an ideal plan
We remember so little, that what we are could be irrelevant.
Never forget me
Without you, I cannot live—I cease to be,
In depths of dark despair I fade—can’t you see?
At night, sleep claims me by its silent decree,
You can never forget me.
In your life, a trace of sorrow will remain,
Even if my flame of love dies, my watchful eyes sustain,
Ever behind you, like a shadow’s silent refrain,
You can never forget me.
To forget me is as stubborn as your will,
Like the first love’s pain that brings tears still,
As constant as your name, as your lineage instilled,
You can never forget me.
Though you claim you’ll leave all grief far from thee,
Each day of life will slip away, you see,
You may forget the very self you used to be,
You can never forget me.
Trust Me
BarLume is an instrument that cannot be played,
but, if you’re a bit tipsy, it sounds like the sea,
which, if it could produce a note, would sound like this…
With whisky, spuma, milk, beer, and crates of soda,
detectives are still fashionable,
and they look for a vague answer at a bar’s counter.
You’re sitting in a corner,
you’re scrutinizing every table.
Between the fifth whisky and the seventh,
time stops in an instant.
Trust me, [trust] my arithmetical intuition.
Trust me, every case has a remedy.
There’s a solution, right there behind the corner.
Another tonic liquor, and then…
hero to zero, love, sex,
damn retribution,
that’s enough, I’m gonna sleep like a log.
BarLume is lurking somewhere in the world,
it’s as swift as a lightning bolt, it lasts a few seconds,
its mystery is in the unexpected,
and it makes fun of you.
You get back to that bar every evening,
with four penniless friends,
you push the rewind button,
and put on your usual record.
Trust me, [trust] my arithmetical intuition.
Trust me, every case has a remedy.
There’s a solution, right there behind the corner.
Another tonic liquor, and then…
hero to zero, love, sex,
damned retribution,
that’s enough, I’m gonna sleep like a log.
It slinks sneakily, hides, waits for you,
it lies right over your head,
it appears, then disappears, reappears, it makes fun of you.
It pokes fun at you.
It makes fun of you.
I want the motorcycle
The blueish dawn is near
Getting on the motorcycle
I ran through the desert where it bloomed
A cactus with poisoned needles
That will cause my death
I want the motorcycle
The blueish dawn is near
Getting on the motorcycle
A black one with 400 cylinders
The tunnel continues forever
I don't give a damn where it goes
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah
I want the motorcycle
The blueish dawn is near
Getting on the motorcycle
There's only a little gasoline left
I will rob a bank
And escape to the border
I want the motorcycle
The blueish dawn is near
Getting on the motorcycle
A black one with 400 cylinders
The tunnel continues forever
I don't give a damn where it goes
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah
I want the motorcycle
The blueish dawn is near
Getting on the motorcycle
I ran through the desert where it bloomed
A cactus with poisoned needles
That will cause my death
I want the motorcycle
The blueish dawn is near
Getting on the motorcycle
A black one with 400 cylinders
The tunnel continues forever
I don't give a damn where it goes
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah
I want the motorcycle
I want the motorcycle
I want the motorcycle
I don't give a damn where it goes
I remember: a school morning
soon after the war.
A wooden desk,
an inkpot with ink,
on the lined page
the nib runs fast!
“With your right hand!”,
the teacher tells me.
I’m left-handed. How do I do it?
It’s hard.
The other hand (the right one,
they say) struggles,
stumbles, the words
do not stay on the line.
I don’t want to fall behind.
The teacher is angry.
“With your right hand!”, she yells.
Whackawham, a smack
right on the back of my head.
Shut up and learn, left-handed boy!
From the nib [falls] an ink drop
which mingles with tears
on the lined page.
I remember it as if it had happened just now.
Again, without wanting, I don’t understand
Oh God, every little detail of you
I know them all too well
And I know I want only you
I hide my heart so carefully
Keep it close, so I won’t break again
I don’t know what I’m feeling now
Will I regret it if I give it back to you?
How can I—
How can I not show you?
I want you, but how can I hide it?
With just one look
I know, I know I’m losing
But what can I do?
Ah, again, without wanting, I don’t understand
Oh God, every little detail of you
I know them all too well
And I know I want only you
Don’t tell me to stop
I won’t be the one to kneel and ask
My gaze is lifted high, while your hands stay behind
And I’m down low, as if I long to worship you
And you ask, 'Baby, is this all mine?'
