Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 1390

Találatok száma: 99230



The inevitability of war anticipates a collapse
If I speak, then he is right
Armageddon is more than fear
It's love, it's tears and blood
Of your sons
Your hair is like twigs
Your thoughts are white chalk
Once I didn't wake up
Because I was hanging
Africa in your arms
Your sun is in my eyes
Black on white - someone was wrong
I am an unplanned son of African herbs
I dance reggae on dirty snow
My shadow is on your shore
My dear Africa

Our small village on the other side of hills

Lady:- Uncle, oh uncle, how far is our village from here?
Uncle:- Here it is
Our small village on the other side of hills
Our small village on the other side of hills
The sounds of streams say its name
Our small village on the other side of hills
Lady:- What else do we have in our village?
Uncle:- A lot
Everyday as the evening comes, champa (plumeria) flower blossoms
Everyday as the evening comes, champa (plumeria) flower blossoms
Our village's image is visible in our river
Who can forget the mother of village
Who can forget the mother of village
Our small village on the other side of hills
Lady:- Wow, so you've everything in your village
Our village lacked a queen
Our village lacked a queen
Now I've brought a queen with me
Everybody will say 'wow, Bhola wow'
Everybody will say 'wow, Bhola wow'
Our small village on the other side of hills
The sounds of streams say its name
Our small village on the other side of hills


We are a pair of shoes
Always together but can't be together
We are dead like have no soul
We move because of human feet
I am the right shoe
You are the left shoe
I love to run fast
But I'm afraid you'll get tired
I don't mind if it rains
But I'm afraid you'll get cold
We know that we want to be together
But we can't do anything (hoo hoo hoo)
It feels complete when we're together
It feels sad when we're in different shelf
Close to you, the box feels like nirvana
But we're helpless to touch each other
I'd love to run fast
But I'm afraid you'll get tired
I wouldn't mind if it rains
But I'm afraid you'll get cold
We know that we want to be together (ooh)
But we can't do anything
We know that we want to be together
But we can't do anything
It feels complete when we're together
It feels sad when we're in different shelf
Close to you, the box feels like nirvana
But we're helpless to touch each other (ohh na na na ohh)
Yeah yeah yeah (ohh ohh ohh)
Love does have many forms
Maybe not all can be together (hoo hoo hoo)


'To sink or swim', in order to survive
'Dog eat dog world', I told myself it was
What went wrong?
Survival of the fittest, the law of the jungle
If it's the world that our wisdom will lead
Well, tell me what went wrong
I've paid my dues
I've sold my soul
So tell me what is left for me
When I've given up everything
Say, how did I use to picture it?
No matter which scenery I look at now
I end up feeling nothing.
Say, even if I try to rethink it through
Isn't me that used to wish for that view
Now but an empty husk?
Those who are said to be strong
Are attached with chains called liabilities
What went wrong?
Those who are said to be weak
Are just trampled on by society
What went wrong?
We've paid our dues
We've sold our souls
So tell me, what is left for us
When we've given up everything
Say, how did I use to picture it?
No matter which scenery I look at now
I end up feeling nothing.
Say, even if I try to rethink it through
Isn't me that used to wish for that view
Now but an empty husk?
A world of unseeable truth
To hell with morality and justice
Even if there's honest people
Just one person can destroy them
Keeping the balance between good and evil
It's a miniscule world of
To kill or be killed, isn't it?
Hey, somebody answer me this.
Say, how did I use to picture it?
No matter which scenery I look at now
I end up feeling nothing.
Say, even if I try to rethink it through
Isn't me that used to wish for that view
Now but an empty husk?
Say, how did I use to picture it?
No matter which scenery I look at now
I end up feeling nothing.
Say, even if I try to rethink it through
Isn't me that used to wish for that view
Now but an empty husk?

Goodbye Rolling Star

I don't know where we're rolling to
But we were happy
This feeling like injuries wearing us down
It's a mass of ill feeling
Why is it this time
We can't seem to keep going
It's so strange
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Keep rolling strongly
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Make a beautiful ball
All that self-confidence vanished
Like fireworks, in a twinkling
Came unwound like a ball of yarn
Feeling smaller
Can you do it eternally?
Our joined hands are little by little coming apart
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Every time you're becoming bigger
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Let's roll
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Goodbye is painful, but
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Live your life looking forward
So lonely at the ticket taker, waving and smiling
I couldn't stand it, before I got there, I turned around and cried
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
If you take care of that little ball
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
You can make it into a big ball
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
I loved you the most
Good to see you.
I will never, ever forget you.
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Is that okay?
Until we meet again, somewhere...

