Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 34


Homok a cipőmben

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Két hétig voltam távol, úgy érzem, az egész világnak meg kellett volna változnia,
De most itthon vagyok, és még mindig minden ugyanolyan.
Azt hiszem, a kipakolást holnapra hagyom,
Megpróbálom még egy éjszakára elfelejteni, hogy újra a lakásomban vagyok,
Az úton, ahol az autók éjjel sem fogynak el soha,
Az életben, ahol nem nézhetem a naplementét.
Nincs időm.
Nincs időm.
Még mindig homok van a cipőmben,
És nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből.
Tovább kellene lépnem, elfelejteni téged,
De miért akarnám?
Tudom, elbúcsúztunk,
Minden más bonyolult lett volna,
Mégis szeretnélek újra látni.
Holnap vissza a munkába, vissza a józanságba,
Le kellene fürdenem, aztán feltakarítani a káoszt, amit indulás előtt csináltam.
Meg kellene próbálnom emlékezni, hogy boldog voltam itt,
Mielőtt megtudtam, hogy felülhetek egy repülőre és elrepülhetek
Az útról, ahol az autók éjjel sem fogynak el soha,
Egy életbe, ahol nézhetem a naplementét,
És nem kell rohanni,
Nem kell rohanni.
Még mindig homok van a cipőmben,
És nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből.
Tovább kellene lépnem, elfelejteni téged,
De miért akarnám?
Tudom, elbúcsúztunk,
Minden más bonyolult lett volna,
Mégis szeretnélek újra látni.
Két hét távol,
Ennyi kellett csak,
Hogy az életem megváltozzon,
Beléd szerettem.
És sosem mondtam,
Hogy szeretnélek újra látni.
Még mindig homok van a cipőmben,
És nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből.
Tovább kellene lépnem, elfelejteni téged,
De miért akarnám?
Tudom, elbúcsúztunk,
Minden más bonyolult lett volna,
Mégis szeretnélek újra látni.
Még mindig homok van a cipőmben,
És nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből.
Tovább kellene lépnem, elfelejteni téged,
De miért akarnám?
Tudom, elbúcsúztunk,
Minden más bonyolult lett volna,
Mégis szeretnélek újra látni.
Még mindig homok van a cipőmben,
És nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből.
Tovább kellene lépnem, elfelejteni téged,
De miért akarnám?
Tudom, elbúcsúztunk,
Minden más bonyolult lett volna,
Mégis szeretnélek újra látni.
Szeretnélek újra látni.
Szeretnélek újra látni.

Have pity on me

Oh, please tell me how to do it
To soothe what hurts you
And to wear peace on your heart
Is there forgiveness?
Well, I know the bad weather will pass
And after the tide goes out
Straightening the direction once and for all
With you, I want the certainty of the same address
The step of a fresh start
Every dawn
The old song rocking the child
The dance that makes the party happy
When the wheel turns in the ilê (*)
The charm of a curió's song (**)
Forever your darling
As long as I live in life
Have pity
Have pity on me, have pity
Longing has a bad taste
Bitter as jiló (***)
Have pity on me, have pity
My love don't do that
Come back and untie this knot
Have pity on me, have pity
Longing has bad taste
Bitter as jiló (***)
Have pity on me, have pity
My love don't do that
Come back and untie this knot
Oh, please tell me how to do it
To soothe what hurts you
And to wear peace on your heart
Is there forgiveness?
Well, the bad weather I know will pass
And after the tide goes out
Straightening the direction once and for all
With you, I want the certainty of the same address
The step of a fresh start
Every dawn
The old song rocking the child
The dance that makes the party happy
When the wheel turns in the ilê (*)
The charm of a curió's song (**)
Forever your darling
As long as I live in life
Have pity
Have pity on me, have pity
Longing has a bad taste
Bitter as jiló (***)
Have pity on me, have pity
My love don't do that
Come back and untie this knot
Have pity
Have pity on me, have pity
Longing has a bad taste
Bitter as jiló (***)
Have pity on me, have pity
My love don't do that
Come back and untie this knot