She locks her legs so tight around my neck
Her nails dig deep into my skin, and I start to bleed
And as she gasps for breath, I—
Baby, the vibe between us is set to ignite
I don’t want to say it
I’m losing control
And again, again, kiss me once again
Again, again, hold me close again
Again, again, your touch is burning me
Again, again, just do it once again
Ah, again, without wanting, I don’t understand
Oh God, every little detail of you
I know them all too well
And I know I want only you
Do it again
Only you (Do it again, again)
Yeah, do it again
Only you (Do it again, again)
If you don't know what happened
They say I'm crazy
That the new times have come
That the days of
songs for you are gone
And after a glass of wine
I feel like asking them
If this is your homeland too
Son, you were born in the
times of freedom
Grow to defend it
when your old man is gone
If you don't know what happened
Let Lika tell you
Ask every stone of our city Dubrovnik
Ask Zadar and Kotari
The walls of Šibenik
If you don't know my dear
Ask the heros
Ask Danube what happened
around Vukovar
And Velebit, let the cold stone
answer you
If the Virgin Mary of Hercegovina
cried enough
Ask that my dear
on your way to Mostar
Is it possible that you
fell asleep on your watch
That the pledge to the flag
doesn't hold up anymore
Is it possible that you
tied your eyes
That you don't hear others'
steps in the night
Son, you were born in the
times of freedom
Grow to defend it
when your old man is gone
If you don't know what happened
Let Lika tell you
Ask every stone of our city Dubrovnik
Ask Zadar and Kotari
The walls of Šibenik
If you don't know my dear
Ask the heros
Ask Danube what happened
around Vukovar
And Velebit, let the cold stone
answer you
If the Virgin Mary of Hercegovina
cried enough
Ask that my dear
on your way to Mostar
February briskly clings
With an air both light and fresh.
I don't need to wish new things,
Nor regret past happiness.
Soft pearlescent distances
Blush a bit with evening's sun.
Sorrows, as in a sarcophagus,
Sleep in sweet oblivion.
No reproach, no boding tales
These are hours sacredly dear.
The ever-changing heart's scales
Softly find true balance here.
A wink between shine and shade!
A day between winter and spring!
The motion of a song is made
That I obey in every thing.
I Must Stop that Wedding
I must stop that wedding
I have to prevent him from marrying
That beautiful flamenquito*
If he is not mine, he is nobody's
I must prevent, no matter what,
That wedding from taking place
Or he shall never be mine
I will lose his love forever
Le, le, le, le
Le, le, le, le
Le, le, le, le
The man I love
Is marrying this afternoon
Our affair ended
Two years ago
The fight happened
Fore some nonsense
And I always thought
He would come back
He got a girlfriend
And out of self-respect
To make him jealous
I got another boyfriend
But I do not love him
It is him I love
Run, my friend, run
Or I will not make it
I must stop that wedding
I have to prevent him from marrying
That beautiful flamenquito*
If he is not mine, he is nobody's
I must prevent, no matter what,
That wedding from taking place
Or he shall never be mine
I will lose his love forever
I must stop that wedding
I have to prevent him from marrying
That beautiful flamenquito*
If he is not mine, he is nobody's
I must prevent, no matter what,
That wedding from taking place
Or he shall never be mine
I will lose his love forever
Le, le, le, le
Le, le, le, le
Le, le, le, le
I know, despite denying it,
That he loves me still
His eyes speak to me
When we meet
But I play hard to get
And pretend to ignore him
And he got tired
Of seeing me with someone else
You cannot marry
I love you still
Remember as kids
That oath
Forever together
We shall be
And you promised to take me to the altar
I must stop that wedding
I have to prevent him from marrying
That beautiful flamenquito*
If he is not mine, he is nobody's
I must prevent, no matter what,
That wedding from taking place
Or he shall never be mine
I will lose his love forever
Signpost of Goodbye
The row of poplar trees casts a long shadow
Late afternoon, students bustling as they pass by
I blend in all alone, my breath is white
Parted from a chest to snuggle against, my shoulder's a bit cold
Tell me goodbye
Unable to provide you an answer before graduation
Time goes by, as we remain apart
Tell me goodbye
I couldn't be honest with myself and give you love
Only a sense of resignation has increased
You cut your hair, and the season ended
I cried at the crossroads, where even the signpost was gone
Tell me goodbye
Please don't lie to yourself
Go and pursue the continuation of your dream
Tell me goodbye
I can't restrain you with my selfishness any longer
Because it would make me all the more sad
Tell me goodbye
Please don't lie to yourself
Go and pursue the continuation of your dream
Tell me goodbye
I can't restrain you with my selfishness any longer
Because it would make me all the more sad
If I gently turn the page
of the faded music score
memories flood
from among the scrawled music notes
Having stuffed into my bag
a map that used to be blank,
when I look back at my footprints
you're there smiling
On days when the waves swept everything away
I decided not to say goodbye
For tomorrow, for you,
I go on singing
10 years from now, even 100 years from now,
the music won't stop
A state of emergency, an impatient era
For that very reason keep your eyes on the future up next
Don't cower or shrink
Though we're told to wait, we won't stop
At a cafe where a new wind blows
the pop/rock you hear gives vitality
For you to live, all we do is live
Shall we rock them along with their world?