Devil and cross

Theres no other girl
I can think of.
That can do with you what I can do.
But to get to this point with you, to have
no pride or shame.
Dont make me have
no pride or shame.
I dont want to be your devil and cross after that in revenge,
dont let me be your devil and cross!
I would even give you my blood
even if I knew I would die.
I would betray myself and everyone,
but you - I wouldnt.
Dont hurt me my dear,
know that my love is made of glass.
And it you break it
it will cut both of us.
If I have to I will fight.
I can do it for you.
I will live with no wealth,
as long as you are with me.
But to get to this point with you, to have
no pride or shame.
Dont make me have
no pride or shame.
I dont want to be your devil and cross after that in revenge,
dont let me be your devil and cross!
I would even give you my blood
even if I knew I would die.
I would betray myself and everyone,
but you - I wouldnt.
Dont hurt me my dear,
know that my love is made of glass.
And it you break it
it will cut both of us.

Virus and Sex

Should I give it to him, how could I though
when the General is watching from there?
1. Didnt you hear the General clearly at the briefing today?
Im not giving you sex no more cause corona is everywhere.
I love you more from a distance,
I will love you, I will love you!
I love you most from a distance,
I will call you my everything.
Virus and sex - keep away today!
Stay home and dont bother me!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
I wont give it to you dear a long, long time to come!
Virus and sex - youll have me today.
Stay home and get ready!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
Okay, dear, I think I'll give it to you today at last.
2. Starting today the kisses have to be virtual only.
Let the discos be online and last forever.
We shouldnt go out in the park,
its a crisis baby, a crisis baby!
We will play inside on Viber
or on Skype. Come on, to Skype!
Virus and sex - keep away today!
Stay home and dont bother me!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
I wont give it to you dear a long, long time to come!
Virus and sex - youll have me today.
Stay home and get ready!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
Okay, dear, I think I'll give it to you today at last.
Chorus (final):
Virus and sex - keep away today!
Stay home and dont bother me!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
I wont give it to you dear a long, long time to come!
Virus and sex - youll have me today.
Stay home and get ready!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
Okay, dear, enough - Im saying goodbye to you today!


Abból, ahogy jár látszik, hogy ő az én csajom
Abból, ahogy beszél látszik, hogy ő a világ ura
Látszik a szemein, hogy senki láncait nem hordja
Ő a csajom, az én szupercsajom
És aztán azt mondaná, hogy oké, elvesztem
De én egy szuperlány vagyok és a szuperlányok nem sírnak
És aztán azt mondaná, hogy minden rendben, tegnap este későn érkeztem haza
De én egy szuperlány vagyok és a szuperlányok egyszerűen csak repülnek
És aztán azt mondaná, hogy semmi baj nem jöhet
Mi baj jöhet mikor szerelmes vagy?
És aztán átnevetné az egész éjszakát
Még tovább tolva maga előtt a félelmét
És aztán azt mondaná, hogy oké, elvesztem
De én egy szuperlány vagyok és a szuperlányok nem sírnak
És aztán azt mondaná, hogy minden rendben, tegnap este későn érkeztem haza
De én egy szuperlány vagyok és a szuperlányok egyszerűen repülnek
És aztán ordítana, majd egyszer azt mondaná, hogy nincs több ideje
Mert ő egy szuperlány és a szuperlányok nem bújnak el
És aztán az arcomba üvöltene, hogy menjek, menjek el innen!
Mert ő egy szuperlány és a szuperlányok egyszerűen csak repülnek
Igen, ő egy szuperlány, egy szuperlány
Magokat vet el és fákat éget fel
Magokat vet el és fákat éget fel
Igen, ő egy szuperlány, egy szuperlány, egy szuperlány, az én szuperlányom