Nincs szabadság

A hallgatásodból ítélve
Nyugodtan kisétálhatok az ajtón
Látom abból, ahogy nézel rám
Hogy nem gondolod, hogy visszajövök többé
Próbálj elképzelni egy világot
Ahol itt maradhatsz és nem kellenek ezek az óvatos kezek
A víz fölé vinném a szíved
Bármerre is mennék
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szabadság nincs szeretet nélkül
Még akkor is, ha nem látsz
Még akkor is, ha nem hallasz
Alacsonyan fogok repülni a nap alatt
És érezni fogsz mindent idekint
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szabadság nincs szeretet nélkül
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szabadság nincs szeretet nélkül
Itt állok csendben
A világgal előttem
Téged foglak a kezemben
És látok, ahogy te látnál
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szeretet nincs szabadság nélkül
Szabadság nincs szeretet nélkül
Szabadság nincs szeretet nélkül


Körbe-körbe szaladtam, s a szívemben harangjátékok csengnek,
Izzadtság a bőrömön, és a kezemen egyaránt,
Elkaptuk egymás tekintetét, a szemei áldások, áldások,
Ki tudja vajon, hányan vannak oda Érte?
Elvetted az eszemet, hozd vissza kérlek, kérlek,
Segíts Istenem, gyöngyszemei vannak, vannak,
Haja méz színű, arca vörös, vörös,
Az édesek közül is a legédesebb, kérlek hozd vissza a szívem, itt egy szabad hely neki.
Ekkor a fájdalom, hirtelen fejbe csapott,
Mert még nem váltam boldoggá,
De ne is fáradozz.
Ő túlságosan kecses, és a szíve a legjobbak közül való,
Ő okozza, hogy tekerjek egy cigit, ,majd rágyújtsak, ez ismét egy rémálom.
Elkaptuk egymás tekintetét, a szemei áldások, áldások,
Ki tudja vajon, hányan vannak oda Érte?
Elvetted az eszemet, hozd vissza kérlek, kérlek,
Segíts Istenem, gyöngyszemei vannak, vannak,
Haja méz színű, arca vörös, vörös,
Az édesek közül is a legédesebb, kérlek hozd vissza a szívem, itt egy szabad hely neki.
Ne a szenvedélyeddel,
Ne a szavaiddal,
Hanem a fogj meg a kezeiddel, és tégy bolondoddá.
Elvetted az eszemet, hozd vissza kérlek, kérlek,
Segíts Istenem, gyöngyszemei vannak, vannak,
Haja méz színű, arca vörös, vörös,
Az édesek közül is a legédesebb, kérlek hozd vissza a szívem, itt egy szabad hely neki.

Lost hearts

I know words are gone with the wind
but I did what I could to make you happy
but this life is not made of dreams
and you don't want to see it
and you don't want to see it
It happens what always happens with people
they're made of a way and they can't be changed
and it takes a life to try to understand it
and you don't want to see it
and you don't want to see it
I've seen so many, so many lost souls
I've seen them wandering in the city
and it's where you'll end if you run out of luck
and you don't want to see it
and you don't want to see it
I know the truth has many ways
but in any case, what matters the truth
if the lost hearts are only two
and you don't want to see it
and you don't want to see it
if the lost hearts are only two
and you don't want to see it


I ran round in circle, my heart rings my chimes
Wetness on my skin, my hand is wet withal, I see.
We caught each other's eye, his eyes are blessings, blessings
Who knows, perhaps how many likes him
You went to my head, go back, please, please
Help me God, his eyes are beady, beady
Honey-coloured, ruddy cheeks, ruddy
Cutiest of cutes, give me back my heart, there is a space
Ah, hs made me sad, I still have not smile, ah
I'm crossed with dreams, ah
Oh, don't
She is overly graceful, greatest heart of all great hearts
She causes me to roll a cigarette, light it, nightmares again
We caught each other's eye, his eyes are blessings, blessings
Who knows, perhaps how many likes her
You went to my head, go back, please, please
Help me God, his eyes are beady, beady
Honey-coloured, ruddy cheeks, ruddy
Cutiest of cutes, give me back my heart, there is a space
Not with missing
Not with words
Hold my hands, with your eyes, make me crazy
You went to my head, go back, please, please
Help me God, his eyes are beady, beady
Honey-coloured, ruddy cheeks, ruddy
Cutiest of cutes, give me back my heart, there is a space