You taught me
all kinds of dreams
You're the one who shared with me
the warmth of your body
Holding my breath
in an invisible rain,
in this town too where we're living
the sun will rise
For tomorrow, for myself,
I sing even today
Morning, noon and night, always
be beside me, with me
For what purpose and for whom
do clouds travel along?
While we lose our way, while unsure what to do,
it doesn't affect our tuning
For tomorrow, for you,
I keep on singing
10 years from now, even 100 years from now,
the music won't stop
You're the music next to me
You're the music that's calling me
Don't be alone Take my hand
Let's find it together Let's form a circle
Little Farm
Beyond the river, on the mountain, the green forest rustles,
At the foot of the mountain, by the river, a small farm stands.
In that forest, a nightingale sings loudly,
In the little farm, a young widow lives.
On this night, at midnight, a brave young man
Wanted to visit the young widow.
The light was lit, smoke filled the house,
The widow prepared a table for dear guests.
At the table, a merchant was drinking with a fisherman,
Through the window, the brave young man was watching.
Then, the merchant and the fisherman began to sing,
Hugging and kissing the young widow.
The brave young man could not endure, his heart caught fire,
And in the blink of an eye, the house turned to ashes.
Since that day, no one lives in the farm anymore,
Only the nightingale sings loudly.
My home
My land, my paradise
Where my dear home is
My land, my paradise
Where everybody is heartfelt to you
My land, my paradise
Where my history is
My land, my paradise
Where my destiny is
I wish I was at my dear home again
With my close ones, relatives nearby, yeah, it would be great
To look up at the sky, to breathe in the steppe air
Walk the old streets where no one will be forgotten
Where our ancestors were telling stories for centuries
Where our faith is, there are our sturdy walls
There is my hearth, our mothers' smell
There our fathers' traces will never fade
Where my home is, there lies my path
Where my home is, there is my freedom
This is my home, with smiles at the doorstep
That is my home, I pray to God for you
My land, my paradise
Where my dear home is
My land, my paradise
Where everybody is heartfelt to you
My land, my paradise
Where my history is
My land, my paradise
Where my destiny is
My fortress, cradle, my Motherland
In you, I seek my peace, you are special
Where my close ones, relatives, friends are
Where everyone loves with their full heart, despite all partings
My fortress, cradle, my Motherland
In you, I seek my peace, you are special
Where my close ones, relatives, friends are
Where everyone loves with their full heart, despite all partings
Where my home is, there lies my path
Where my home is, there is my freedom
This is my home, with smiles at the doorstep
That is my home, I pray to God for you
My land, my paradise
Where my dear home is
My land, my paradise
Where everybody is heartfelt to you
My land, my paradise
Where my history is
My land, my paradise
Where my destiny is
Today the People Will Sing [Do You Hear the People Sing?]
Today the people will sing
With great courage and good will
This the the music of a people
That demand freedom
If your heart is beating
To the roll of the drums
It's that the light of a new day
Will finally come
You will join the cause
That will make us all free
All around the city
The barricades will be lifted
Come join the people!
At last the chains will fall off!
Today the people will sing
With great courage and good will
This is the music of a people
Who demand freedom
If your heart is beating
To the roll of the drums
It's that the light of a new day
Will finally come
You will give yourself to your country
To achieve this desire
Some will live
And some of us will die
The blood of honor
Will cover the fields of France!