Részeg vagy ma este

Nincs rosszabb egy részeg ex szöveges üzeneteinél
Úgyhogy hagyd abba, akárhol is vagy!
Tudom, hogy fáj és hogy zűrzavaros az egész
De hagyd abba és élj együtt a hegekkel!
Ami köztünk volt, sosem jön vissza
És amit tettél, sosem lesz elfelejtve
Nem tudod kijavítani, már halott
Úgyhogy engedd el!
Szerintem egyszerűen csak részeg vagy ma este
Részeg vagy ma este
Nem akarsz te engem visszakapni
Szerintem csak megtört vagy belül
Szomorú és ittas vagy
Nem akarsz te engem visszakapni
Tedd le a telefont!
Ideje hazamenni
Szerintem egyszerűen csak részeg vagy ma este
Részeg vagy ma este
Nem akarsz te engem visszakapni
Soha semmit nem fogsz tudsz mondani, ami eltörölhetné
Azt, ahogy játszottál a fejemmel
És semmi sem lesz hiteles, amit valaha tenni tudsz
Megérdemled a megbánás minden egyes pillanatát
Ami köztünk volt, sosem jön vissza
És amit tettél, sosem lesz elfelejtve
Nem tudod kijavítani, már halott
Úgyhogy engedd el!
Szerintem egyszerűen csak részeg vagy ma este
Részeg vagy ma este
Nem akarsz te engem visszakapni
Szerintem csak megtört vagy belül
Szomorú és ittas vagy
Nem akarsz te engem visszakapni
Oké, feküdj le, tedd túl magad a bánatodon!
Holnapra ez mind elmúlik
Szerintem egyszerűen csak részeg vagy ma este
Nem akarsz te engem visszakapni
Szerintem csak szomorú és ittas vagy
Nem akarsz te engem visszakapni
Úgyhogy tedd le a telefont!
Ideje hazamenni
Csak hagyjál békén!
Nem kell nekem ez a civakodás
Rohadtul unom már
Nem is akarlak visszakapni
Valószínűleg egy bárban vagy valahol
Krokodilkönnyeket hullajtva
Soha nem akarlak visszakapni
Úgyhogy tedd le a telefont!
Ideje hazamenni
Szerintem egyszerűen csak részeg vagy ma este
Részeg vagy ma este
Nem akarsz te engem visszakapni


Döngetek végig az autópályán, a fénysebesség mestere vagyok
Felkiáltok az égbe, átzúgok az éjszakán
Nincs pihenés, túl régóta vagyok itt, ideje továbbállni
A valóság három irányba1kiterjed, megszabja a tájat
Holnapra már homályba vész és a múlt csak elmosódott vonalak
Ha valaha igazságtalanságot követtek el a nevemben, meghajlok a vád előtt
És így megadhatsz mindent, ami nekem kell
Szerelmesek leszünk, amíg eljön a reggel
Lángba borítani a világot keserédes vággyal
Hadd égjen az egész világ, ha így elűzhetjük az éjszakát
Felégetni a világot a szándékos tudatlanság édes gyönyöréért, feledésért és a békéért
Engeded hát, hogy elégjek?
Sodródom mint egy számkivetett, az árnyékok jól jártak
Állandó társaságban, tenném ha tudnám
Messzebb a távolban, az ősellenségeim gólyalábakon egyre közelebb érnek
Úgyhogy átkúszom az államhatáron, egy másik létezésbe
Elkeseredetten kapaszkodok, a jobb napokba, amiket láttam
Vágyom a szerető karjaidban érzett megnyugvásra, a szenvedélyedre és a bájaidra
És így megadhatsz mindent, ami nekem kell...
Lángba borítani a világot...
Érezted valaha, hogy a szerelmed elhomályosítja a Napot?
Megadom neked az okát, hogy miért futok még mindig
Eltűnök a vakító neonfényben
Lángba borítani a világot...
  • 1. A 'three way' (három út vagy három irány) jelenthet hármas szexet is.

Még mindig

Betekerem a csontjaimat
és otthagyom őket,
ezen az otthonon kívül,
kint az úton.
Két láb áll egy elven,
két kéz vágyik a másik melegére.
Hideg füst szivárog még hidegebb torkokból,
beterít a sötétség, nem hagy kiutat.
Egyre mélyebbre süllyed,
maró szavak, akár a farkasüvöltés.
Gyűlölet záporozik a szánkból
de még mindig úgy alszunk mint a szerelmesek.
A lábfejünk még mindig összeér.
A tekintetünk még mindig találkozik.
A kezünk még mindig összeillik.
A szívünk még mindig ver.
Két láb áll egy elven,
két kéz vágyik a másik melegére.
Hideg füst szivárog még hidegebb torkokból,
beterít a sötétség, nem hagy kiutat.
Egyre mélyebbre süllyed,
maró szavak, akár a farkasüvöltés.
Gyűlölet záporozik a szánkból
de még mindig úgy alszunk mint a szerelmesek.
A lábfejünk még mindig összeér.
A tekintetünk még mindig találkozik.
A kezünk még mindig összeillik.
A szívünk még mindig ver.
Betekerem a csontjaimat
és otthagyom őket,
ezen az otthonon kívül,
kint az úton.
Két láb áll egy elven,
két kéz vágyik a másik melegére.
Hideg füst szivárog még hidegebb torkokból,
beterít a sötétség, nem hagy kiutat.