I'm lost

I've been lying on the street for months living with loneliness
Away from the world lost aimlessly
I don't know where you are
And now I can't now, give me one more beer
That if I'm not drunk, I start to remember you
And now I can't anymore, give me something to forget
I can't get you out
I'm lost in the nights
And time dying inside from so much taking
And your scent is not removed from my body
And here I am drinking because you are not
And for you drunk I go
I have a pet at home that now doesn't even know who I am
Now I don't even remember how much I drank
In the mirror I speak to a stranger
And now I don't know what to do
I'm going crazy
From bed to bed looking for you in every woman
And now I don't know what to do
I'm going crazy
From bed to bed looking for you in every woman (Woman)
I'm lost in the nights
And time dying inside from so much taking
And your scent is not removed from my body
And here I am drinking because you are not
Hallucinating way without your kisses
In every corner I invent that I have you
From your memory I am still a prisoner
And I can't get out
And now I don't know what to do
I'm going crazy
From bed to bed looking for you in every woman
And now I don't know what to do
I'm going crazy
From bed to bed looking for you in every woman
I'm lost in the nights
And time dying inside from so much taking
And your scent is not removed from my body
And here I am drinking because you are not
I'm lost in the nights
And time dying inside from so much taking
And your scent is not removed from my body
And here I am drinking because you are not

Lost Love

Lost love, if it's as they say,
it's true that you live happily without me.
Live happily, perhaps joy will give
more kisses1, ones I didn't give you.
Today, I've convinced myself that for your part,
you were never mine nor was I for you, nor you for me.
Nor I for you, it was all a game,
it's just that I had placed a bet and I lost.
It was a game and I lost, that's my fate,
I've lost for being such a good player.
You lead a happier life, that's my fate,
what more can a troubadour say?
Live peacefully, it's not necessary
that when you pass me by, for you to tell me goodbye.
I'm not wounded and I swear on my mother,
I don't detest you nor hold resentment for you.
On the contrary, alongside you
I applaud the pleasure and love,
long live the pleasure, long live love.
Now I'm free, I want someone to love me,
long live love.
  • 1. besides mine

Mutual love

Versions: #2
I went under the stars and sang into your ear
I exposed my soul so you could understand that I need you
What we have is a story of infinite dreams
That become a reality with just a slow kiss on the lips
Uuuuuhh uhhhhh
It's like a reward to my senses
Uuuuuhh uhhhhh
This feeling
My heart races, it's on fire, it rises up when I'm with you
I face the pain of today's world all by myself if you're not with me
My heart is hopeless, it loves you, hands itself over and feels alive
There's nothing more beautiful than feeling love
Mutual love.... Mutual love
A touch from you is like a downpour of rain
It does me so much good that in the morning, it awakens my universe
Uuuuuhh uhhhhh
It's like a reward to my senses
Uuuuuhh uhhhhh
This feeling
My heart races, it's on fire, it rises up when I'm with you
I face the pain of today's world all by myself if you're not with me
My heart is hopeless, it loves you, hands itself over and feels alive
There's nothing more beautiful than feeling love
Mutual love.... Mutual love
In the cold of the night, I'll be your coat
The lighthouse that always guides your path
My heart races, it's on fire, it rises up when I'm with you
I face the pain of today's world all by myself if you're not with me
My heart is hopeless, it loves you, hands itself over and feels alive
There's nothing more beautiful than feeling love
Mutual love.... Mutual love