Today the people will sing
With great courage and good will
This is the music of a people
Who demand freedom
If your heart is beating
To the roll of the drums
It's that the light of a new day
Will finally come
Tell me everything
[Verse 1]
One look, it grabs me
We don't know each other but we do recognize each other
The people around you
are all impostors
Even a second is a long time
to remain strangers
Hold me back if I leave
Come on, let's run away tonight
Tell me everything (tell me everything, tell me everything)
I want to like everything
Give me everything (give me everything, give me everything, yeah)
Tell me everything (tell me everything, tell me everything)
I want to like everything
Give me everything (give me everything, give me everything, yeah)
[Verse 2]
Tell me all about your past
Tell me all about your childhood dreams,
pain that wants to stay
Tell me we curse together
those who have hurt you,
those who have let you down
We're not leaving any secret
Tell me the one nobody knows
Tell me everything (tell me everything, tell me everything)
I want to like everything
Give me everything (give me everything, give me everything, yeah)
Tell me everything (tell me everything, tell me everything)
I want to like everything
Give me everything (give me everything, give me everything, yeah)
Talking, talking
I could spend a lifetime listening to you
Talking, talking, oh-oh-oh-oh
Talking, talking, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Tell me everything (tell me everything, tell me everything)
I want to like everything
Give me everything (give me everything, give me everything, yeah)
Tell me everything (tell me everything, tell me everything)
I want to like everything
Give me everything (give me everything, give me everything, yeah)
Tell me everything (tell me everything, tell me everything)
I want to like everything
Give me everything (give me everything, give me everything, yeah)
Tell me everything (tell me everything, tell me everything)
I want to like everything
Give me everything (give me everything, give me everything, yeah)
I Want to Dance (just for you)
I'm wide awake like never before
No matter what time it is
Everything is alive and moving inside me (inside me)
Do you also feel this beat
That flows through my body
It has to come out, nothing and nobody can stop it
Being in the middle of life
What I feel, I let go
I want to dance, dance, dance, just for you
I want to dance, dance, I know that you want it too
I'm going to get into this groove
And you can't be alone with it
I want to dance, dance, dance, just for you
Stop time for once
So that it can't run away
One moment will last forever for us
Nothing missed, nothing regretted
Were you looking forward to me?
Admit it - hold me tight and be there
Do you like what you see there?
It's all just for you
I want to dance, dance, dance, just for you
I want to dance, dance, I know you want it too
I'm going to get into this groove
And you can't be alone with it
I want to dance, dance, dance, just for you
I want to dance
I want to dance
Dance, just for you
I want to dance, dance, dance, just for you
I want to dance, dance, I know you want it too
I'm going to get into this groove
And you can't be alone with it
I want to dance, dance, dance, just for you
This Sky, This Land
Here wetlands have been hoed into fields,
here woods have been cleared.
This people won't be defeated by difficulties,
it is tough, unyielding.
It will always plough and sow the soil again,
put pine bark in the bread if necessary.
Until once the toil gives its earnings,
the land bears a golden harvest.
This sky, this land
it has lasting worth.
This sky, this land
passes from one generation to the next.
Winters are cold and harsh here,
fields are covered by snow and ice.
Work must be done in every weather,
even if it's cold, dark.
When spring comes, when sun subjugates the night
that's when grasses sprout and the earth blooms.
That's when white nights enchant the north,
man gets the power of light.
This sky, this land
it has lasting worth.
This sky, this land
passes from one generation to the next.
As a gift of birth, strength has been received
which there is a lack of elsewhere.
Who faults Finland for being poor
is clueless about determination.
Even if it bent, it would not break,
it is resilient and keeps on withstanding.
It breaks a way through gray stone,
controls even the difficult times.
This sky, this land, it has lasting worth.
This sky, this land passes from one generation to the next.
This sky, this land, it has lasting worth.
This sky, this land passes from one generation to the next.
Disco Dictator
He tells you what may be done
He can do anything
He is gentle with children
Generals suck up to him
His words are the law
Luxurious conditions in his house
He tells you what music is
His hands are on the throat of genres
He exterminates western music
He prescribes the style
He bans funky
However, funky is the mother of disco
His hands were never covered in mortar
Deprives them if they are alternative
If your ears are more than average
Then the governmental disco will step on it!
Disco Dictator
Hindered by something in goodness
Disco Dictator
Come with us and dance!
I am the Disco Dictator
I dictate this tempo
Pay the weight tax
Dance subjects!
I am the real king here
All the girls faint for me
I'll kill a bear if I have to
And I'll break in even the wildest horse
Gold plate, gold soup, gold green beans pottage
In a golden hot tub, golden angels ... me
On a golden toilet I poop gold
Hey, baby you can scatter it in the sty
My power is endless I dictate the disco
Everyone calls me Disco Dictator
My power is endless I dictate this disco
Write it down and say it dude, 'the Disco Dictator is here'
Disco Dictator
Hindered by something in goodness
Disco Dictator
Come with us and dance!