My youth’s slipping away

My youth’s slipping away
To the poem's finale
Rhyme by rhyme steps beyond
Exhausting its words
My youth’s slipping away
As a green garden alley
Leads to a dried up pond
Now abandoned by birds
No more walks in the woods
No more singing together
Of that childish song
Which was silly and lame
While daydreaming of girls
That at parties then gathered
I forgot the song’s name
I forgot the song’s name
No more walks in the woods
No bloom we can find
It is raining today
Our footprints are gone
Out of those many songs
That were then in my mind
Can’t recall even one
Can’t recall even one
My youth’s slipping away,
A guitar’s gently weeping
My youth’s silent and slow
I can’t stop it, alas
My youth’s moving away
Unrelentingly slipping
And it looks like you did
When we laid on the grass
No more walks in the woods
The fall day’s dark like night
Will the spring be returning -
Am I waiting in vain
For a glimmer of light
For some hope in the morning
That would stop my heart’s pain
That would stop my heart’s pain
No more fun in the woods
For us walking together
My youth’s slipping away
And in it I see you
And your steps make a sound
But you are gone forever
Oh if you only knew
Oh if you only knew

Just As I Do

You’re loving him
Just as I’m loving you
No reason why, and so it leaves no clues
You wait for him
Just as I wait for you
Wait til you’re old in solitude
You let him go
Just as I let you go
Trek through the woods too tired to walk on slow
You dream of him
Just as I dream of you
So it appeared, so it withdrew
Are all the world’s love-stricken souls really one and the same?
Calling crazy impulses love like it’s my favorite game
You’re telling him
Just as I’m telling you
“Hope you don’t mind… someone will love you too”
You’re leaving him
Just as I’m leaving you
Naught to begin with now it’s through
Are all the world’s heartbroken souls really one and the same?
Calling fruitless affections growth just to appease my shame
Is this simply reality?
You and me have the same story
For that one word when we were young
Half a life spent undone
Want to grow up? First you’ll have to learn to lie, fool everyone
(Fool everyone)
When you grow up you’ll tell tales of days gone by like dreams for sale
(Like dreams for sale)
Just as I do, just as I do
Want to grow up? First you’ll have to learn to lie, fool everyone
Just as I’ve done

Drama Queen

Didnt they tell you to be careful with me,
youll only have problems with me.
You left all your exes in the bin,
hearts, cars and houses all lay broken after me.
Youre in full shock, got an electric shock
youre a god to others, but to me youre a slave.
What awaits you - a panic attack
youve survived after me but youre not whole anymore.
I am your mistress,
the most brutal drama queen.
My love dramas
are worthy of an Oscar and a Grammy win.
And it is pounding-pounding very hard,
and it burns-burns-burns here on the left.
And does your heart beat-beat for me,
your wife is a big problem dear.
Hello-hello-hello, you call but I dont pick up,
white-white-white wine is pouring in my glass.
Who are you with, where are you,
SMS the whole night through
you want to control me but you put on a big show for nothing.
Youre in full shock, got an electric shock
youre a god to others, but to me youre a slave.
What awaits you - a panic attack
youve survived after me but youre not whole anymore.
[Chorus: x2]
I am your mistress,
the most brutal drama queen.
My love dramas
are worthy of an Oscar and a Grammy win.
And it is pounding-pounding very hard,
and it burns-burns-burns here on the left.
And does your heart beat-beat for me,
your wife is a big problem dear.