Tell me if you came here all alone
It will be me, the one who will overtake you tonight
If so, give me a dance at that time
Come and let yourself go, with me you will dream
Sticking your fingerprint on my body, my skin
Recording your kisses, your honey lips
Until dawn, to go crazy
Crossing the line to the edge of evil
Drinking tequila and lemon, add salt
Until dawn, to go crazy
Let's dance slow, come with me
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
And do not cry anymore, let yourself be carried away
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with you
Yeah, eah
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with me
Yeah, eah
You say that last night was an adventure
Only I, I taught you those crazy things
Dance me, and I’ll rub your beautiful waist
Move it without stopping, with me you will not cry
Sticking your fingerprint on my body, my skin
Recording your kisses, your honey lips
Until dawn, to go crazy
Crossing the line to the edge of evil
Drinking tequila and lemon, add salt
Until dawn, to go crazy
Let's dance slow, come with me
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
And do not cry anymore, let yourself be carried away
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with me
Yeah, eah
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with me
Yeah, eah
Let's dance slow, come with me
Where we can be alone, you and me
You and me
And do not cry anymore, let yourself be carried away
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
Juan Magán

Bells of Lisbon

The bells of Lisbon
On Sunday mornings
Still remember
When seeing the white sails
They used to ring
When a sailor of his Majesty
Left the wide harbour
And eyes full of tears
He heard the farewell
Of the Lisbon bells
The boats in the harbour
Think they are caravels
A young sailor
Closing his eyes
Smiles to angels
He watches the golden flag
Of the old conquistadors
Brushing against him
The mainsail quivers
And the bells of Lisbon
Ring for him
The pigeons nesting
In the church towers
Suddenly wake up
And swirl around
Among the grey stones
Under the sunny and peaceful sky
Of a nice Portuguese spring
The song of the bell rowers
Rises over the city
In a sort of bouquet
The Lisbon bells
In the morning on Sundays
Still remember
Watching these white sails
That they used to ring
When a sailor of the King
Brought in his hulls
New horizons
Greeted by the echo
Of the Lisbon bells
The young sailor
With closed eyes
Still smiles
He sees the King, the Court
The multicoloured
A black-eyed Infante
Pays him with a look
The worlds he brings home
His head swirls
And its for him that ring
The Lisbon bells!
The Lisbon bells!
The Lisbon...

The wandering (restless)

I'm looking for a girl,
where may she be?
Walking through long roads
I go without ceasing.
I went around Loreto
also by Suncho Corral
I went through the ravine and Matará.
I walked through Añatuya*, Campo Gallo* and Quimilí*
I will keep looking for her until I die.
She wasn't in Salavina*, Sumampa* nor Medellín*,
the passing birds weep for me.
Many suns have burned me
I'm so sad!
Moons saw me awake
I'm sobbing!
On the way back!
I went along the edge of the Salado River*,
I came back by April 7*,
going through Atamishqui
I arrived at Mailín.
I'll look for her by La Banda*,
Cañada Rita and Zorzal
Pampa Muyu*, Sinchi Caña* and beyond.
How many roads saw me
and how many villages, too,
in Campanitas* and El Charco*
I lost faith!

Sunk in a corner

Versions: #3
I write to you in a corner
Where you have always had me
In solitude
Sunk in a corner
Between the dust and oblivion,
I leave this letter,
Looking for an end to this pain
I feel like I'm dying
But I couldn't live, like that anymore
I write to you in a corner
Oh poor me, alone in a corner
Oh poor me, with only my heart
Sunk in a corner
You went squeezing
Between my hands and my dreams
And the years
Many years that you had me
What did you leave me?
Sunk in solitude
I feel the thick air,
I can not breathe anymore
You hurt me to the bone
While I try to sing this song,
Sunk in a corner
Oh poor me, alone in a corner
Oh poor me, with only my heart
And sunk
And drowned my heart
In a corner
And sunk
And drowned my heart
In a corner
Oh me, it's just me here
Sunk in a corner
Uh yeah, uh yeah, how much solitude
Uh yeah, uh yeah, how much solitude