Disco Dictator
Hindered by something in goodness
Disco Dictator
Come with us and dance!
Jobban szeretlek, mint valaha gondolnád
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ha valaha elhagylak, mondhatod: „Én megmondtam!”
S ha valaha bántalak, Kedves… tudod, magam is bántom.
Vajon folytathatja így a férfi?
Szerinted akarom, hogy kedvesem elmenjen?
Mondtam, szeretlek,
Jobban, mint valaha gondolnád,
Jobban, mint valaha gondolnád.
Amikor nem kerestem sok pénzt,
Tudod, hova ment a fizetésem.
Tudod, hogy hazavittem Neked,
Sosem költöttem egy centet sem.
Vajon folytathatja így a férfi?
Szerinted akarom, hogy kedvesem elmenjen?
Mondtam, szeretlek,
Jobban, mint valaha gondolnád,
Jobban, mint valaha gondolnád.
Nem próbálok akármilyen
Férfi lenni,
Csak próbálok az lenni, akit
Szerethetsz,, bízhatsz benne, s megértesz.
Tudom, hogy lehetek,
Egy részed, amit senki más nem láthat.
Csak hallani akarom, ahogy mondod,
Rendben van,
Igen, igen!
Én csak hús és vér vagyok
De én lehet minden, amit akarsz.
Mindenek királya lehetek,
Vagy csak apró homokszem.
Vajon folytathatja így a férfi?
Szerinted akarom, hogy kedvesem elmenjen?
Szeretlek, szeretlek, szeretlek,
Szeretlek, jobban, mint valaha gondolnád,
Ha valaha elhagylak, mondhatod: „Én megmondtam!”
S ha valaha bántalak, Kedves… tudod, magam is bántom.
Vajon folytathatja így a férfi?
Szerinted akarom, hogy kedvesem elmenjen?
Mondtam, szeretlek,
Jobban, mint valaha gondolnád,
Jobban, mint valaha gondolnád.
Szeretlek, Kedves!
Oly sokszor mondtam korábban, hogy
U nebo gledam
prolaze vekovi
sećanja davnih
jedini lekovi
Kud god da krenem
tebi se vraćam ponovo
ko da mi otme
iz moje duše Kosovo
K'o večni plamen
u našim srcima
Kosovskog boja
ostaje istina
Oprosti, Bože
sve naše grehove,
junaštvom daruj
kćeri i sinove
U nebo gledam
Prolaze vekovi
Secanja davnih
Jedini lekovi
Kud god da krenem tebi se vracam ponovo
Ko da mi otme iz moje duse Kosovo
Ko vecni plamen
U nasim srcima
Kosovskog boja
Ostaje istina
Oprosti boze sve
Nase grehove
Junastvom daruj
Kceri i sinove
U nebo gledam, prolaze vekovi
Sećanja davnih jedini lekovi
Kud' god da krenem tebi se vraćam ponovo
'Ko da mi otme iz moje duše Kosovo
K'o večni plamen u našim srcima
Kosovskog boja ostaje istina
Kud' god da krenem tebi se vraćam ponovo
'Ko da mi otme iz moje duše Kosovo
Oprosti Bože sve naše grehove
Junaštvom daruj kćeri i sinove
Kud' god da krenem tebi se vraćam ponovo
'Ko da mi otme iz moje duše Kosovo
U nebo gledam prolaze vekovi,
sećanja davnih jedini lekovi
Kud god da krenem tebi se vraćam ponovo,
ko da mi otme iz moje duše Kosovo
Kud god da krenem tebi se vraćam ponovo,
ko da mi otme iz moje duše Kosovo
K'o večni plamen u našim srcima,
Kosovskog boja ostaje istina
Kud god da krenem tebi se vraćam ponovo,
ko da mi otme iz moje duše Kosovo
Kud god da krenem tebi se vraćam ponovo,
ko da mi otme iz moje duše Kosovo
Oprosti Bože,sve naše grehove,
junaštvom daruj kćeri i sinove
Kud god da krenem tebi se vraćam ponovo,
ko da mi otme iz moje duše Kosovo
Kud god da krenem tebi se vraćam ponovo,
ko da mi otme iz moje duše Kosovo
Ha szereted
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bátran fogadd el
Neked adja a szívét, ne törd össze
Hadd érezze magát biztonságban a karjaid közt
Ő a legjobb dolog, ami veled történhet
Mindig problémásan tud elaludni
És szeret összebújni a paplan alatt