You are amazing

You are incredible


Versions: #1
On the 16th of December, on the calendars
It was the eve of our holy forefathers
Who were calling out of unforgetfulness, not to let on our children
The burden to see, to hear and remain silent.
On the 17th of December, the Great Sunday
With what pain it would teach us be
To be all and each of us, to offer our children
The hope, the speech, the sight and the light.
Timisoara, Timisoara, Timisoara
Timisoara, Timisoara, Timisoara
Timisoara, Timisoara, Timisoara
In Timisoara, descended in the streets
Fear, despair and hope.
The final hope: freedom
We shall not leave, we want to be
We are not cowards, we are not thieves
Even if you shoot us all
We shall not leave, we shall not die
Timisoara, Timisoara, Timisoara
Timisoara, Timisoara, Timisoara
Timisoara, Timisoara, Timisoara


The moment is all I have
now that the mysterious night
has gotten quiet
in the stillness I rest
the night no longer scares me
you guide me on my way
I'm always
going to love you
I'll never ever
forget you
in the silence
Teach me to love the silence
where my mind fosters dreams
dreams about you
you dance in the night
in the pitch dark
I'm always
going to love you
I'll never ever
forget you
The silences that takes over me
when you're no longer here


Don't forget me
When I'm gone
Far from this beautiful world
Don't forget me
Keep me as a memory
Which you can hold tight by your side
Be with me when the night grows quiet
Hold me when I'm anxious
Show me the way when I can't find peace
When storms ravage me
I was here
You remember me
I've set my tracks
Keep me warm when the cold takes over
Wake me when dreams take me

Soldiers of the Working People

Oh furious wind, blow through the fields,
bend the century old veined beech forest!
The wings of the tough eagles
you will not break again!
The wings of the tough eagles
you will not break again!
Born into poverty, into battle and labor,
hardened through battles for a new life,
we proudly celebrate Freedom in our song.
We are soldiers of the working people.
We proudly celebrate Freedom in our song,
We are soldiers of the working people.
Our fallen brothers in arms
rest in unknown furrows today.
With communism in our minds and our hearts
we will succeed!
With communism in our minds and our hearts
we will succeed!
Should we fall in uneven battle,
after us countless soldiers more will come.
They will sing great songs for us for centuries to come -
the glorious heroes of communism.
They will sing great songs for us for centuries to come -
the glorious heroes of communism.
We are countless, we have no name.
Into battle leads us one thing
our motherly, great and beloved
Workers Party!
Our motherly, great and beloved
Workers Party!
We are ready for labor and battle!
Should a perfidious enemy dare get in our way,
a mightier battle flag will swing with full force and flap in the air!
We will all shout out 'Hurray!' in unison.
A mightier battle flag will swing with full force and flap in the air!
We will all shout out 'Hurray!' in unison.

If I Could

I dreamed of you
now tonight, you have me
I roamed far away with you
we were one
But now, everything is ruined
You're only a beautiful memory
if I could hold you tightly
I would never let you go
I woke
from my warm dream, without you
No matter how I tried, I couldn't find you
The fire has gone out
But now, everything is ruined
You're only a beautiful memory
if I could hold you tightly
I would never let you go

Out Of An Abundance Of Boredom

Out of an abundance of boredom i burned everything
out of an abundance of pride
i didn't let you fall
into my arms
i played it cool1
and forgot all about you
The told me that time heals all
i took a vitamin with my alcohol
but am searching for the
significance like a drunkard
If there isn't any room for mistakes
there also isn't any room for successes
act less foolishly today
learning to ask for forgiveness
Today i know that i would give it all
in order not to lose
what i already lost yesterday
it's a shame that this is how it works
We tried to destroy so that we could rebuild
and how lovely you are
how much fire do you attract
you covered me in flames
it cost me dearly
If there isn't any room for mistakes
there also isn't any room for successes
i act less foolishly today
learning to ask for forgiveness
Today i know that i would give it all
in order not to lose
what i already lost yesterday
it's a shame that this is how it works
  • 1. lit: large

O My Country

O my country, they've all left you!
They preferred the cities
Those boys are so envious
But here we've found wealth
So come too, my princess!
Name it, sir, I would have great regret
To leave all my sheep
As long as I live, I shall keep them
From going up the mountains
This is no longer done, my shepherdess!
What would I do without my home? 1
All covered with greenery
If I have to leave, soon I'll die
Too bad for you, my beautiful
You must stay faithful to it!
  • 1. literally, a fold or congregation of villagers