Lost child

I'm just a lost child
At the station
I don't know where you've gone
What direction
Let yourself go
Let yourself go
I'm just a lost child
There is no one else
They say that after the wound
There is no way back
Let yourself go
Let yourself go
But I don't think I can anymore
That I'm just, I'm just
A child and nothing else
That someone closed the curtain
That I miss your voice
I'm just a lost child
At the station
Let yourself go
Let yourself go
Let yourself go

Confused Composer

(A composer who made a mistake)
It has been run in a story that was wrong
(A composer who made a mistake)
And this tremendous sonero I assure you
(A composer who made a mistake)
Let's go like Havana (You're right)
He has symbols of glory (He's right)
Let's go like Havana (You're right)
He has symbols of glory (He's right)
Do not put in your story (You're right)
To a rich caymana
(A composer who made a mistake)
But tell me and tell me buddy what happened
(A composer who made a mistake)
A rich caymana gets you confused
(A composer who made a mistake)
How beautiful is my capital (You're right)
Well, as she does not have anyone (She's right)
How beautiful is my capital (You're right)
Well, as she does not have anyone (She's right)
Maceo's tomb and cradle (You're right)
Of the immortal apostle
(A composer who made a mistake)
That happens to anyone I tell you, I
(A composer who made a mistake)
Ask Faustino Orama what also happened to me
(A composer who made a mistake)
You have my precious Havana (You're right)
A tunnel and a boardwalk (You're right)
You have my precious Havana (You're right)
A tunnel and a boardwalk (You're right)
And a capitol they are (He's right)
Big and that Cuban
(A composer who made a mistake)
Eh eh (buddy)
There is something wrong here
Come on!
(A composer who made a mistake)
That composer was wrong mom
(A composer who made a mistake)
(He was wrong)
Hey mamaaaa! (He was wrong)
Oooooh! (He was wrong)
When I'm very pulling (You're right)
Nobody has me (You're right)
I sing what I like (He's right)
And even what suits me (He's right)
Look what looks guajiro hey (He was wrong)
That man is wrong (He was wrong)
Take what is always trocao
cute boy
Copper made of chub boy
(He was wrong)
The guajiro was wrong (He was wrong)
Aaaaay (He was wrong)
The day I die (You're right)
Take me to the East (You're right)
The day I die (You're right)
Take me to the East (You're right)
And so I can say more (You're right)
I'm from the hot land (He's right)
And the day I die (You're right)
I'd like to die alone (He's right)
The day I die (You're right)
I'd like to die alone (He's right)
So everyone can sing to me (He's right)
Bartolo's Platanal (You're right)
And now I'm going to finish (You're right)
This is a time of falseness (He's right)
And if luck accompanies me (He's right)
We will rejoice hearts
(A composer who made a mistake)
That composer mommy (He was wrong)
That composer (He was wrong)
That composer

Az én életem

A döntéseim nem érdekelnek sem téged, sem a barátaidat,
ahol lehajtom a fejem, lehet, hogy nem az otthonom, de csak magamra számíthatok.
Mert ez én vagyok, az én életem, az én életem, az én életem.
Ó, a világ elrejtve előled a tenyeremen csücsül,
fáradt vagyok és elegem van abból, hogy rád várok meg azokra a dolgokra, amelyeket sosem teszel meg.
Mert ez én vagyok, az én életem, az én életem, az én életem.

The Case is Lost

I never saw this coming
Today I'm leaving
This place
I'll leave you with broken mirrors
I'm out of here
I'm never coming back
There is one life
Only one
For which I won't blame you
Do you remember me?
Do you remember what was?
I remember you
And all your bad parts
Perhaps seeing me now
Will have in impact on you
What sentence shall you serve?
What sentence shall you serve?
I'm leaving behind the mistakes that
I shan't repeat
My forgiveness, I'll avoid giving you
From now on
Just forgive yourself
There is one life
Only one
And I come to want it again
Do you remember me?
Do you remember what was?
I remember you
Of all your bad parts
Perhaps seeing me now
Will have in impact on you
What excuse will you plead?
What excuse will you plead?
You used to tell me
You're the destination
Of my travels
Stay by my side
You used to keep me
In the foreground always
The case is lost
I remember you
I remember now
You'll remain without a sentence
You'll remain without a sentence
Do you still remember us?
I'm leaving today
I'm never coming back