Szereti a pop zenét és szeret táncolni, na meg valóságshow-t
Meg van még egy pár dolog
Szereti a szerelmes üzeneteket meg a babákat, illetve ajándékokat adni
Nehezen fogadja el a bókokat
Valamint szereti az egész családját és az összes barátját
Szóval, ha te vagy az az egy, akit beenged akkor
Bátran fogadd el
Neked adja a szívét, ne törd össze
Hadd érezze magát biztonságban a karjaid közt
Ő a legjobb dolog, ami veled történhet
Szeretni fog, ha szereted azokon a napokon, amikor
Olyan, mintha az egész világ összeomlik
Legyetek egymás mellett és átvészeled
Ő a legjobb dolog, ami veled történhet
Szeretni fog, ha így szereted
Csókold meg amilyen szenvedélyesen csak tudod
Simogasd a haját, amikor szomorú
És amikor nem veszi észre, hogy milyen szép
Mond el neki újra és újra, hogy sose felejtse el
Bátran fogadd el
Neked adja a szívét, ne törd össze
Hadd érezze magát biztonságban a karjaid közt
Ő a legjobb dolog, ami veled történhet
Szeretni fog, ha szereted azokon a napokon, amikor
Olyan, mintha az egész világ összeomlik
Legyetek egymás mellett és átvészeled
Ő a legjobb dolog, ami veled történhet
Szeretni fog, ha így szereted
Szeretni fog, ha így szereted
Szeretni fog, szeretni fog, szeretni fog, ha így szereted
Oh, oh oh yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Szeretni fog, szeretni fog, szeretni fog, szeretni fog, ha így szereted
Szeretni fog, ha szereted azokon a napokon, amikor
Olyan, mintha az egész világ összeomlik
Legyetek egymás mellett és átvészeled
Ő a legjobb dolog, ami veled történhet
Szeretni fog, ha így szereted
Állj fel
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Az arcomat a Nap felé fordítottam
Súlyok a vállaimon
Egy golyó a fegyveremben
Oh, vannak szemeim a fejem hátulján
Arra az esetre, ha futnom kell
Megteszem amit tudok, amikor tudom, miközben az embereimért teszem
Amíg a felhők visszavonulnak és csillagok betöltik az éjszakát
Ez lesz az, amikor felállok
Magammal viszem az embereimet
Együtt elmegyünk
Egy új otthonba
Messze, átszelve a folyót
Hallod, ahogy hív a szabadság?
Hív, hogy válaszoljak
Folytatni fogjuk
Érzem a csontjaimban
Korán reggel
Mielőtt a nap ragyogni kezd
Mozgolódni kezdünk
A válaszvonal felé
Belegázolok a sáros vízbe
Tudod, hogy már döntöttem
És nem baj, ha vérezni kezdek az üdvösség útján
És minden erőmmel harcolni fogok, amíg meg nem halok
Így hát felállok
Magammal viszem az embereimet
Együtt elmegyünk
Egy új otthonba
Messze, átszelve a folyót
Hallod, ahogy hív a szabadság?
Hív, hogy válaszoljak
Folytatni fogjuk
Ugyan tudom mi vár a kanyarban
Talán nehéz lesz vele szembe nézni, mert egyedül vagyok
És talán elbukom
De az Úr tudja, hogy megpróbáltam
Az biztos, hogy a csillagok megtöltik az éjszakát
Magammal viszem az embereimet
Együtt elmegyünk
Egy új otthonba
Messze, átszelve a folyót
Hallod, ahogy hív a szabadság?
Hív, hogy válaszoljak
Folytatni fogjuk
Fel fogok állni
Magammal viszem az embereimet
Együtt elmegyünk
Egy új otthonba
Messze, átszelve a folyót
Hallod, ahogy hív a szabadság?
Hív, hogy válaszoljak
Folytatni fogjuk
Fel fogok állni
Magammal viszem az embereimet
Együtt elmegyünk
Egy új otthonba
Messze, átszelve a folyót
Hallom, ahogy hív a szabadság
Hív, hogy válaszoljak
Folytatni fogjuk
Érzem a csontjaimban
Megyek, hogy felkészítsek neked egy helyet
Megyek, hogy felkészítsek neked egy helyet
Megyek, hogy felkészítsek neked egy helyet
Megyek, hogy felkészítsek neked egy helyet