Stretch your hand towards me - I'm yours - no way, no way
Please don't look at me like that - no way, no way
Recollecting how hand in hand was laying - no way
The world is not enough for me, though it's in me
I would like for this to be a dream
But it seems like I'm not asleep
You're my illness indeed, and you are my breath,
Oh well, but I'm in love with you
Having then deceived myself, I'm captured in
A piano played for me all night - Chopin, Chopin
On my lips his kiss is hot, like blaze, like flame
And the music's now to him, about him
I would like for this to be a dream
But it seems like I'm not asleep
You're my illness indeed, and you are my breath,
Oh well, but I'm in love with you
Stretch your hand towards me - I'm yours - no way, no way
Please don't look at me like that - no way, no way
On my lips his kiss is hot, like blaze, like flame
And the music's now to him, about him
I would like for this to be a dream
But it seems like I'm not asleep
You're my illness indeed, and you are my breath,
Oh well, but I'm in love with you

Bitter Christmas

Just get it over with in just one blow
Why do you want to kill me little by little?
The day will come when you leave me
I prefer, my heart, that it be tonight
December I liked for you to go
Let your cruel goodbye be my Christmas
I don't want to start the new year
With this same love that is so bad for me
And after a lot of things will have happened
You'll be sorry, that you'll be very afraid
You will know that what you left
Was what you wanted the most, but there is no remedy
December I liked for you to go
Let your cruel goodbye be my Christmas
I don't want to start the new year
With this same love that is so bad for me
And after a lot of things will have happened
You'll be sorry, that you'll be very afraid
You will know that what you left
Was what you wanted the most, but there is no remedy
December I liked for you to go
Let your cruel goodbye be my Christmas
I don't want to start the new year
With this same love that is so bad for me

Hades In The Dead Of Winter

I’m drawing your figure in the midst of this hellish winter
Everything vanishes, melted by the morning sunlight
I’m drawing your figure in the midst of this hellish winter
As I’m remembering about your figure melted on some distant memories
On my way back home, I’m touched by you
On a evening tainted in spurts of blood
On my cheeks which repel the drops of rain and blood
A corpse is reflected
Drawing my memories
On my way back home, I’m touched by you
On a evening tainted in spurts of blood
On my cheeks which repel the drops of rain and blood
A corpse is reflected
Even those feelings which now became empty
“Will come back, eventually” – that’s what you said

Shadow Where It Doesn’t Disappear

That girl disappeared
With sad eyes
If I could just avoid caring about her laugh, or everything
It would be the easiest thing
It would be easy, but…
And the fact I was with you
Is still left in here
As an unreachable memory
That doesn’t seem to disappear…

Vendemiaire’s Head

I’ve just ended up smiling following you,
Smiling just like you were on that day
Memories are slowly disappearing one after another
So be sure to remember them a bit longer, ok?
If they’ll be left on that girl’s recollection
Than I just won’t care about dying, any time will do
It would be okay to die
Memories are slowly disappearing one after another
So be sure to remember them a bit longer, ok?
If they’ll be left on that girl’s recollection…
If I’ll be left in your memories…
Memories are slowly disappearing one after another
So try remembering them until the moment you die, ok?
If I could kill you with these hands of mine
Than I just won’t care about dying, I would be ready for it
I just won’t mind dying

This song isn't sad

Silence is gold, but what is speech?
The end of ends is coming, so only words count
Sometimes I think I would've gave up a lot just not to be myself
And where there's lack of words, thoughts multiply
This song isn't sad, it's just angry
Because again it turned out that I don't know myself
Returning home, returning to hell
I thought I was living alone, but I'm not
They choose vodka and blow, I choose my ego and darkness
Why the hell would I need drugs? I have paranoia and darkness
One day all this and this fucking year will come to an end
They choose vodka and blow, I choose my ego and darkness
I overthink things so often, it became my hobby
It's a bit hazy in my head, how can I be smart?
I talk first, think later, burn the bridges
Then I burn joints to silence voices in my head
It's a mess and chaos in there
And though I'm not at standstill, trust me, it's not any better
I'm still young, but I've learned a couple of lessons already
And I'm in no rush anymore
Sometimes I think I would've gave up a lot just not to be myself
And where there's lack of words, thoughts multiply
They choose vodka and blow, I choose my ego and darkness
Why the hell would I need drugs? I have paranoia and darkness
One day all this and this fucking year will come to an end
They choose vodka and blow, I choose my ego and darkness