A hold megbabonázott és elvitt hozzád
Szerelemi méreg amit boldogan ittam
És még a mellkasom is tüzelt és felperzselte a bőröm,
Olyan édes íze volt mint a méznek.
A szemeid ,bandita, ellopták a mesékkel a vérem,
és a szívem életét.
A távolléted az éjszakáimon szomorú,
Sóhajokat és könnyeket okoz és sötét szenvedélyt.
És most szinte sosem vagy mellettem
Érzem a fájdalom egyre csak nő
A szemeid ,bandita, ellopták a mesékkel a vérem,
és a szívem életét.
A távolléted az éjszakáimon szomorú,
Sóhajokat és könnyeket okoz és sötét szenvedélyt.
Így ölelj magadhoz a hurikán dühével
Hogy a szerelmed tüze olyan legyen mint a vulkán,
És aztán csókolj meg, fogj el a csapdádban,
Hogy a végén az ajkaid oltsák a szomjamat.
A szemeid ,bandita, ellopták a mesékkel a vérem,
és a szívem életét.
A távolléted az éjszakáimon szomorú,
Sóhajokat és könnyeket okoz és sötét szenvedélyt.
A szemeid ,bandita, ellopták a mesékkel a vérem,
és a szívem életét.
A távolléted az éjszakáimon szomorú,
Sóhajokat és könnyeket okoz és sötét szenvedélyt.

The lost detectives

The lost detectives in the dark city.
I heard his moans.
I heard his steps in the Theater of Youth.
A voice that advances like an arrow.
Shadow of cafés and parks
frequented in adolescence.
The detectives who observe
his open hands,
the destiny stained with its own blood.
And you cannot even remember
where the wound was,
the faces that you once had loved,
the woman who had saved your life.

Lost Ways

I don't find ways
I won't find destinations to, with you,
With the moonlight,
I can send you
An anthem of longing
From heart, from my heart
A ship sailing around
on the waves and always under de sun
of lost sails
In the loneliness and distance
I don't know where you are
I don't know where I am
I'm always looking for you
Oh, babe, I'll send you flowers
I'll send it to waves
Even if I don't know where they're going to
Or where they will die
Maybe in your hands
The roses change their colors
And, with the heart,
They live of love
A ship sailing around
on the waves and always under de sun
of lost sails
In the loneliness and distance
I don't know where you are
I don't know where I am
I'm always looking for you
Missing love
I don't know where you are
I don't know where I am
Looking for you
Missing love
One day I'll find you
Burning love

You've Missed Your Train

You’ve let the train pass by
For not listening to your heart.
And you stand on the platform
With no ticket or solution.
I, who was your one chance,
You didn’t want to love me well.
And now bid me farewell,
You’ve missed your train.
Who’s told you that I
Will fly after your tears?
Who’s told you that one day I’ll return?
Who’s told you that I
Can’t close our last chapter?
You’ve let me slip by,
You’ve missed your train.
Only the wind with its to-and-fro motion
Will keep you company at the station.
You’re alone and you know it well,
There’s no point in apologising.
Let he who can love me well
Sign my name in his heart.
And now leave me,
You’ve missed your train.
Who’s told you that I
Will fly after your tears?
Who’s told you that one day I’ll return?
Who’s told you that I
Can’t close our last chapter?
You’ve let me slip by,
You’ve missed your train.
I, who was your one chance,
You didn’t want to love me well.
Now bid me farewell,
You’ve missed your train.
Who’s told you that I
Will fly after your tears?
Who’s told you that one day I’ll return?
Who’s told you that I
Can’t close our last chapter?
You’ve let me slip by,
You’ve missed your train.
Who’s told you that I
Will fly after your tears?
Who’s told you that one day I’ll return?
Who’s told you that I
Can’t close our last chapter?
You’ve let me slip by,
You’ve missed your train.