Dive With You

I’m ready for the dive tonight
Yes, maybe dynamite
I already threw away the compass
Just looking ahead and running, you and me
I give myself to you only
On a mattress carved with memories
When you jump in like a dream
Then we can be free from lies lies
Day or night
Shining, ride or die
Like it’s about to burst
As I’m holding you
If I don’t look back and run
I’ll give you everything
Every day is a picture of you and me
We are
Someone in the highlight
A paradise just for the two of us
Throwing ourselves at the end of this
Hug me more like it’s about to burst
You are
The summer of my life
I’ll fill up my eyes with you
This is our drama
Capture this moment
Everyday I dive with you
Everyday I dive with you
Everyday I dive with you
Everyday I dive with you
A little faster
Oh at the end of this time, you are beautiful
So don’t worry bout all
The heartache oh
When I’m by your side
This place shines more
When we touch the sky, it’s like having the whole world
Day or night
Shining, ride or die
Like it’s about to burst
As I’m holding you
If I don’t look back and run
I’ll give you everything
Every day is a picture of you and me
We are
Someone in the highlight
A paradise just for the two of us
Throwing ourselves at the end of this
Hug me more like it’s about to burst
You are
The summer of my life
I’ll fill up my eyes with you
This is our drama
Capture this moment
Tell me how you feel
It’s okay even if you lose it all
Even if it hurts, in the cold
If only this one thing
Written in us remains
I’ll jump in again oh oh...
We are
Someone in the highlight
A paradise just for the two of us
Throwing ourselves at the end of this
Hug me more like it’s about to burst
You are
The summer of my life
I’ll fill up my eyes with you
This is our drama
Capture this moment
Everyday I dive with you
Everyday I dive with you
Everyday I dive with you
Everyday I dive with you

吐く息 (hakuiki) (The Last Stage Of Change At The Deceased Remains)

My breath was completely white
Even if you’re not here
My breath was completely white
I won’t forgive it
Even though you’re not here

Shards of Memories

Alone, he writes
Short poems on the water
Oh, to find a Chinese blossom
And old wisdom within
Romances and friendships
Bitterweet moments
Its ancient silence
Knows it all
Someone’s blood
Carries away a hidden string
He, too, used it to write
A few chapters
On the death of beautiful deer
A panachida1
For the youthfullness
He forgot about
Shards of memories that return
Those precious shards of moments
The strange man
Who spent everything on nothing
For a couple words that will get jumbled with time
Memories are
Dancers’ muslintransparent, delicate and feather-light cotton fabric
They come
To tell us
Oh, to rewind this movie just once
To turn it back just once
To turn back time just once
To the point of loss
Oh, to fly just once to the place
Where we no longer are
To be alone for a while
To center yourself
Once you know
You lose everything
Once you find out
Love is no more
Shards of memories that return
Those precious shards of moments
Memories are
Poems hidden in us
A sadness
Handed out by time
Memories are
Dancers’ muslin
Try to find a couple of their words
On the water
Oh, to rewind this movie just once
To turn it back just once
To turn back time just once
To the point of loss
Oh, to fly just once to the place
Where we no longer are
To be alone for a while
To center yourself
Once you know
You lose everything
Once you find out
Love is no more
  • 1. a memorial service for the dead


Nehezen értem, talán ha a követ kacsáztatnám
Ha más úton mennék haza, az egész értelmet kapna
Vagy becsuknám a szemem és sikerülne tini hazugságokban elvesznem
Ha szerelembe esnék ezerszer, akkor érthetővé válna?
Mert én, én elég kicsinek érzem magam
Néha úgy érzem, hogy lecsúszom a falakon
És úgy tűnik, hogy minden sor, amit összehozook, szétesik
Felhívtalak és elmondhatnám neked, hogy mégis mennyire...
Nem, nem, talán inkább berúgok és akkor világos lesz az egész
Vagy ha nem lennék olyan rendes, meggyőzhetném a barátaimat, hogy nem volt igazad1
Megígérhetném neked, hogy a szívem nem fog sírni, de lenne az egésznek értelme?
Mert én, én elég kicsinek éreztem magam
Néha úgy érzem, hogy lecsúszom a falakon
És úgy tűnik, hogy minden sor, amit összehozook, szétesik
Óh, elég kicsinek érztem magam
Néha úgy érzem, hogy lecsúszom a falakon
És úgy tűnik, hogy minden sor, amit összehozook, szétesik
  • 1. Másik értelmezésben, 'hogy nem voltál jó'.